Minggu lepas waktu PKP, Awesome TV (123) buat marathon filem Back to The future, saya pun layan balik dan movie ini sangat mengimbau kenangan zaman kanak kanak saya dahulu.
Maklumlah, Filem BTTF ini merupakan filem pertama yang saya layang di panggung wayang, walaupun bukan Part1 tapi ianya adalah Back To The Future part 3 pada tahun 1990!
Gigih kayuh basikal 15 km, tiket RM2 ringgit, masuk wayang kerusi kayu, siap ada orang hisap rokok dan makan mee goreng, kulit kuaci bersepah sepah!
Umur baru 12 tahun masa tu, tapi itulah sumber hiburan untuk budak miskin macam saya zaman tu, rumah takde player video! Jadi tengok Wayang adalah pilihan utama, gigih kerja sambilan kumpul duit untuk layan movie terkini.
Arwah mak saya sangat garang, jika dia tahu anaknya pergi tengok wayang memang kena rotan berbirat birat, tapi lepas mak dah tua, datang rumah saya tengok ada gitar dan DVD, mak saya okey jer, sebab katanya saya dah jadi manusia, dan mak bangga dapat anak macam saya-Woha!
Alkisahnya, tahun 80-an, lepas tengok Back To The Future part One di TV2, yang mana hero secara tak sengaja ke zaman mak ayah dia, lalu selamatkan maruah keluarga, maka Back To The Future part Two, hero ke zaman hadapan untuk selamatkan anak cucu pulak, lepas tu bersambung ke part Three, hero nak selamatkan nenek moyang, maka semua tu saya hanya tonton di Tv2 dalam slot Mega Movie!
Maka teruja dengan iklan part Three.. terus sanggup seorang saya dan kawan kawan berbasikal ke Panggung Rex Kuala Terengganu sebalah Pasaraya Hock Kee Seng nak tengok sambungan!
Sekarang Panggung tu dah tutup jadi kedai kain.
Namun zaman berganti zaman, filem Back To The Futere ini kekal sebagai rujukan filem merentas masa paling menghiburkan lakonan Micheal J Fox sebaga Mc Fly!
Ringkas cerita, bila bercerita tentang pengembaraan mesin masa, maka ada dua teori yang diguna pakai agar korang tidak keliru dalam memahami jalur cerita, iaitu Paradox Universe dan Parallel Universe.
Paradox Universe macam filem Back To The Future (1985) inilah, , masa lalu diubah supaya masa depan berubah, contohnya bila hero ke masa lalu berjumpa ibunya di waktu muda dan ibunya jatuh cinta pada hero, maka hero mulai tidak wujud, maka hero kena cepat-cepat pergi ajar ayah dia agar mengorat mak dia! Kalau tak dia tak akan wujud!
Sama macam filem Terminator(1984), Oleh sebab di masa hadapan John Conour akan hapuskan semua robot jahat, maka robot jahat hantar tenteranya ke masa lalu untuk bunuh ibu yang akan lahirkan John Conour, lalu dari masa hadapan Kyle Reese datang untuk selamatkan Ibu John Conour, alih alih, Kyle Reese menjadi ayah kepada John Conour-itu yang menjadikan ianya Paradox Universe.
Nak lebih pening dalam bab Paradox Universe, korang tengok filem Predestination (2014), kisah aku perempuan, jumpa aku lelaki, aku kahwin dengan aku dapat anak juga seorang aku, anak aku kena culik dengan aku, aku kena bunuh penculik anak aku, rupanya aku yang culik anak aku, dan aku dibunuh oleh aku, tapi aku di tolong oleh aku, ha ha ha, pening tak?
Okey, itu cerita Paradox Universe.., manakala Parallel Universe pula macam cerita Dragon Ball, masa lalu diubah tapi masa depan tidak berubah sebaliknya masa lalu yang diubah membentuk Universe yang baru. Contoh bila Goku mati, maka Trunks kembali ke zaman Goku hidup dan ubah sejarah, tapi bila dia balik ke masa hadapan tiada apa yang berubah kerana masa silam yang diubah telah menjadi Universe yang berlainan.
