Untuk perap inti:
1 tiub daging cincang
3 ulas bawang putih
1 inci halia
4 sudu serbuk kari
Sedikit lada sulah
Garam secukup rasa
1 biji bawang Holland (untuk menumis nanti)
Untuk dilapis
1 cawan susu cair
1 cawan santan
1 cawan air
1 pek biskut cracker
10 biji telur
Sedikit daun bawang / daun sup
Hirisan cili
Parutan keju
Mula-mula satukan semua bahan inti (kecuali bawang holland) dalam sebuah bekas.
Perapkan sekejap dalam lebih kurang 5 minit.
Seterusnya kita akan masak inti daging yang diperap tadi.
Sediakan kuali dan panaskan sedikit minyak untuk menumis. Potong dadu bawang Holland tadi dan masukkan inti.
Masak hingga garing. Bila dah masak ketepikan.
Ok bila intinya dah siap, kita nak melapis pula. Lebih kurang macam buat cheesekut tu.
Caranya, satukan susu cair, santan dan air dalam periuk. Panaskan.
Sementara tu boleh lapik loyang dengan aluminium foil. Sapukan marjerin keliling loyang. Saya guna loyang 8 inci.
Celup biskut cracker dalam adunan susu dan santan tadi. Jangan lama nanti biskut lembik. Susun dalam loyang.
Kemudian inti yang dah siap masak tadi kita tambahkan hirisan cili dan daun bawang / daun sup.
Nak lagi lemak bubuhkan sikit cheese. Kalau tak, bubuh dekat topping saja pun boleh.
Kemudian tuangkan telur yang dah dikocok hingga rata. Settle 1 layer.
Ulang semula langkah 3 & 4 hingga dapat 5 layer.
Akhir sekali, bakar dalam oven. Suhu 170 selama 40 minit atau ikut oven masing-masing.
Untuk bahagian paling atas boleh bubuh topping ikut kreativiti masing-masing bila siap dibakar nanti.
cara buat lasagna
Beginilah hasilnya bila dah siap. Wah, baunya memang wangi satu rumah.
To marinated the core:
1 tube of minced meat
3 review of garlic
1 inches of ginger
4 teaspoon of curry powder
A little bit of pepper
Salt is enough
1 Holland onions (for frying later)
To be layered
1 cups of liquid milk
1 cups of coconut milk
1 cups of water
1 pack of cracker biscuits
10 eggs
Some onion leaves / soup leaves
A slice of chili chili
Cheese grater
First unite all the core ingredients (except holland onions) in a container.
Improve for a while in about 5 minutes.
Next we will cook the marinated meat filling just now.
Prepare the pan and heat up some oil to fry. Cut the Holland onion dice just now and insert the filling.
Cooking until it's crispy. When you cook, put it aside.
Ok when the point is done, we want to lay down. It's more or less like making cheesekut.
The way, put together liquid milk, coconut milk and water in the pot. Heat it up.
Meanwhile can cover the brass with aluminum foil. Apply margarine around the brass. I use 8 inch brass.
Dip cracker biscuits in the milk and coconut milk mix just now. Don't take long for the sissy biscuits. Arrange in the brass.
Then the filling that was finished cooking just now we added a slice of chili and onion leaves / soup leaves.
Want more fat to remove some cheese. If you don't, you can put it on the topping.
Then pour the shaken egg to the flat. Settle 1 layers.
Repeat step 3 & 4 to get 5 layers.
Finally, burn in the oven. Temperature 170 for 40 minutes or according to each oven.
For the top part you can put toppings according to your own creativity when you're ready to burn.
How to make lasagna
This is the result when it's done. Wow, the house smells so good.Translated
同時也有65部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4,260的網紅LadyMoko,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Subscribe LadyMoko👉 This " Salted Butter Rolls Recipe " is super soft and super delicious. I love it so so much that I have alr...
