The kids said "Mama, it's a good thing we went for our cruise at the end of last year!" Yup, I think we were indeed very lucky in terms of timing and we thoroughly loved every bit of our first mum-and-kids cruise on board Quantum of the Seas.
It might be a couple of years, or perhaps even more, before we will think of going for our next cruise. Yup, so these pictures we took on board are definitely some precious moments that I cherish deeply. The kids always like to rewatch their video too so that we can think back and reminisce the fun experiences we had. We might miss travelling but it's much, much more important to stay safe and be socially responsible. So we are contented to stay on our shores for as long as we can and in the meantime find other ways to broaden our horizons, like watching documentaries or reading books from Lonely Planet.
Anyway, I thought of posting this because we just watched Titanic a couple of days ago. The girls had been asking me for a long time to let them watch the show as they heard about it from their friends and the big girl even learnt some facts about the ship in school. Well, thanks to the long weekend, we finally found time to do.
It was my nth time watching it yet I still thoroughly enjoyed and was touched by many scenes from this classic movie. One of the kids kept tearing, one was very 感动 while one had a million questions to ask. Haha. I was just pretty amazed that we sat through the over 3-hour long movie together, though we did have snack breaks and toilet breaks in between.
Vacations and movie nights are two of the family bonding activities we love. So now that we can't enjoy the former, I think we will look forward to the latter even more. We do watch the news, documentaries, variety shows and cartoons from time to time too, but nothing beats a good movie with an engaging plot that keeps us glued to our seats. In thise sense, I am actually happy to let my kids be my best movie kakis since they were young.
Happy Hump Day, people! It's gonna be an exciting week ahead for all of us for sure!
#ahappymum #mumandkidscruise #royalcaribbean #quantumoftheseas #itmighttakealongtimebutwewillbeback #noholidayfornow #butitsok