美麗的『月亮湖Mondsee/音譯:蒙特湖』其造型由於酷似月牙所以奧地利人稱它月亮湖moon lake🌛月亮湖小鎮風景優美,加上真善美電影裡男女主角舉辦婚禮的聖米迦勒教堂Basilika Minor St. Michael Mondsee就在鎮中,一年四季教堂與湖畔總有許多遊客從世界各地來拜訪!
貓兒跟Mr.櫻趁著週末來月亮湖散步&逛聖誕市集。聖誕市集就在St. Michael 聖米迦勒教堂的前方廣場,只要順著人潮肯定就能找到!我們最愛的還是安靜的湖畔與田園風景。越來越接近聖誕節了,正在倒數中!加上今天是冬至&第四個降臨節,祝大家有個平安快樂又放鬆的星期日❤️ PS: 2019年12月份,拜訪的第10個聖誕市集。
Mondsee town is located in Upper Austria, and it is most famous for its beautiful moon shape lake with the same name. The famous marriage scene of the "Sound of Music" movie was filmed in the St. Michael church in Mondsee, therefore many people from around the world come to visit this town.
Mr. Sakura and I recently came here to have a stroll around the lake and the Christmas market, which is located right in front of the St. Michael church. Today is the 4th advent Sunday and it's also the winter solstice. I prepared some red beans paste stuffed sticky rice dumplings with matcha for this special day. Wish you all a nice Sunday! #奧地利 #上奧地利州 #月亮湖 #旅遊日記 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Austria #Salzburg #KaidongWithKat #trip #Mattsee
mattsee lake 在 開動with貓-奧地利生活札記-Kaidong With Kat Facebook 的精選貼文
今年到現在拜訪大大小小城鎮的聖誕市集,瑪特湖Mattsee是貓兒見到最迷你、也最浪漫的湖畔聖誕市集!他的攤販不多大概僅30幾個小舖子,部分在湖畔部分在教堂旁。雖然迷你但是氣氛非常好,特別是拿著熱熱的潘趣水果酒邊喝邊賞湖景🎅🍻🎅聽著小廣場上播放的聖誕歌曲~好浪漫啊! PS: 2019年12月份,拜訪的第8個聖誕市集。
This year I visited several Christmas markets, and the one in Mattsee may be the smallest, but it's also the most romantic one. This advent market only has about 30 street vendors, partly along the lake, and some of them located near the church. Although it is tiny, the atmosphere is very good. Drinking a hot punch and enjoying the lake view, while listening to the Christmas songs playing on the small square ~ it's so romantic! #奧地利 #薩爾斯堡州 #瑪特湖 #旅遊日記 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Austria #Salzburg #KaidongWithKat #trip #Mattsee
mattsee lake 在 開動with貓-奧地利生活札記-Kaidong With Kat Facebook 的最佳貼文
瑪特湖,在薩爾斯堡州的北部。它一直是貓兒與Mr.櫻極愛散心的寧靜湖泊。這潭美麗的湖水在午後的陽光裡恬靜而慵懶、粼粼的波光規律的蕩漾。在晴朗的秋陽下湖心閃閃發亮,襯著色彩多變的樹葉❤️坐在湖畔餐廳喝下午茶,享受美景真是人生一大滿足啊!除了自駕,從薩爾斯堡火車站前搭🚌Bus120號到Mattsee Ortsmitte站下車即能到達此湖。
Mattsee is one of our favorite lakes, and Mr. Sakura and I like to visit it very much. This lake has a beautiful bluish colour. With the foliage turning amber brown, it offers a beautiful contrast. There's less tourists, and most visitors are local people. So you can enjoy the nice landscape and the calm atmosphere with a hot cup of coffee right beside the lake. #奧地利 #薩爾斯堡州 #瑪特湖 #旅遊日記 #生活日記 #開動with貓 #Austria #Salzburg #KaidongWithKat #trip #Mattsee