Two against the world or just mummy? These two getting indeed getting smarter and more witty with what they want. What to do, I feel liked how Malificent felt in this néw movie - trying to protect them from harm but knowing that it's not easy to let things be...
Though We all came dressed in black but the movie was painted in vibrant colors from the flowers, flowers to the costumes and wonderful digital effects. Pretty sure the dresses are going to have the little girls going waaaaaaaa~!
Always enjoyed Angelina Jolie movies as she always comes with that super/wonder woman vibe and, you know she will save the world again. But in this sequel, I was actually hoping to see more action from Elle fanning's character but she just remains the beautiful princess whom only weep and run that fast. Still need her godmother to save the day.
There will be more deeper understanding to how Malificent came about, and her origins, if you are looking for some Whimsical rebirth moments and believe that love prevails after all the bad things happened, then you don't miss out on this movie on 17 Oct!
Thanks so much @disneysingapore for this movie invite, definitely looking forward for the upcoming Frozen 2 as well!
#motherofboys @ Golden Village at VivoCity