《Emily in Paris》 無濾鏡文化討論 01/
Live to work or work for living?
第一集從超美式的配樂就開始預告我們這是一個「超美視角」的影集,對巴黎的粉紅泡泡就像是Emily在男友看球賽的酒吧點的那杯白酒一樣不知所以然,那瓶算是促成Emily巴黎記的香水,也被她形容「像是穿上詩詞」- 這也是所有留法人在抵達戴高樂機場之前對巴黎生活想像的最佳註解。
Emily住在小巴黎地價最貴地段:第五區的Place de L'estrapade,房仲口中的Chambre de bonne佣人房也是我在巴黎第二年住的房型,但大小只有Emily的一半並且還是三折式的沙發床。至於「調情」,必須說法國人確實有一個對話保有曖昧空間的傾向,但「曖昧」的意思就是不一定有,所以像房仲那種開門見山的搭訕是少有的 (房仲通常也不會幫你搬行李,我的房仲甚至人連出現都沒出現),法國人會做球給你,讓你會有一點心癢,這裡舉一個簡單的例子:
這部影集有讓我看下去的第一個moment,就是同事Luc在下班後跟Emily的那席話。Live to work or work for living?生活為了工作還是反者?這裡是在第一集出現的第一個哲學問題,我在法國考試的時候也寫過類似的題目:我們需要工作才會快樂嗎?在這裡就先不針對這題再多贅述,因為我自己也還卡在這個工作能不能定義我是誰,以及我是否在做會使我真心快樂的工作,還是我的工作能支持我的快樂這件事。
第一集討論最後就用Luc的金句結束:「無知成就自大」。(Let’s call it the arrogance of ignorance.)
附上我的巴黎chambre de bonne實照,謝謝收看。
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,980的網紅黃宇寒,也在其Youtube影片中提到,- 社群上位十五年,發表意見的成本與意見的殺傷力早不再對等,留言的重量輕得只剩一個ENTER鍵,每個人都像拿著手槍的嬰兒。 你隨意傷害別人的時候,製造了一個總有一天也會隨意傷害你的世界。 我們都想成為最正確的人,卻常常因此忘記對方是一個人,這首歌向每一個人宣示:你的正確並不賦予你傷害別人的權力...
「living in the moment中文」的推薦目錄:
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 半瓶醋 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 Luke Loke 阿陸 Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 黃宇寒 Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 黃宇寒 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 Lukas Engström Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 EZ Talk - {Tongue-tied No More 好用句!!} live in the moment... 的評價
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 living in the moment中文歌詞2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上 ... 的評價
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 living in the moment中文歌詞2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上 ... 的評價
- 關於living in the moment中文 在 黃宇寒Han《現下Living in the Moment》 Official Music Video 的評價
living in the moment中文 在 Luke Loke 阿陸 Facebook 的最佳貼文
原文是英文,我用google translate翻去中文并修了怪怪的句子了✌🏻
全球流感大流行之后不久,西班牙流感爆发,造成5千万人死亡。 您还活着,只有20岁。
当您39岁时,第二次世界大战开始并结束,当您45岁时有六千万人死亡。 在大屠杀中,有600万犹太人死亡。
我们观点的微小改变会产生奇迹。 感恩我们还活着。既然活着就该尽力自保以及互相帮助!
Imagine for a moment you were born in 1900.
When you're 14 years old World War I begins and ends when you're 18 with a 22 million dead.
Soon after a global pandemic, the Spanish Flu, appears, killing 50 million people. And you are alive and 20 years old.
When you're 29 you survive the global economic crisis that began with the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and famine.
When you're 33 years old nazis come to power.
When you're 39 years old, World War II begins and ends when you're 45 years old with a 60 million dead. In the Holocaust 6 million Jews die.
When you're 52 years old the Korean War begins.
When you're 64 years old the Vietnam war begins and ends when you're 75
A child born in 1985 thinks his grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, but they have survived several wars and disasters.