Inilah juga yang diguna dalam filem Avengers Endgame, Parallel Universe, iaitu masa lalu diubah tapi masa depan tidak berubah sebaliknya masa lalu yang diubah membentuk Universe yang baru.
Namun oleh kerana kewujudan Infitinity Stone mempengaruhi keseimbangan alam, maka ianya perlu dipulangkan untuk terus mengimbangi universe masing masing.
Al faham ke idop?
Balik ke dunia Islam, ada beberapa cerita tentang pengembaraan masa seperti kisah tujuh pemuda yang tidur selama tiga ratus tahun tapi berasa seperti hanya satu malam, juga Nabi melihat masa depan, seperti Nabi melihat melihat Abdul Rahman merangkak di Syurga sedangkan waktu itu Abdul Rahman masih hidup di dunia. (boleh rujuk hadis)
Atau yang lebih jelas, turunnya Surah Al Masad, Surah yang memberitahu di masa hadapan Abu Lahab akan masuk neraka bersama isterinya.
Surah ini turun waktu Abu Lahab masih hidup, dan beliau sangat marah dan terus menentang Nabi, padahal, jika kita fikir logic, sepatutnya inilah peluang Abu Lahab untuk cipta Parallel Universe iaitu ambik peluang ini untuk bertaubat, masuk islam dan ubah masa depan! Tapi Abu Lahab tak ambik peluang ini kerana masa dan takdir itu di tangan Allah.
Di sisi Allah, tiada orang dibenarkan untuk undur ke masa lalu supaya dapat bertaubat, sebab itu dalam Al quran turun ayat: Demi masa semua manusia dalam kerugian, bermakna masa tidak dapat diundur untuk manusia, dalam hadis pula, selalu dipesan, guna lima perkara sebelum lima perkara, sihat sebelum sakit, kaya sebelum miskin, lapang sebelum sibuk, muda sebelum tua dan hidup sebelum mati. Jadi secara kesimpulanya, masa di cipta kearah hadapan dan akan habis untuk manusia ambil peluang mengabdi diri kepada Allah.
Hadis lain pula tentang kisah Allah menulis takdir, yang mana pena (takdir) telah terangkat dan dakwat (timeline) telah kering, maka focus kita didunia ini, bukan nak ubah takdir semalam, tapi nak ubah takdir masa hadapan kerana kita belumpun tahu masa hadapan lalu Allah berfirmah:
“Aku tidak akan mengubah nasib kaum yang tidak mahu berubah”
Nampak tak? So dalam Islam, masih common sense dulu dan sekarang iaitu masa bergerak ke hadapan dan akan habis, gunakan masa sebaiknya sementara nyawa belum habis. Simple!
Jadi tak payah pening kepala fikir nak balik ke masa lalu untuk ubah sejarah, sebaliknya fokuslah pada baki nikmat yang ada untuk bertaubat, kerana selagi nyawa masih ada, pintu taubat terbuka luas walau dosa besar macam mana pun.
Nanti bila pintu keretamayat terbukak, korang pulak masuk terbujur kaku sebab pintu taubat dan tertutup, maka saya bawa laju-laju macam kereta DeLorean pun akan tetap bawa korang ke masa depan, iaitu Neraka! Nauzubilah!
“Habis tu abang mayat, memang takde peluanglah dalam sains untuk cipta mesn masa ke belakang?”
Yer dik, sebab undur masa bertentangan dengan Al quran, jadi fokuslah rezeki yang masih ada ditangan untuk guna sebagai jalan bertaubat, dalam Al quran dah cerita kisah ahli neraka nak undur kembali ke dunia tapi permintaan mereka tidak di layan oleh Allah.
