Tropical Storm arrangements of Hong Kong Computer and Communications Festival 2017
Due to the Weather forecast of the Hong Kong Observatory, the weather might be affected by the Tropical Storm Pakhar. Please note the following arrangements of Hong Kong Computer and Communications Festival 2017:
Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement and Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 (or above) is issued before the fair’s opening at 9am, the fair will be closed.
Pre-No. 8 Special Announcement and Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 (or above) is issued during the opening hours of the fair, the Organiser will make an announcement that the fair will close in two hours and stop selling tickets.
In the rare situation when a Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 (or above) is issued without a Pre-No. 8 (or above) Special Announcement, the Organiser will make an announcement that the fair will be closed immediately and stop selling tickets.
如於明天 (即8月27日) ,8號或以上颱風於下午4時之前除下或改掛較低訊號,展覽將於2小時後重開;下午4時以後除下或改掛較低訊號,展覽會將暫停一天。
If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 (or above) is cancelled before 4pm, the fair will be resumed after 2 hrs; if the Signal is cancelled after 4pm on 27 Aug 2017, the fair will remain closed.
如於展覽第4天 (即8月28日) ,8號或以上颱風於中午12時之前除下或改掛較低訊號,展覽將於2小時後重開;中午12時以後除下或改掛較低訊號,展覽會將暫停開放。
If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 (or above) is cancelled before 12noon, the fair will be resumed after 2 hrs; if the Signal is cancelled after 12noon on 28 Aug 2017 (Day 4), the fair will remain closed.
If Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 (or above) is cancelled, the opening hour of 27 Aug 2017 will be extended to 11pm and the opening hour of 28 Aug 2017will be extended to 7pm.
hong kong weather forecast香港天文台 在 香港天文台HKO 的推薦與評價
香港天文台 HKO, Hong Kong. ... 香港天文台官方專頁Official Facebook Page of the Hong Kong Observatory of the Hong ... Local Weather Forecast: url.hko.hk/flwe. ... <看更多>