「lay egg」的推薦目錄:
- 關於lay egg 在 Resepi Mutiara HATI Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於lay egg 在 Sajian Dapur Bonda Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於lay egg 在 Dairy & Cream Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於lay egg 在 LadyMoko Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於lay egg 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於lay egg 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於lay egg 在 BBC Earth - How Do Birds Lay Eggs? - YouTube 的評價
lay egg 在 Sajian Dapur Bonda Facebook 的最讚貼文
Resepi brownies yg paling simple dan sedap 😋😍
Da bnyk kali say buat guna resepi yg sama, cuma toping atas je beza
Ni saya sharekan resepinya 👇
Fudgy Brownies
Bahan -
200gm coklat masakan
1/2 cwn butter/mentega
3/4 cwn gula ( klu tak nk manis bole kurangkan 1/2 cwn)
2 biji telur gred A
1/2 cwn tepung gandum
1 sdt esen vanila
1/4 cwn serbuk koko
Secubit garam
Cairkan coklat dan butter secara double boil
Da siap ketepikan dan biarkan sejuk
Dlm mangkuk yg lain pukul telur, gula guna whisk
Da sebati masukkn esen vanila dn garam
Masukkn coklat yg da dicairkan td
Masukkan tepung dan serbuk koko yg telah diayak
Kaupbalikkan adunan hingga sebati
Lapikkan loyang dgn baking paper dan tuangkan adunan
Panaskan oven suhu180 dan bakar selama 30 minit
Utk brownies cheese -
250gm cream cheese
3/4 cwn gula kastor
1 biji telur
Mixedkan bersama hingga sebati
Tuangkan atas brownies yg sudah siap dimasak
Bakar semula dlm oven selama 10-15 minit
Credit to Ida Hanna
The simplest and tasty brownies recipe 😋😍
I've used the same recipe many times, but the top top is different
Here I share the recipe 👇
Fudgy Brownies
Ingredients -
200 gm of chocolate cooking
1/2 cups of butter / butter
3/4 cups of sugar (if you don't want to be sweet you can reduce 1/2 cups)
2 eggs grade A
1/2 cups of wheat flour
1 sdt in vanila
1/4 cups of cocoa powder
A pinch of salt
The way -
Melt chocolate and butter double acceptably
Done putting aside and let it cool
In another bowl hit the egg, sugar uses whisk
Already mixed with vanilla essence and salt
Put in the melted chocolate just now
Insert flour and cocoa powder that has been sifted
You turn the mix upside down
Lay the brass with baking paper and pour the mix
Heat up the oven temperature 30 and burn for 30 minutes
For cheese brownies -
250gm cream cheese
3/4 cups of castor sugar
1 eggs
Mix it together until it's mixed
Pour on the ready-cooked brownies
Re-burn in the oven for 10-15 minutes
Credit to Ida HannaTranslated
lay egg 在 Dairy & Cream Facebook 的最佳解答
Never knew how amazing coconut flour can be until I lay my hands on a bag of @lotuspantry coconut flour which helped me churn out some intensely aromatic Pumpkin Coconut Bars 🌴🙌🏼 Gluten-free, egg-free and best of all, only requires 5 ingredients and less than 30min
Stand a chance to win vouchers when u join the @ryansgrocery_sg #RyanBakesFIVE challenge which requires one of the five ingredients to be @lotuspantry product. Check out my IGstory highlights for full details. Meantime, here’s my recipe which may inspire u to bake and enjoy the treats at home 🤗
{Recipe} Pumpkin Coconut Bars
A) For the base:
@lotuspantry Coconut Flour 120g
Sugar 20g
@lotuspantry Brown Rice Syrup 15g
Butter 70g
B) For the top:
@lotuspantry Pumpkin Kernels 80g
@lotuspantry Brown Rice Syrup 20g
Sugar 60
Butter 30g
1. Pulse Set A ingredients in a food processor until sandy. Press them in a 20x20cm lined square mold. Bake for 10-13min at 170 degrees C.
2. Place Set B ingredients in a pot and stir till sugar has melted. Pour the mixture on top of the base and bake for another 10min or till caramelized shiny.
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lay egg 在 LadyMoko Youtube 的最讚貼文
Subscribe LadyMoko👉
This " Salted Butter Rolls Recipe " is super soft and super delicious.
I love it so so much that I have already made it for several times !
I highly recommended you yo try this recipe !
Tag me @ladymoko_com (instagram) if you made it !