Namun jika korang masih ada niat nak guna mesin masa secara islamik, masih ada ‘cara’nya, saya pernah guna sewaktu mendaki gunung Kinabalu beberapa tahun lepas.
Link Video naik Kinabalu: https://youtu.be/zmS_n7y_w3Q
Alkisahnya, lagi satu kilometer nak sampai ke puncak, waktu itu saya rasa diri ini adalah sangat-sangat penat, saya terus duduk berehat, urut betis, dan terbaring sambil pejam mata dan tutup telinga lalu terbang ke masa depan.
Saya terus sampai ke hospital kuala Terengganu di tahun 2040 kot? Saya ternampak diri saya yang sudah tua, sudah terbaring di katil hospital, makan tak boleh guna mulut, kena guna tiub, badan di cucuk ubat setiap satu jam, mata terkebil kebil menerima takdir, lepas tu anak anak datang cerita masalah hidup, anak mengadu tak cukup wang nak tanggung kos bedah, bini menangis atas kerusi roda, sedih sungguh.
Lepas tu saya rasa nak berak, tapi tak boleh bergerak, datang Jururawat lelaki bukak seluar saya dan basuh punggung saya dengan kasar sebab saya dah terberak, sedih hati sebab tak mampu basuh berak lalu saya pejam mata dan berdoa agar saya dapat kembali ke zaman silam, kembali ke kaki gunung kinabalu, zaman saya sihat dulu dulu. Berikan Saya Paradox Universe!
Dan Alhamdulillah! doaku makbul!
Saya bukak mata, saya tiba tiba ada di pertengahan gunung kinabalu, saya pandang kiri kanan menikmati pandangan yang indah, saya hisap tamar manis dengan nikmat, saya teguk air gunung dengan bahagia, saya melompat lompat tak sabar nak teruskan mendaki, lalu saya teruskan mendaki sambil tersenyum bahagia, menikmati kekuatan kaki melangkah, menikmati deruan angin, menikmati kurma kering, menikmati nikmat sihat, dan menikmati setiap detik! Alhamdulillah, terus saya berzikir kesyukuran tak henti henti, lalu akhirnya saya sampai ke puncak Gunung Kinabalu dengan jiwa yang penuh dengan kedamaian dah kebahagian serta kesyukuran.
Alhamdulillah. Nikmat mana lagi saya dustakan?
Link Video naik Kinabalu: https://youtu.be/zmS_n7y_w3Q
So, nasihat saya, bila korang semua ada masalah, sedang sedih, sedang berduka cita, cepat cepat gunakan mesin masa, pergi ke masa depan, rasai pengalaman menderita di hospital, ambik masa lima ke sepeuluh minit duduk sana, rasai penderitaan di sana, lagi lama lagi bagus dan bila dah tak cukup sabar, kembalilah ke masa silam iaitu hari ini.
Sungguh hari ini sangat indah, langit sedang membiru, pohon sangat menghijau. Burung berkicauan, rama rama terbang, dan nikmat udara ini, rasanya sangat sedap! PKP ini membuka sejadah yang indah untuk dicucrkan air mata taubat.
Untuk kesan yang lebih tinggi, korang pergi ke masa depan yang lebih jauh, bukan ke zaman 2050 atau 3000, tapi bayangkan diri masuk neraka berpelukkan dengan Abu Lahab berguling-guling atas bara api, lalu korang menangis air mata darah merayu malaikat Malik penjaga Neraka agar kembalikan korang ke dunia, tapi Malaikat tak layan, malah dipukul muka korang sampai pecah berkecai dan bercantum kembali, lalu korang menangis air mata nanah merayu kepada Allah untuk dihantar semula ke dunia, takpelah PKP pun, I sinar tak lulus pun takpe, takpe jugak minyak tak turun hargapun, tol tak mansuh pun tak per, asal dapat ke dunia dan dapat merasai nikmat beribadat.