Today we find all the comforts in a new world, amid a new pandemic.
People complain because for several weeks they must stay confined in their homes, they have electricity, cell phone, food, some even with hot water and a safe roof over their heads. None of that existed back in the days. But humanity survived those circumstances and never lost their joy of living.
Today we complain because we have to wear masks to get into supermarkets.
A small change in our perspective can generate miracles. Let's thank you and I that we are alive and we will do everything necessary to protect and help each other!
living in the moment中文 在 譚凱邦 Roy Tam Facebook 的最佳解答
【山城士多就 Ztore 創辦人言論之回應】
(Please scroll down for English version)
早前 士多 Ztore 創辦人之一凌俊傑 (Clarence Ling) 在 Facebook 發表支持《逃犯條例》修訂案的言論,除了在社會上引起很大的反響,亦令我們山城士多一眾現任及創辦成員為之側目。雖然事隔一星期,我們還是不得不作出回應。
山城士多於 2015 年 9 月由一班中文大學的同學創辦,開初是為了抗衡中文大學內百佳超級市場的壟斷。我們一直致力推廣本地製造的產品,拉近消費者與生產者的距離,鼓勵良心消費。成立一段時間後,我們喜見支持香港製造的風潮在社會漸漸流行,有關店舖更有如雨後春筍般冒起。作為其中一員,Ztore 將支持香港製造理念商業化,使更多市民可購買本地產品。正因理念一致,我們慢慢開始與 Ztore 合作,讓中大同學透過我們的平台,訂購部分 Ztore 代理的本地產品,而我們亦有提供部分本地社企的產品予 Ztore。一直以來,我們都合作愉快。
可是,Ztore 創辦人之一凌俊傑近日公開發表支持《逃犯條例》修訂案的言論,對充滿理想的示威者冷嘲熱諷,實在令人髮指。其言論亦不禁令人懷疑 Ztore 創立真是為推廣香港製造的理念,抑或只是打著香港製造的旗號謀利。
儘管 Ztore 在推廣香港產品曾有所貢獻,我們亦不能接受自己付出的金錢會讓這樣一個人得益。雖然我們微不足道,但我們深信,每一次付款都是一種投票;而我們堅決不會投給 Ztore。
在此,山城士多鄭重宣布,即時終止與 Ztore 的所有合作及來往。
山城士多上下都十分關注近來的抗爭運動。我們對政府仍未回應廣大市民的五大訴求深表遺憾,並強烈譴責警隊使用過分武力鎮壓示威,令眾多香港市民受傷。我們促請政府立即撤回《逃犯條例》修訂案、收回 6 月 12 日示威「暴動」的定性、釋放被補示威者並撤銷他們所有控罪及追究警隊濫用暴力。有關官員亦應立即引咎辭職。
2019 年 6 月 23 日
Ztore 創辦人凌俊傑有關言論:https://na.cx/i/7sd9Wda.png
#antielab #反送中 #本地製造 #良心消費 #支持小店 #VoteWithYourDollar
[A statement by CUStore on the comments by Ztore’s founder]
Ztore’s founder Clarence Ling has recently voiced out his support of the proposed amendment bill to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. His comments not only sparked huge controversy in society but also staggered current and founding members of CUStore. Although it has already been a week since Clarence Ling’s comments were posted, we still feel the urge to make a reply.
CUStore was founded by a group of CUHK students in September 2015 with the hope to break the monopoly of the Parknshop supermarket on our campus. We have been tirelessly working to promote Hong Kong made products and the idea of ethical shopping by drawing consumers closer to the producers. After our foundation, we were delighted that the idea of supporting local products started to become fashionable and that shops selling local products appeared in large numbers. As one of the members in the raising trend, Zstore commercialised the idea of ‘Made in Hong Kong’ so that more people can buy local products easily. Because we had similar aspirations, we started to collaborate with Ztore. We sold some of Ztore’s local products to CUHK students on our platform and provided products from local social enterprises to Ztore. The collaboration was going well.
