在過去,#網路攝影機 的概念是靜態的、需要廣佈建做連結的,無人機結合影像串流技術的發展,讓攝影機可以做巡航與尾隨,安全系統的佈建進入3D思維。 (https://lnkd.in/g7Am2TA)
初次設定要做好家中的地圖,把巡航路徑設定好。#RingAlwaysHomeCam 也跟 #RingAlarmSystem #智慧家庭安全系統 整合在一起。當用戶不在家時觸發家庭安全系統時,無人機將自動飛行設定的路徑以查看發生的情況。透過 Ring App,可以在飛行過程中透過影像串流,確保用戶可以了解家中發生的一切。
此外,#Ring 也做了幾款 #車載 產品,包括了一台 Car Cam 行車記錄器、一台跟 #OBD 車載診斷系統聯動的 Car Alarm 報警裝置。
還有一台跟 #特斯拉 USB口串接的 Car Connect,可以把 #Tesla 哨兵模式 (Sentry Mode) 拍攝下來的影片即時上傳雲服務 (VSaaS),結合了 #AI #人工智慧 跟 #5G 的 #VSaaS (Video Surveillance as a Service) 即將無所不在,難道不是嗎?
Ring 在整個智慧家庭的策略從視頻類產品與服務出發,帶入北美的主要需求互動式家庭安全系統 (Interactive Home Security System),接著就是往車載的方向發展,也包括了北美家戶必備的車道攝影機 (Floodlight Camera),在整個供應鏈中,台廠都扮演了重要的角色。可以說 Ring 的崛起與壯大,除了富到流油的富霸爸 Amazon 之外,台灣供應鏈的鼎力相助也是關鍵因素。
Ring Always Home Cam 是能幫你值守看家的小無人機 | Engadget 中文版
www.smarthomelab.tw #智慧家庭實驗室
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- 關於home security設定 在 請問台灣大寬頻Home Security 居家防護問題 - Mobile01 的評價
- 關於home security設定 在 短片】 180IB 如何設定密碼? - ABUS Home Security Hong Kong 的評價
- 關於home security設定 在 Spring Security(3)自定義登入頁面、控制角色權限登入 的評價
- 關於home security設定 在 axios/axios: Promise based HTTP client for the browser and ... 的評價
home security設定 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答
[時事英文] 使用 Zoom 風險自負
Don’t just let your information “zoom off” to someone else…sorry, that pun was terrible.
*zoom (v.): https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/zoom
Ever since many of us started working from home in the coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been invited to countless gatherings taking place on Zoom, the videoconferencing app. Virtual happy hours, work meetings, dinners, you name it. I’ve been a no-show, and it’s not just because my hair has grown embarrassingly long. It’s because I have a fundamental problem with Zoom.
1、coronavirus pandemic 冠狀病毒大流行疫情
2、gathering 聚會
3、take place 舉行;發生
4、videoconferencing 視訊會議
5、virtual 虛擬
6、you name it 凡是你說得出的都有;應有盡有
7、no-show 未按預訂到場者;未如約出席者
8、have a problem with sth/sb 認為……令人討厭(或無禮)
For the last year, I’ve been wary of the app. Zoom has had multiple privacy snafus in that period, which have come up so frequently that they became a game of Whac-a-Mole. The missteps included a weakness that would have allowed malware to attach to Zoom and hijack our web cameras. The issues with basic security practices culminated with “Zoombombing,” in which trolls crashed people’s video meetings and bombarded them with inappropriate material like pornography.