Oh Tuhan, saya telah merasai azabnya neraka yang dahulu saya minta disegerakan (kerana tidak beriman), maka kembalikanlah saya kedunia walaupun sekadar satu perahan susu agar dapat saya menyebut namaMu didunia yang mana menurut NabiMu, sesiapa sahaja pernah ucap kalimah “Tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah”, pasti akan dikeluarkan dari Neraka walau dosa sebanyak buih di lautan, Oh Allah yang Maha Pengampun! Kembalilah kami ke dunia!
Oleh sebab daya imigansi korang terlalu tinggi, semua gambaran dalam neraka tu betul betul dapat dirasai buat korang menangis teresak esak, Sekali korang buka mata! Nah! Elok ada depan Telefon waktu PKP, perghhh, doa korang termakbul, sesungguhnya koranglah manusia paling bertuah! Tiada lagi penat, tiada lagi keluhan. Tiada lagu dukacita, Korang masih ada didunia sedang baca coretan ini, dan masih sempat Bertaubat! Alhamdulillah! Doa Paradox Universe korang dah makbul!
Jadi pergi berdoa syukur sekarang, dan jika teringat, sebutlah namaku dalam doamu, chewah…
Ps: Siapa siapa yang ada pintu TENET atau laci meja Doraemon Nobita, atau kereta terbang delorean time machine, atau cecair Ant Man atau mana mana mesin masa... tolong jangan pergi ke tahun 1990 bagitahu mak saya bahawa hamka sedang tengok wayang-Tolong!
Link Video naik Kinabalu: https://youtu.be/zmS_n7y_w3Q (Tolong Like dan Subcribe Channel Youtube saya, terima kasih)
同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過16萬的網紅Studio Megaane,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【チャンネル登録】⇒https://goo.gl/ZQ3v90 【動画検索】⇒http://studiomegaane.com/ 【Apple Music】⇒https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/studio-megaane/1472190745 【Twitter】⇒...
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- 關於i robot movie 在 Studio Megaane Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於i robot movie 在 I, Robot (2004) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers - YouTube 的評價
- 關於i robot movie 在 I, ROBOT CLIP COMPILATION (2004) Will Smith - YouTube 的評價
- 關於i robot movie 在 I, ROBOT Clip - "What Am I?" (2004) - YouTube 的評價
- 關於i robot movie 在 "I, Robot" movie still, 2004. L to R: Bridget Moynahan, Will Smith. 的評價
- 關於i robot movie 在 I, Robot - Home - Facebook 的評價
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ROBOCOP (1987) was released today.
Let’s celebrate one of the best movies ever made.
“I’d buy that for a dollar!”
The screenplay had been offered to (and been rejected by) virtually every big director in Hollywood before Paul Verhoeven got hold of it. He threw it away after reading the first pages, convinced it was just a dumb action movie. However, his wife read it all the way through and convinced him that the story was layered with many satirical and allegorical elements, after which Verhoeven finally decided to direct the film.
The RoboCop suit was designed by Rob Bottin and his team. The production team wasn't satisfied with the initial design, and kept changing it and putting additions to it for months. Ultimately, nothing seemed to work and they went back to what was pretty much Bottin's original design. This caused considerable delays, and by the time the suit was completed, it was three weeks late and arrived at the studio on the day that the first RoboCop scene was scheduled to be shot. It took 11 hours for Bottin's people to fit Peter Weller into the suit, and when it was done Weller found that all his mime exercises were now useless because he needed time to get used to the suit and to perform as a robot in it. Production was halted so that Weller and his mime coach, Moni Yakim, could learn how to move in the suit. The suits were the most expensive items on set. While the price range varies, the producers indicated that they spent anywhere between US$500,000 to US$1 million for the suit.
A very unique part of this movie like other Paul Verhoeven movies is how he brings you more into the universe, news coverage and fake commercials are featured in the film all combined are over 5 minutes long. The world of future Detroit was actually shot in Dallas, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Los Angeles. The locations were all seamlessly woven together making it feel like one city by Production Designer William Sandell.
