第 51 屆聯校科學展覽 促進創意科學交流 展現年輕科學人才創意
一班對科學擁有熱情的中學生合作籌辦了聯校科學展覽。第 51 屆聯校科學展覽(聯校科展)於 8 月 22 至 27 日連續 6 天在香港中央圖書館 展覽館舉行,老少咸宜,歡迎公眾參與,費用全免。在過去的五十年,聯校科學 展覽籌備委員會已經連續成功舉辦多屆聯校科學展覽。有賴贊助商、參展者以及 成員學校的鼎力支持,聯校科學展覽的成果多年來都得到廣泛認同,並吸引了大 量市民前來參觀。今屆以「反思」為主題,希望大眾能反省自身,檢討現時人們 常有的不良習慣,運用科學加以改正,並從環境、個人健康及安全三方面,減輕 這些習慣所帶來的影響。
The 51st Joint School Science Exhibition
‘Impossible is not a scientific term.’ Striding into the first year after the Golden Jubilee, a new chapter has been unveiled for our annual highlight — the Joint School Science Exhibition. The 51st Joint School Science Exhibition conquers all the impossibles and evokes your curiosity to enjoy, explore and probe into science. So what are you waiting for? Come and experience all the remarkable innovations!💡
The details are as follows:
Date and Time:
22 August 2018 || 1:00 - 7:00 p.m.
23-26 August 2018 || 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
27 August 2018 || 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Venue: Exhibition Gallery, Hong Kong Central Library
Admission Fee: Free
In the exhibition, not only are there creative exhibits compromising science and daily lives, there are interactive and fun workshops, like the Science Theatre and Kidsbond. We are very excited to see you there!
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