Since it is the first post for the #wellnesswednesday series, let's talk about an essential topic: intellectual wellness.
So what is intellectual wellness? It is the ability to be open to new ideas, think critically, and recognise one's creative skills. In simpler words, intellectual wellness is finding ways to expand knowledge and skills. Intellectual wellness is vital as part of personal growth to become a more mindful and better-rounded individual.
How can you cultivate your intellectual wellness?
✦ Start a new hobby
✦ Learn a foreign language
✦ Read different book genres
✦ Do crosswords or sudoku puzzles
✦ Play games of strategy
✦ Improve your skills for learning & studying
✦ Writing down your thoughts of journal frequently
✦ Debate an issue with a friend, but choose the viewpoint opposite the one you hold
✦ Interact with the world around you - travel, visit a museum or watch an educational movie
✦ Do the opposite of what you usually do - take a different route to work or watch a movie you wouldn't be interested in.
✦ Meet and interact with people from different countries and backgrounds - you will be amazed by the stories they share
There are hundreds of fun things you can do to cultivate your intellectual wellness. Which of these options would you add to your list?