9、be wary of 當心;提防
10、snafus 大混亂;大謬誤
11、Whac-a-Mole 打地鼠
12、misstep 過失;失足
13、malware 惡意軟體(破壞電腦運作的軟體)
14、hijack 劫持
15、security practice 安全措施
16、culminate in/with sth 達到……的頂點;以……告終
17、troll (在網路上為引人關注或搗亂)故意留下激怒他人言論者
18、bombard 連續轟炸;不斷攻擊
19、bombard sb with sth 拿……圍攻……;向……大量提問
20、pornography 色情書刊(或電影等)
In a blog post last week, Zoom’s chief executive, Eric Yuan, apologized for all the mistakes and said the recent problems had largely been addressed. The company promised to focus on fixing its privacy and security issues over the coming months. If there is something déjà vu about all of this, you aren’t wrong. That’s because we find ourselves dealing with the same situation over and over again, focusing on the convenience of easy-to-use tech products over issues like data security and privacy.
21、chief executive(公司或機構的)執行長,總裁
22、address (v.) 處理
23、déjà vu 既視感;似曾相識的感覺
24、find oneself(不知不覺地)發現自己處於……中(或在做……事)
25、deal with 應付;處理
26、over and over again 一再地
27、data security 資料安全(即資安)
“There’s a revolving door,” said Matthew Guariglia, a policy analyst for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights nonprofit. “When you give your data to one company, you have no idea who else is going to have access to it, because so much of it happens behind the black box of company secrecy.” The onus is certainly on Zoom, not us, to fix the privacy and security problems of its app. But we can put pressure on Zoom by not accepting the situation. If you do use Zoom, do so with caution and strong security settings.
28、revolving door 旋轉門;循環往復
29、frontier 前沿;國境
30、digital rights 數位權利;數位版權
31、access 存取;讀取;進出
32、company secrecy 公司保密
33、onus 責任;義務
34、put pressure on 向……施壓;迫使某人(做某事)
35、strong security settings 高強度的安全設定
Tech companies can monetize user data in many ways without directly selling it, including by sharing it with other companies that mine the information for insights, according to research published by the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management. In some cases, tools to collect data from users are “rented” to third parties. Such practices would technically make it true that your personal data was not “sold,” but a company would still make money from your data. So what to do? In these difficult times, many of us have no better option than to use Zoom. So here are some steps to keep in mind.
36、monetize 從……賺錢;轉化為貨幣;貨幣化
37、mine (v.) 開採
38、make money 賺錢;營利
39、difficult times 艱困期*
40、keep sth in mind 記住;別忘了
* difficult times: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/difficult+times
home security設定 在 智慧家庭實驗室-智家嚴選 Facebook 的最讚貼文
中華電信推出了CHT Smart Home智能家居方案,與去年九月凱擘大寬頻推出的方案不會差很多,同樣是網路攝影機加上一些防盜警衛的智能配件,推出幾個套裝搭配寬頻方案採月租收費,但是設定費跟購買裝置的費用都沒少,讓人覺得中華電信這次推出智能家居難道是配合政府扶持物聯網的發展而作的嗎?為何這麼的不用心。
從凱擘大寬頻/台灣大寬頻與智邦合作,共同宣佈推出「Home Security居家防護」,來看VSaaS在台灣的發展
home security設定 在 短片】 180IB 如何設定密碼? - ABUS Home Security Hong Kong 的推薦與評價
【ABUS密碼鎖系列- 短片】 180IB 如何 設定 密碼? ·2 Komen. Suka. Komen. Kongsi. Lagi daripada ABUS Home Security Hong Kong. ... <看更多>
home security設定 在 Spring Security(3)自定義登入頁面、控制角色權限登入 的推薦與評價
要自定義頁面時,一樣到專門設定Spring Security中的一個 ... defaultSuccessUrl("/home") //成功登入之後導向 .and().authorizeRequests() //表示要 ... ... <看更多>
home security設定 在 請問台灣大寬頻Home Security 居家防護問題 - Mobile01 的推薦與評價
請問各位大大有人知道台灣大寬頻Home Security 居家防護的登入後台設定攝影機ip 位置嗎?和預設帳號密碼?不然換基地台名稱或是密碼還要請工程師來用想說不想麻煩自己 ... ... <看更多>