Because the hands of the ROBOCOP suit were made of foam rubber, the car keys would bounce off of Peter Weller's hand every time he attempted to catch them. The production took up to 50 takes and an entire day's worth of filming before finally getting the shot right.
Paul Verhoeven and Robocop suit creator Rob Bottin clashed repeatedly before and during production over the design and make-up of the RoboCop character. What they argued most about was the scene where Murphy takes off his helmet. Bottin wanted the scene to be filmed in a darkened area, fearing that harsh light would reveal too much of the make-up effects; Verhoeven wanted the scene to be filmed as brightly as possible, citing that director of photography Jost Vacano would be able to light it properly without revealing anything. Verhoeven got his way and Bottin refused to talk to him any further for the remainder of production. However, at the premiere, both men were so impressed with how the scene had turned out, that they instantly forgave each other. Bottin, who had even vowed to never again work with Verhoeven, happily accepted the offer to work on Verhoeven's next project, Total Recall (1990).
To Bring ED-209 designed by the great Craig Davis to life for some of the sequences Phil Tippet and Randal M. Dutra in my opinion did some of the best stop motion work ever done, I think what makes it so epic and memorable is yes it’s super smooth and almost seamless the way it cuts from stop motion to go motion but what’s truly special to me is the amount of character and humor they were able to provide for ED-209, this being the perfect example, the way ED-209 tries to navigate the stairs its almost toddler like, the sound editors even added a baby tantrum mixed with a pig sound effect as ED-209 tries to get up at the bottom of the stairs. stop motion animators Harry Walton and Tom St. Amand also helped make some beautiful work on this sequence.
Enforcement Droid 209's voice is that of producer Jon Davison, its growls are of a jaguar, and its squeals are of a pig. ED-209's body was based on the design of a Bell helicopter and the overall appearance is reminiscent of a line of toys named Robotech (1985) which were based on a 1980s Japanese anime series.
Peter Weller said one of his favorite memories of his film career was filming the drug bust sequence. While filming the sequence, Weller was listening to Peter Gabriel's song "Red Rain" on his Walkman inside the RoboCop helmet as he exchanged gunfire with various bad guys.
The shootout at the cocaine factory was not originally intended to be so fast-paced. The automatic guns used in the scene kept malfunctioning during filming. Most camera shots did not provide more than three seconds of usable footage, because most guns were usually jammed by that time. This necessitated quick cuts during editing, which proved to be advantageous for the scene.
RoboCop's first Directive, "Serve the public trust", was inspired by a fortune cookie.
The convenience store robber was played by the movie's stunt men who gladly accepted to be one of RoboCop's victims and contributed the idea of being hit into the door of the glass cooler.
The film was submitted to the MPAA 12 times before securing an R rating.
The script for Robocop was rejected by just about every major movie studio since it was conceived in the early 1980s. Orion films took the chance and Robocop's success continued on with 2 follow up sequels to the movie, two cartoon series, a television show, several comic book series, and a made for TV series of 4 movie length episodes as well as a fan made parody film. It has also spawned over a billion dollars in children and adult toy lines and collector statues which are still being released to date.
“Your move creep”
In Sacramento, California, a robbery suspect fled into a darkened movie theatre to escape pursuing police. He became so engrossed in the movie playing on screen (RoboCop), that he failed to notice that police had evacuated all other patrons from the theatre. When the lights flipped on, the stunned man was taken into custody.
Thank you for your cooperation
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Are you ready for the motherload?
WE ARE ON DAY 18 of self-quarantine and still really like each other! Here are some of our favorite play ideas that we've loved doing as a family and independently.
Oobleck (cornstarch + water)
Playdough (recipe saved under my highlights on ig @rachealkwacz)
Simple dough (flour + water)
Slime (recipe on ig!)
Organic slime (psyllium husk + water heated up)
Ice (add water, add salt, add food coloring, freeze it w a toy inside, the list is endless!)
