MY FAVOURITE VIDEO SO FAR.😍 Do you like the whole slow mo edit and all? This week was tough on me, internet-less, phone-less, stomach flu and high anxiety of not performing on this platform. Like defos the stress is real. So all tall aside, gonna be posting more this coming weeks. #word
Credits of technique to @thenictionary on the fake freckles
Product used:
ONLY 5 products
- White Face Paint
- @makeupforevermy Artistic Acrylip 401
- @nyxcosmetics_my High Definition Blush [HDB25 Electro]
- @maybelline color Sensational [145 Very Cherry ]
- @inglot_malaysia Flexi Palette [ pink Lip color ]
#maybellinecolorsensational #maybellinemy #nyxcosmeticsmy #makeupforever #inglotcosmetics #30daysofmakeup #spooktober #30daysofhalloween