00:00 Intro
00:18 Yeast 2g
00:22 Flour 250g
00:27 Salt 4g
00:29 Sugar 35g
00:33 Milk powder 4.5g
00:36 1 Egg
00:42 Milk 115g
01:17 Butter 30g
02:19 Make the dough into a round ball shape
03:10 Make the dough into awl-shaped
03:38 How to lay out the dough perfectly
04:36 Salted butter 4g * 9
Thanks for watching, hope you enjoy my video!💞
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💟 Best Quick Soft Cinnamon Rolls Recipe by Cupcake Jemma:
💟 Double Cheese Mochi Mini Bread Recipe|ASMR :
💟 Salted Egg Yolk Cheese Lava Chiffon Cake:
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✅ Matcha Chouquette Recipe:
✅ Caramel Jelly Pudding Matcha Chiffon Cake Recipe|Taiwanese Popular Dessert :
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lay egg 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的精選貼文
・卵黄 2個
・グラニュー糖(卵黄用) 15g
・卵白 2個
・グラニュー糖(卵白用) 30g
・薄力粉 50g
・粉糖 適量
・卵黄 2個
・グラニュー糖 25g
・マルサラ酒(甘口) 40g
・マスカルポーネチーズ 200g
・グラニュー糖 50g
・ホワイトチョコ(お好み) 20g
・ザバイオーネ 全量
・マルサラ酒 お好みの量
・生クリーム 150g
・グラニュー糖 お好みの量
・マルサラ酒 お好みの量
・ココアパウダーやコーヒーパウダー 適量
1. 【サヴォイアルディ/180℃に予熱】ボウルに卵黄2個・グラニュー糖15gを泡立て器ですり混ぜる
2. 別のボウルに卵白2個を入れて白っぽくなるまで泡だて、グラニュー糖30gのうち半分を入れて泡立てる
3. ツヤが出てきたら残りのグラニュー糖を加え、角が立つまで泡立てメレンゲを作る
4. 卵黄の方にメレンゲの半量を入れてざっと馴染むまで混ぜ、薄力粉50gをふるい入れる
5. ヘラに持ち替えて粉っぽさが無くなる直前くらいまでさっくり切り混ぜ、残りのメレンゲを加える
6. あまり泡を潰さないように切り混ぜ、なめらかに混ざったら丸口金をつけた絞り袋に入れる
7. オーブン用シートを敷いた天板に棒状に絞り出し、粉糖を全体にふるいかけ、消えた頃にもう1回粉糖をふるいかける
8. 180℃に予熱したオーブンで20~25分を目安に、軽く色づくまで焼いて冷ましておく
9. 【ザバイオーネ】ボウルに卵黄2個・グラニュー糖25g・マルサラ酒40gを合わせて混ぜる
10. 鍋で加熱した沸騰しないくらいのお湯で湯煎にかけ、混ぜながら70℃程度まで温める(より殺菌を意識するなら80℃)
11. 温度が上がると泡が消えとろみつく、湯煎から外し好みでふんわり泡立ててもOK
12. 【ザバイオーネ・クリーム】ボウルにマスカルポーネチーズ200gをほぐし、グラニュー糖50gをすり混ぜる
13. 溶かしたホワイトチョコ20g・ザバイオーネをなめらかに混ぜ、好みでマルサラ酒も加え混ぜる
14. 生クリーム150gを軽く角が立つまで泡だて、↑に半量ずつ加えてなめらかに切り混ぜる
15. 【エスプレッソ液】エスプレッソor濃い目に作ったコーヒーに、好みでグラニュー糖・マルサラ酒を混ぜておく
16. 【仕上げ】容器にサヴォイアルディ(ビスケット)を敷き、エスプレッソ液を染み込ませる(もしくは染み込ませてから容器に入れる)
17. ザバイオーネ・クリームを入れて均し、エスプレッソ液を染み込ませたサヴォイアルディ→ザバイオーネ・クリームと重ねていく
18. 冷蔵庫で冷やし固め、仕上げにココアパウダーやコーヒーパウダーをふるいかけて出来上がり
↓using translation software.
Savoie Ardi (store-bought biscuits can be substituted)
・Two egg yolks
・Granulated sugar (for the egg yolk) 15 g
・Egg whites 2 pieces
・Granulated sugar (for egg whites) 30 g
・Cake flour 50 g
・Powdered sugar as needed
・Two egg yolks
・Granulated sugar 25 g
・Marusara Sake (sweet) 40 g
(You can also use other foreign liquors such as rum or amaretto.)
Sabaione Cream
・Mascarpone cheese 200 g
・Granulated sugar 50 g
・White chocolate (optional) 20 g
・Sabaione total amount
・Marsala Sake, as much as you like
・Heavy cream 150 g
espresso solution
・Espresso (strong instant or drip coffee can be substituted)
・Granulated sugar as much as you like
・Marsala Sake, as much as you like
・Appropriate amount of cocoa powder or coffee powder
[How to make]
1. [Savoie Hardy/Preheat to 180 °C] Mix 2 egg yolks and 15 g of granulated sugar with a whisk.
2. Add 2 egg whites in a different bowl and whip it until it becomes whitish. Add half of 30 g of granulated sugar and whip it.
3. Add the rest of the granulated sugar when it glazes. Whip it until it peaks to make a meringue.
4. Add half of the meringue to the egg yolk and mix it until it blends in. Sift in 50 g of weak flour.
5. Switch to a spatula and lightly mix it until the powdery feel is gone. Add the rest of the meringue.
6. Mix it so it doesn't crush the bubbles too much. Add it in a piping bag with a round cap when it mixes smoothly.
7. Squeeze it out into a stick shape on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Sift the powdered sugar entirely. Sift it once again when it disappears.
8.Bake it in the oven preheated to 180 °C for around 20 to 25 minutes until it lightly browns then let it cool.
9. [The Baione] Mix 2 egg yolks, 25 g of granulated sugar, and 40 g of marsala sake in a bowl.