Baths (bubbles, bath bombs, "swimming", use your sand toys, kitchen tools, etc)
Sily putty
Mud (soil and water)
Clean mud (shredded paper + soap shavings + water)
Shredded paper
Shaving cream
*Food sources are a precious commodity at the moment (we haven't been to a grocery store!) so we've really been conserving all our dry goods for however long we might need to quarantine for which means we're really rotating between just a few things (water, soil, slime, etc) so don't worry about having to come out with something new everyday. They are honestly happy to play with the same medium, it allows them to come out with different creations and explore deeper!
Dance party
Hide and seek
Treasure hunt
Obstacle course
Balance board
Jump rope
Jumping on the bed
Coloring - there are a ton of cool printables including a very fun one from sereni & shentel
Paper mache - glue w paste made from cooked flour and water
Different textures of paper
Cardboard painting
Honestly, Ella Grace has a little art table so she really just leads this. We just make the materials available for her and she comes out with some gems! My best advice however is for painting or anything that's "messy", let them paint in the shower! We strip her down, she paints on the glass to her heart's content, the clean up and hosing it down is part of the fun then a shower after! No stains on clothes, no worrying about wet paint or where to hang all the artwork later and best of all, minimal clean-up!
The sky is the limit on this one and honestly, the world (or anything she can find within our four walls) is her oyster
Costume jewelry
Blanket - she has a soft bamboo muslin wrap from when she was little that she uses for everything. It's probably her most used toy in the house she plays w it so much - cape, hat, skirt, scarf, etc
Forts - use flat sheets or blankets and pillows and see what you can build with what you have!
Cardboard - build a robot suit or an entire landscape!
Restaurant - there's an instruction leaflet from a game that Ella Grace likes to use as a "menu" which again goes back to…use your imagination! You don't have to have a "kitchen" to play cooking!
Salon - hair, facials, manis, pedis, even daddy gets to have a go!
Construction - one of our favorite things to do is just build. We recycle old egg cartons, boxes, packaging materal, magnatiles - Bueno Blocks has an incredible selection of open-ended toys!
Real life - honestly this the best and total win-win! She helps me cook, cut, prep, mop, sweep, vaccuum, make beds, wipe, clean, etc and is actually a really big help!!
Reading (she does a lot of this both independently and together as a family)
Writing/activity books - this is really optional. Our ethos is play is learning and learning has to come from within so we don't push "school" at all. She has a bunch of workbooks gifted from various places that she likes to take out and work on whenever and we just allow it to be part of free play and because it's not a "chore" she loves it
Pretend cooking show!!
Podcasts (refer to previous post for our extensive list of favorites!)
TV time - she has set tv time while I make dinner and her favorite programs are Hi-5, The Wiggles, Fireman Sam, Paw Patrol! We also do movie night once a week and it includes snacks and lots of cuddling!
Gardening - grow a little patio/balcony garden. We planted some cilantro roots and sprouted onions!!
Friendship bracelets
Make a jumprope!
Learn a new language or skill
Picnic on your balcony if you have one or a pretend picnic in your living room!
Balls - seriously, there are so many things you can do w ball! Ella Grace had an entire afternoon of fun and made-up games by herself with just a little wooden ball and basket.
Mostly, just remember this. It's okay if they get bored. In fact, allow them to be. Remember the ball and the basket story? She had so much fun because we've actively allowed her to just explore, be creative, be bored, use her imagination, and not micromanage or set up all her play for her. The key to surviving and even thriving(!) isn't to plan out every second of their day, the key to surviving MCO is to trust her and allow room for adventure and fun. Be flexible. Freedom within boundaries, mama.
The only way through is to do it together and sometimes that means having her play by herself while I work and the other times, it means really checking in, being present, and playing along with her!
