[Jerry 緊急尋找中途]
Jerry 兩星期前有去試養, 可惜試養家庭原來的小型犬受不了Jerry 的熱情遊戲方式, 變得有點害怕常常躲起來. 試養人最後只能放棄領養 Jerry的念頭. 所以Jerry 又沒有地方去了, Jerry 現在需要安置的地方, 他適合沒有養狗, 或有中大型犬(因為Jerry愛跟狗玩, 但小型犬會受不了) 愛活動的家庭. Jerry 懂得基本指令; 大小便都在室外, 親人愛撒嬌. 多次搬家真的會令Jerry 沒有安全感, 他急需一個永遠的家或者是能夠長期照顧的中途家庭. Jerry在照片上看沒有很特別, 但是一旦見過Jerry本狗你就會了解他有多棒! SPCA的同事都說Jerry 是難得遇到的優秀狗狗! 如果你有意願認識 或多了解Jerry, 請速連絡SPCA 我們可以安排與Jerry見面互動.
新的一年開始, 也希望Jerry 能夠開個好年找到一個永遠的家. 請幫忙Jerry 把訊息轉發給你的親人和好友.
adoptions@spca.org.tw or 02-2367-0317
[Urgent foster/ adoptive home need for Jerry]
Jerry had an adoption trial last week, but sadly it didn't work out. Jerry played a lot with his foster brother, a little poodle, but it was a bit too much for him to handle and he got scared and started hiding under the sofa. The family really loves Jerry, but because Jerry is too energetic for the little dog, they had no choice but to give up on adopting Jerry. Poor Jerry is now homeless again; he urgently needs a new foster home or adoptive home. Jerry is friendly with people and dogs, fully house trained, understands basic obedience, is active and very well-mannered. All this moving house is really not good for Jerry's confidence, he needs to find his forever (or foster) home ASAP. Jerry's picture doesn't do him justice, one of the SPCA staff has even said Jerry is the best dog they've ever met! If you'd like to meet Jerry to see if he'd fit your lifestyle, please contact SPCA and we'll set up a time. Please help Jerry start off the new year happily with a loving family, please share this post with all your friends and family
adoptions@spca.org.tw or 02-2367-0317