However, just last week, Ztore’s founder Clarence Ling publicly stated his support to the amendment bill and sneered at the protesters who were full of ideals. His detestable comments made one wonder if his business was really supporting ‘Made in Hong Kong’ or if they were just using the idea solely to make money.
Hong Kong is at a most critical point at the moment. If the amendment bill is passed, the future of Hong Kong will be wrecked. There will be profound effects on the local manufacturing industry. Hong Kong’s excellent business environment has always been safeguarded by the just and sound legal system. The bill will create a fault in our legal system and put local and foreign people living and working in Hong Kong under the fear of being extradited to China where there is non-existence of a fair trial. Foreign companies will have much less confidence to do business in Hong Kong. When capitals leave Hong Kong it will inevitably lead to an economic recession.
Although Ztore has contributed to the promotion of local products, we still cannot accept that the money we pay will fall into such kind of a person like Clarence Ling. We may be insignificant; but we strongly believe that we are casting a vote whenever we pay — and we definitely are not voting for Ztore.
For that reason we hereby announce that we are terminating all the collaboration and ties with Ztore.
All of us from CUStore are very concerned about the recent protests going on in the city. We deeply regret that the government has failed to respond to the demands made by the Hong Kong citizens. We also strongly condemn the use of excessive violence by the Hong Kong Police Force during the protest on 12 June, which left many of our citizens injured. We urge the government to scrap the bill immediately, retract the use of ‘rioting’ in describing the protest on 12 June, release the arrested protesters and remove the charges against them, and investigate on the use of excessive violence by the Hong Kong Police Force. Those relevant government officials should take their responsibilities and resign immediately.
In the future, CUStore will continue to evolve and spread our ideas to the public.
To all those who are fighting for our city out there, please take good care of yourself. We will always support you.
23 June 2019
Original comments by Ztore’s Clarence Ling (in Chinese): https://na.cx/i/7sd9Wda.png
living in the moment中文 在 黃宇寒 Youtube 的最佳貼文
