The Ibu Nakhoda Hidup entrepreneurship program for mothers co-organised by Mydin Mohamed Holdings Berhad (MYDIN), Procter & Gamble (P&G) Malaysia, and Pertubuhan Pembangunan Kendiri Wanita dan Gadis (WOMEN:girls) celebrates its 5th year of providing support and assistance to mother entrepreneurs or also known as "mompreneurs" all across Malaysia with a focus of evolution.
This year Ibu Nakhoda Hidup will showcase the 20 alumni's business through the INH Bazaar platforms which will be introduced in MYDIN Malaysia #SubangJaya Selangor from 8 March until 10 March and in MYDIN MITC Melaka from 22 March until 24 March 2019.Accompany this will be the Ibu Nakhoda Hidup Roadshows covering 10 MYDIN locations nationwide kickstart from 8 March until 12 May 2019. MYDIN Malaysia
The public are invited to participate in the Ibu Nakhoda Hidup "Mak Aku Cakap" #instagramcontest where they need come up with creative video parodies of the advices and comments they often get from their mothers. Contest from 8 March until 15 May 2019 where 3 winners will be selected to win RM1,000 worth of MYDIN #shoppingvouchers.
#ibunakhodahidup2019 #ibunakhodahidup