10. Boil it in hot water heated in a pot until it doesn't boil. Warm it to around 70 °C as you mix it (80 °C if you want to sterilize more).
11. The bubbles will disappear and thicken when the temperature rises. You can remove it from the hot water and whip it softly if you'd like.
12. [The Baione Cream] Loosen 200 g of mascarpone cheese in a bowl and mix in 50 g of granulated sugar.
13. Mix 20 g of melted white chocolate and zabaione smoothly. Add marsala sake if you'd like and mix it.
14. Whisk 150 g of whipped cream until it lightly forms peaks. Add half of it at a time to ↑ and mix it smoothly.
15. [Espresso liquid] Mix granulated sugar and marsala sake to your liking with espresso or strong coffee.
16. [Finish] Lay out the savoie aldi (biscuit) in the container and let it soak in the espresso liquid (or let it soak then put it in the container).
17. Add the Xabione cream and flatten it. Layer it with Savoiardi soaked with espresso then Xabione cream.
18. Chill it in the fridge to harden it. Finish it off by sifting cocoa powder or coffee powder and it will be complete.

lay egg 在 生かし屋 IKASHIYA CULINARY ART Youtube 的最讚貼文
・バター 60g
・粉糖 33g
・卵黃 1個
・薄力粉 100g
・アーモンドパウダー 20g(なければ薄力粉でOK)
・グラニュー糖 50g
・生クリーム 20g
・バナナ 小3本
・バター 50g
・砂糖(あればきび砂糖) 50g
・全卵 1個(50g)
・アーモンドパウダー 50g
1. 【タルト生地】ボウルに柔らかくしたバター60gをほぐし、粉糖33gをふるい入れてすり混ぜる
2. 卵黄1個を混ぜ、薄力粉100g・アーモンドパウダー20gをふるい入れて切り混ぜる
3. 粉っぽさがなくなる直前くらいでラップに包んで押し付けまとめ、冷蔵庫で2時間ほど寝かせる
4. 【キャラメルバナナ】バナナを1cmくらいの厚さにカットする
5. 小鍋にグラニュー糖50g・生クリーム5gを入れて火にかけ、キャラメル状になったら火を止めて生クリーム15gを加える
6. バナナを加え、再度火にかけ柔らかくなるまで加熱し置いておく
7. 【アーモンドクリーム】ボウルに柔らかくしたバター50gをほぐし、砂糖50gをすり混ぜる
8. 溶いた卵1個分を少しずつ加えて混ぜ、アーモンドパウダー50gをふるい入れてなめらかになるまで切り混ぜる
9. 【焼成/180℃に予熱】タルト生地を3mmほどの厚さにのばしてタルト型に敷き込み、アーモンドクリームを流して均す
10. 上にキャラメルバナナを並べ、180℃に予熱したオーブンで30分を目安に香ばしく色づくまで焼いて出来上がり
↓using translation software.
[Ingredients/18 cm tart mold]
Tart crust
・Butter 60 g
・Powdered sugar 33 g
・brimstone egg
・Cake flour 100 g
・20 g of almond powder (or cake flour)
Caramel banana
・Granulated sugar 50 g
・Heavy cream 20 g
・3 small bananas
almond cream
・Butter 50 g
・Sugar (light brown sugar if you have it) 50 g
・1 whole egg (50 g)
・Almond powder 50 g
・Soften the butter at room temperature.
・Sift weak flour and almond powder.
[How to make]
1. [Tart pastry] Loosen 60 g of softened butter in a bowl, sift in 33 g of powdered sugar and mix.
2. Mix 1 egg yolk, sift in 100 g of weak flour and 20 g of almond powder, and cut and mix.
3. Wrap it with a plastic wrap and press it together just before the powdery feel disappears. Let it rest in the fridge for around 2 hours.
4. [Caramel banana] Cut the banana to a thickness of around 1cm.
5. Add 50 g of granulated sugar and 5 g of whipped cream in a small pot and heat it. Turn the heat off when it becomes caramelized and add 15 g of whipped cream.
6. Add the banana and heat it again until it softens.
7. [Almond cream] Loosen 50 g of softened butter in a bowl and mix in 50 g of sugar.
8. Add 1 beaten egg little by little and mix. Sift in 50 g of almond powder and mix it until it becomes smooth.
9. [Baking/Preheating to 180 °C] Stretch the tart dough to a thickness of around 3 mm. Lay it in the tart mold. Pour in the almond cream and flatten it.
10. Arrange the caramel banana on top. Bake it in the oven preheated to 180 °C for around 30 minutes until it becomes fragrant and brown.

lay egg 在 BBC Earth - How Do Birds Lay Eggs? - YouTube 的推薦與評價
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