《虛空現下 Return To Reality》實體通路&數位串流持續更新中🔗:https://linktr.ee/ReturnToReality_han
《現下 Living in the Moment》 Official Music Video
《虛空 Fake》:https://reurl.cc/yeyA2D
《係無 Isn't it》:https://reurl.cc/AR13xY
《影戲人 Theatrical》:https://reurl.cc/EZKQOR
《下夜 Midnight》:https://reurl.cc/Rbdka6
《太陽系 Solar System》:https://reurl.cc/l5LY3A
《和天空問好 How are You》:https://reurl.cc/2o4Q5n
《夢 Dreaming of You》:https://reurl.cc/351M8j
《繼續走吧 Keep Going》:https://reurl.cc/L71nYK
〈社會現象 Social Phenomenon〉
詞 Lyricist:黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han。
曲 Composer:黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han、張天偉 Myles Chang、逄捷 Chieh Pang、卞宗仁 John Pien、曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng。
在這个繁華世界上 有人跳上 乜有人跌落
cai iaˋge fanˇfaˇsii gie song iuˊnginˇtiauˇsongˊ me iuˊnginˇdiedˋlog
在逐儕面對事情上 麼个解答 愛自家去尋著
cai dagˋsaˇmien dui sii qinˇsong maˋge gieˋdabˋ oi qidˋgaˊhi qimˇdoˋ
時間及及个生活上 麼人會做 有麽人逃亡
siiˇgienˊkib kib ge senˊfad song maˋnginˇvoi zo iuˊmaˋnginˇtoˇmongˇ
莫強求大家个中意 狗吠火車 徒然
mog kiongˇkiuˇtai gaˊge zung i gieuˋpoi foˋcaˊ tuˇienˇ
啊 為麽个
a vi maˋgai
求心中公平摎合理 忒過苛求別儕人
kiuˇximˊzungˊgungˊpinˇlauˊhab liˊ tedˋgo koˊkiuˇped saˇnginˇ
啊 到底愛仰般
a do diˋoi ngiongˋbanˊ
愛 做麼个
oi zo maˋgai
正做得完美冇缺陷 無人緊在該怨怪
zang zo dedˋvanˇmiˊmoˇkiedˋham moˇnginˇginˋdo ge ien guai
啊 到底係仰般 這事無恁該
a do diˋhe ngiongˋbanˊ liaˋsii moˇanˋgoiˊ
匆匆忙忙个火車頭 有人上車 乜有人下車
cungˊcungˊmongˇmongˇge foˋcaˊteuˇiuˊnginˇsongˊcaˊme iuˊnginˇhaˊcaˊ
今這下个社會現象 麼人尋仔著解答
gimˊliaˋha ge sa fi hien xiong maˋnginˇqimˇeˋdoˋgieˋdabˋ
啊 為麽个
a vi maˋgai
求心中公平摎合理 忒過苛求別儕人
kiuˇximˊzungˊgungˊpinˇlauˊhab liˊ tedˋgo koˊkiuˇped saˇnginˇ
啊 到底愛仰般
a do diˋoi ngiongˋbanˊ
愛 做麼个
oi zo maˋgai
正做得完美冇缺陷 無人緊在該怨怪
zang zo dedˋvanˇmiˊmoˇkiedˋham moˇnginˇginˋdo ge ien guai
啊 到底係仰般 這事無恁該
a do diˋhe ngiongˋbanˊ liaˋsii moˇanˋgoiˊ
啊 為麽个
a vi maˋgai
想愛問又無人答理 忒過強求別儕人
xiongˋoi mun iu moˇnginˇdabˋliˊ tedˋgo kiongˇkiuˇped saˇnginˇ
啊 到底愛仰般
a do diˋoi ngiongˋbanˊ
愛 做麼个
oi zo maˋgai
正毋會痛苦分陷害 無人緊在該見怪
zang mˇvoi tung kuˋbunˊham hoi moˇnginˇginˋdo ge gien guai
啊 到底係仰般 想毋來
a do diˋhe ngiongˋbanˊ xiongˋmˇloiˇ
在這繁華世界上 有人跳上 也有人跌落
各自面對事情上 什麼解答 要自己去尋找
汲汲營營的生活 有誰會實行 有誰會逃亡
別期望大家都喜歡你 只是徒勞無功罷了
啊 為了什麼
為求心中公平合理 而過於苛求別人
啊 到底要怎樣
才完美無缺 沒人會在那怪罪
啊 到底是怎樣 沒有那麼容易
匆匆忙忙的火車站 有人上車 也有人下車
現今的社會現象 誰找得到解答
啊 為了什麼
為求心中公平合理 而過於苛求別人
啊 到底要怎樣
才能完美無缺 沒人會在那怪罪
啊 到底是怎樣 沒有那麼容易
啊 為了什麼
要問又置之不理 而過於強求別人
啊 到底要怎樣
才不會陷入痛苦又被陷害 沒人會一直在那責怪
啊 到底是怎樣 毫無頭緒
製作人 Producer:林易祺 LNiCH。
執行製作 Executive Producer:郭冠鑫 Attis。