That's the secret.❤
Share the love with your mama tribe! xx
i robot movie 在 Studio Megaane Youtube 的最讚貼文
【Apple Music】⇒https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/studio-megaane/1472190745
【再生リスト「2020's 8bit」】⇒https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz4hpi3aJ2GFiDiJXNNs6mJXXfIvNEE5H
「Strange and Wonderful Creatures/Pokémon the Movie: Secrets of the Jungle」
歌 - トータス松本(ウルフルズ)/ 作詞・作曲 - 岡崎体育 / 編曲 - 野村陽一郎
【劇場版ポケットモンスター ココ】2020年
原案 - 田尻智 制作 - OLM,Inc. OLM Digital,Inc.
#劇場版ポケットモンスターココ #ふしぎなふしぎな生きもの #8bit #StudioMegaane #chiptune
i robot movie 在 OTAKING / Toshio Okada Youtube 的精選貼文
[play List]OTAKING talk English -Japan culture and animation
Thanks for watching the video! Subscribe to our channel for all the latest updates & videos! Motivation for English dubbing will increase.
This video menu
00:00 Opening
00:40 "Devilman Crybaby" is boring, isn't it?
05:18 "Pop Team Epic" is precious
07:00 When you say "Laputa" 4 types
10:00 "Laputa" as SF
10:10 "Future Profile" Clark's Three Principles
14:00 Can it be realized? "Tiger Moss"
21:00 Half SF "Flapter"
23:49 Half SF "Robot Soldier"
27:50 Mystery of "Levitation Stone"
34:21 Relationship with "Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water"
41:25 About the "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" main unit
45:25 Hayao Miyazaki's memo
47:30 Movie art thrown away by Hayao Miyazaki
49:00 Front broadcast ending
In this channel, the founder of Gainax, one of the cornerstones of Japanese animation, Toshio Okada, called "Otaking(Nerd King)", who produced the animation, explained the lesser-known Japanese culture and animation. I am.
This video was created on January 14, 2018 originally sent in Japanese, but for many people who are interested in Japanese anime, we have created dubbed audio in English.
If you are interested in this continuation, please take a look at our videos!
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i robot movie 在 Studio Megaane Youtube 的精選貼文
【Apple Music】⇒https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/studio-megaane/1472190745
【再生リスト「2010's 8bit」】⇒https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLz4hpi3aJ2GGisc-Ec1W0yqbRvU3Al8UA
【再生リスト「ロボットアニメ -Mecha anime 8bit-」】⇒https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL066E7E79CD9B1AE8
「Qualia/Mobile Suit Gundam 00 the Movie: A Wakening of the Trailblazer」
作詞: TAKUYA∞、作曲: UVERworld、編曲: UVERworld・平出悟/ 歌 - UVERworld
【劇場版 機動戦士ガンダム00 -A wakening of the Trailblazer-】2010年
監督 - 水島精二 / アニメーション制作 - SUNRISE
【Studio Megaane】⇒https://teespring.com/stores/studio-megaane
【State of Japan "Dot"】⇒https://teespring.com/stores/state-of-japan-dot
【Electric guitar "Dot"】⇒https://teespring.com/stores/electric-guitar-dot
#機動戦士ガンダム00 #クオリア #8bit #StudioMegaane #chiptune
i robot movie 在 I, ROBOT CLIP COMPILATION (2004) Will Smith - YouTube 的推薦與評價
I, ROBOT CLIP COMPILATION (2004) Will SmithPLOT: In 2035, a technophobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, ... ... <看更多>
i robot movie 在 I, ROBOT Clip - "What Am I?" (2004) - YouTube 的推薦與評價
While investigating the apparent suicide of a renowned robot designer, detective Spooner teams with robo-psychologist Dr. Susan Calvin (Bridget ... ... <看更多>
i robot movie 在 I, Robot (2004) Trailer #1 | Movieclips Classic Trailers - YouTube 的推薦與評價
While investigating the apparent suicide of a renowned robot designer, detective Spooner teams with robo-psychologist Dr. Susan Calvin (Bridget ... ... <看更多>