【「秒殺」英文點講? 】必學!必俾Like!
例句1: 琴日我遇到個好勁嘅對手,結果比佢秒殺囉!
I met a very strong opponent yesterday and he easily knocked me out!
例句2: 同我拗手瓜?我實秒殺你㗎!
Arm-wrestling with me? I can knock you down in a second!
例句3: 你好肚餓定喇!秒殺晒成張枱啲嘢食嘅!
You must be starving! You’ve just finished the whole table of food in a flash!
例句4: 佢精簡嘅回覆秒殺晒所有批評佢嘅人呀。
His concise reply gives all those who criticise him a knockout blow.
例句5: 好易啫!我好有信心可以秒殺佢!
It’s just a piece of cake! I’m confident to get it done in an instant!例句6: 甲:你覺得佢喺forum答成點呀?乙:秒殺啦!
A: What do you think about his reply on the forum? B: Touché!
例句7: 想秒殺英文?睇呢本書啦!
Do you want to master English in the blink of an eye? Let’s read this book!
#PatrickSir英語通通識 #小學雞英語_系列 #秒殺
#PatrickSir #HKEdutainer
Supported by EDFLOW-Education
Produced by @Giraffe International Productions
instant例句 在 琪人譯事:翻譯途中的文化風景 Facebook 的最佳貼文
bake - to make (food, such as bread and cake) by preparing a dough, batter, etc., and cooking it in an oven using dry heat
EX: We bake bread and cake in an oven.
toast - to make (as bread) crisp, hot, and brown by heat
EX: She toasted bread for breakfast.
roast - to cook (food such as chicken, potatoes, or beef) with dry heat in an oven or over a fire
EX: He roasted a chicken for dinner.
grill - to cook (food) on a metal frame over fire
EX: Grill the burgers for eight minutes each side.
broil - to cook by direct exposure to radiant heat
EX: They broiled a turkey over charcoal.
接著,試著用知名語料庫COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English) 搜尋這些動詞,並各舉出搜尋結果的三個例子:
bake -
1. Grate fresh ginger (dried may not be as potent) into stir-fries or even bake it into cookies.
2. Defrost frozen spinach in a casserole dish, top with shredded Parmesan, and bake at 350 degrees until the top is golden brown.
3. Bake peppers until breadcrumbs are golden, about 10 minutes.
toast -
1. Brush baguette slices on both sides with olive oil; toast bread until golden, then flip and repeat.
2. Toast the bread until golden.
3. HEAT oil in small nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add mustard seeds, curry powder, and cumin. Toast, stirring, until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
roast -
1. Roast peppers directly under broiler or over an open flame, turning frequently until blistered and blackened on all sides, 6 to 8 minutes.
2. Roast until bacon is crisp, 15 to 20 minutes, stirring halfway through to break up any clumps.
3. Roast chicken until skin is golden brown and an instant-read thermometer reaches 167F when inserted into thickest part of thigh, 50 to 60 minutes.
grill -
1. Brush one side of each pizza with 1 tablespoon olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and grill with oiled side facedown on grates for 9 minutes.
2. That's why I grill lamb, usually a butterflied leg.
3. Grill or broil the meat 6 to 7 minutes, and then freeze the cooked beef for 5 minutes so you can slice it thinly with ease.
broil -
1. Arrange the sliced meat on a baking sheet, top with the vegetables, and add a few thin shavings of Gruyere cheese on top. Broil 1 minute.
2. Season fish with salt and pepper. Arrange in single layer on sheet pan lined with nonstick foil. Broil until cooked through, about 6 minutes.
3. Slice zucchini lengthwise into 1/8 " -to 1/4 " -thick slices with mandoline or sharp knife. Working in batches, arrange slices in single layer on prepared pans and coat tops with spray. Broil 6 " from heat until golden, 5 minutes.
bake - In the case of cakes or casseroles the food fills the pan so that you get even cooking but the food does not dry out. Also used as a general term for cooking almost anything in the oven.
toast - Generally the heat is both top and bottom (or side to side in a toaster) and it is a dry cooking method with a food that has little moisture, bread for example.
roast - Higher temperature with the intent to caramelize the outer portion of the food to bring out flavor. An example of this would be roasting a piece of meat, or vegetables. The pan is large enough to allow heat to reach most sides of the food that is being cooked.
grill - The heat comes from the bottom to cook the food.
broil - The heat comes from the top to cook the food.
bake - 食材通常是麵糰,用來烤麵包、糕點、餅乾等,但也可以指魚肉、燉菜、馬鈴薯等多種食物;烹調時間長;使用器具為烤箱。
toast - 食材通常是水份極少的麵包(如法國長棍麵包、吐司);烹調時間通常較短;使用器具基本上為烤麵包機;此外,這個動詞最終目的是將食材烤至金黃、酥脆。
roast - 食材通常是雞、豬、牛等,以一大塊肉或整隻動物的形式,也可指馬鈴薯、花生、栗子、咖啡豆、堅果類包覆在鋁箔中;烹調時間較長、溫度較高;使用器具為烤箱或炭火;若指肉類,最終目的是將食材烤至金黃、酥脆。
grill - 食材不拘;烹調時間較broil長;使用器具為烤箱或烤架,尤其是指放於鐵網上烤;熱源來自下方。
broil - 食材不拘;烹調時間很短;使用器具為烤箱,需先預熱;熱源來自上方,溫度極高,十分接近食材,以快速烤熟食物為目的,烤箱門通常打開來烤。
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