編曲 Music Arranger:黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han 、張天偉 Myles Chang、逄捷 Chieh Pang、卞宗仁 John Pien、曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng。
和聲&和聲編寫 Chorus & Chorus Arrangement:黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han。
電吉他 Electric Guitar:張天偉 Myles Chang。
鍵盤 Keyboard:卞宗仁 John Pien。
電貝斯 Electric Bass:逄捷 Chieh Pang。
爵士鼓 Drums:曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng。
錄音師 Recording Engineers:林易祺 LNiCH、郭冠鑫 Attis。
錄音室 Recording Studio:給樂音樂 Gather Music Studio。
混音師 Mixing Engineer:林易祺 LNiCH。
混音錄音室 Mixing Studio:給樂音樂 Gather Music Studio。
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer:林易祺 LNiCH。
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer:Matty Harris @ Class A Mixing and Mastering Studios。
專輯創作室 Music Composing House:節律音樂 R N' M Music Studio。
客語歌詞校正指導 Language counselor of Hakka lyrics:邱新春 Sin Chun Ciou。
羅馬拼音翻譯 Romanization Translation:王興寶 Xing bao Wang。
導演 Director:李彥勳 PHM LEE Yen Hsun。
製作 Production:切音樂電影有限公司 CHE STUDIO。
製片 Producer:林倖如 Sing-ru Lin。
製片組 Production Assistant:古朝瀚 Harry Goo。
副導演Assistant Director:高宇璇 Yu-Hsuan Kao。
攝影 Director of Photography:李彥勳 PHM LEE Yen Hsun。
第二攝影 Additional Camera :蘇芳榆 Fang-Yu Su。
跟焦員 Focus Puller:周奕 Chou Yi。
燈光 Gaffer:廖哲揚 Yang Liao。
燈光助理 Lighting Technician:龔克勤 Gong Ke-Cin。
視訊設計 Visual Design:黃夏妤 Faustine Huang。
燈光設計 Lighting Design:邱宇森 Ciou Yu-Sen。
硬體總監 Technical Director:童智偉 Tong Jhih-Wei。
硬體工程 Equipment Engineer:朱倫 Jhu Lun、鄭鈺儒Jheng Yu-Ru。
剪輯 Editor:盧姵文 Phoebe Lu。
調色 Colorist:萬芷瑋 Abby Wan。
硬體協力 Equipment Support:野果創意有限公司 WildGain Studio。
攝影器材協力 Camera Equipment:梅西影像製作有限公司 Maximum Film Works。
服裝 Designer:彭雨忻 pengpeng。
妝髮 Make up & Hair:洪振揚 Xinzo_o。
特別感謝 Special Thanks:英傑哆攝影棚 inJECT inspiration、忠欣股份有限公司、吳奇峰。
電吉他 Electric Guitar:張天偉 Myles Chang。
電貝斯 Electric Bass:黃健倫 Crocus Huang。
鍵盤 Keyboard:卞宗仁 John Pien。
爵士鼓 Drums:曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng。
▶更多 黃宇寒Han 相關資訊

living in the moment中文 在 黃宇寒 Youtube 的精選貼文
《虛空現下 Return To Reality》實體通路&數位串流持續更新中🔗:https://linktr.ee/ReturnToReality_han
《社會現象 Social Phenomenon》 Official Music Video
《虛空 Fake》:https://reurl.cc/yeyA2D
《係無 Isn't it》:https://reurl.cc/AR13xY
《影戲人 Theatrical》:https://reurl.cc/EZKQOR
《下夜 Midnight》:https://reurl.cc/Rbdka6
《太陽系 Solar System》:https://reurl.cc/l5LY3A
《和天空問好 How are You》:https://reurl.cc/2o4Q5n
《夢 Dreaming of You》:https://reurl.cc/351M8j
《繼續走吧 Keep Going》:https://reurl.cc/L71nYK
〈現下 Living in the Moment〉
詞 Lyricist:黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han。
曲 Composer:黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han、張天偉 Myles Chang、逄捷 Chieh Pang、卞宗仁 John Pien、曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng。
pag pag fungˇfungˇge faˊ
朝晨䟘床 毋知拜望幾多儕
zeuˊsiinˇhong congˇ mˇdiˊbai mong giˋdoˊsaˇ
tai tai se se ge nginˇ
逐日煞猛 毋怕困難幾多儕
dagˋngidˋsadˋmangˊ mˇpa kun nanˇ giˋdoˊsaˇ
放尞 分 自家輕鬆一下
biong liau bunˊ qidˋgaˊkiangˊsungˊidˋha
伸 下腰 疲勞 全毋見忒了
cunˊha ieuˊpiˇloˇqionˇmˇgien tedˋliau
看 管他怎麼想
我的世界我的人生 就由我 我自己去闖
到處去逛逛 對路邊的花草發發牢騷 又何妨
城市的喧囂 晝夜爭吵
釋放出去 讓自己 被太陽踐踏
閉上眼獨享 去感受微笑 因為我活在 當下
sii gie fanˇiungˇnau ngied
內心理想 亻厓緊尋就尋毋到
nui ximˊliˊxiongˋngaiˇginˋqimˇqiu qimˇmˇdoˋ
senˊfad moˇ hanˇ ciid cad
操心操勞 愛去享受現下
cauˊ ximˊcauˊ loˇoi hi hiongˋsu hien ha
啊 放尞 分 自家輕鬆一下
a boing liau bunˊqidˋgaˊkiangˊsungˊidˋha
伸 下腰 疲勞 全毋見忒了
cunˊha ieuˊpiˇloˇqionˇmˇgien tedˋliau
看 管他怎麼想
我的生活我的腳步 就由我 我自己去踏
到處去繞繞 跟天空的候鳥學學飛翔 又何妨
田野的豐饒 花兒風騷
展露出去 讓自己 被春風撥撩
閉上眼祈禱 去感受擁抱 現在我活在 當下
早晨醒來後 不知道拜訪了多少人
每天都非常勤奮 不管困難有多少
放假休息 讓自己輕鬆一下
伸懶腰 疲勞 全部瞬間消失
內心理想 越找就越找不到
操心操勞 該去享受當下
阿 放假休息 讓自己輕鬆一下
伸懶腰 疲勞 全部瞬間消失
製作人 Producer:林易祺 LNiCH。
執行製作 Executive Producer:郭冠鑫 Attis。
編曲 Music Arranger:黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han 、張天偉 Myles Chang、逄捷 Chieh Pang、卞宗仁 John Pien、曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng。
和聲&和聲編寫 Chorus & Chorus Arrangement:黃宇寒 Huang Yu Han。
電吉他 Electric Guitar:張天偉 Myles Chang。
鍵盤 Keyboard:卞宗仁 John Pien。
電貝斯 Electric Bass:逄捷 Chieh Pang。
爵士鼓 Drums:曾景崧 Relaxx Tseng。
錄音師 Recording Engineers:林易祺 LNiCH、郭冠鑫 Attis。
錄音室 Recording Studio:給樂音樂 Gather Music Studio。
混音師 Mixing Engineer:林易祺 LNiCH。
混音錄音室 Mixing Studio:給樂音樂 Gather Music Studio。
母帶後期處理製作人 Mastering Producer:林易祺 LNiCH。
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer:Matty Harris @ Class A Mixing and Mastering Studios。
專輯創作室 Music Composing House:節律音樂 R N' M Music Studio。
導演Director:吳尚融 Rong Wu。
繪圖Illustration:洪丞志 Jack Radi。
字型設計Graphic Designer:王申Shen Wang。
▶更多 黃宇寒Han 相關資訊

living in the moment中文 在 Lukas Engström Youtube 的最佳貼文
This week in Taiwan, by Lukas Engstrom:
Please subscribe to show your support!
00:00 Intro
01:10 First Volcano Alert
02:26 (Another) EVA Pilot fired!
03:25 New Virus Restrictions for Airline Crew
03:45 New Virus Restrictions for Taiwan
04:32 Sweden COVID Update
05:27 Taiwan raising minimum salary
07:02 MOFA purchasing San Francisco home for Taiwan office
07:38 Taiwan hit 8-month low jobless rate
08:02 Taiwan had (one off) Asia's most defining moment in 2020!
08:45 Lukas News Video Update
09:15 Voting
Do you want to see MORE videos like this one? Please consider supporting me on Patreon as all my income will go directly back into the channel and cover either future travels or other resources: https://www.patreon.com/LukasEngstrom
Please follow me on:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LukasTaiwan
Instagram: www.instagram.com/LukasEngstrom
If you want to send my something that might be shown in a future video, please send it to:
ATT: Lukas
RM. 2, 6F., NO.201, FUHE RD.,
Business inquiries:
創作者經紀人/Contact person: - Maggie
Line ID: @redi
Email: contact@lukasengstrom.com
The following is the gear I’m using when making my videos. I’m part of Amazon Services LLC Associates Program which means that I will get a small commission if you purchase anything via my links. Any commission I’ll be getting will go straight back into buying new gear for my future videos, so any kind of support is highly appreciated!
Canon EOS R (main camera): https://amzn.to/3fCbINR
Canon M50 (B-cam): https://amzn.to/2Tf998r
Insta360 One X (Best 360 camera): https://amzn.to/2KfwBjd
Insta 360 One X R (Best 360/action cam combo): https://amzn.to/3maHqE9
Canon RF 15-35mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/3o4N8YZ
Canon RF 24-70mm F2.8 L IS USM: https://amzn.to/34RDy1V
Canon EF 24mm f/1.4L II USM: https://amzn.to/2O0a62Y
Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM https://amzn.to/2O5DJA0
Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM: https://amzn.to/2X88oR7
Studio equipment:
2x Rode NT2A Microphone set: https://amzn.to/3fBoOuK
Ninja V recorder: https://amzn.to/36azTzR
SanDisk Ultra 3D 1TB SSD: https://amzn.to/36f1pfH
SanDisk Ultra 3D 2TB SSD: https://amzn.to/3fErckb
Drone: DJI Mavic 2 Zoom: https://amzn.to/2Sak4CX
Mavic 2 Fly More Kit: https://amzn.to/2TlpLLT
Gimbal: DJI Ronin-S Handheld 3-Axis: https://amzn.to/2NG4L20
Microphone: RØDE VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/2Tg9mbx
2x SanDisk Extreme Pro Memory Card (128GB): https://amzn.to/2Oi0CQX
Bag: Lowepro ProTactic BP 450 AW II:https://amzn.to/2NDbCsN
Canon EOS M Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2O1jH9I
Canon EF-EOS R Mount Adapter: https://amzn.to/2NDak0V
JOBY Gorillapod 3K: https://amzn.to/2S3GQfR
ADATA SD600Q SSD (240GB): https://amzn.to/2Wp28Tf
ADATA D8000L LED Power Bank: https://amzn.to/34MrlLY
Transcend ESD240C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/2X5L7xW
Transcend ESD350C Portable SSD (480GB): https://amzn.to/32LBzeg
Transcend StoreJet 25MC HDD (1TB): https://amzn.to/2KekmUd
Transcend 128GB microSD: https://amzn.to/2tCkOmw
MacBook Pro 16”: https://amzn.to/3fElb77 Asus VP28UQG 28" 4K/UHD monitor: https://amzn.to/2CE5eeI

living in the moment中文 在 living in the moment中文歌詞2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上 ... 的推薦與評價
living in the moment中文 歌詞2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點新聞和熱門話題資訊,找活在當下英文,live in the moment意思,live in the moment翻譯在2022年該注意 ... ... <看更多>
living in the moment中文 在 living in the moment中文歌詞2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上 ... 的推薦與評價
living in the moment中文 歌詞2022-在Facebook/IG/Youtube上的焦點新聞和熱門話題資訊,找活在當下英文,live in the moment意思,live in the moment翻譯在2022年該注意 ... ... <看更多>
living in the moment中文 在 EZ Talk - {Tongue-tied No More 好用句!!} live in the moment... 的推薦與評價
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