Israel Wasn’t Expecting a Messiah like Jesus
“Part your heavens, Yahweh, and come down. Touch the mountains, and they will smoke. Throw out lightning, and scatter them. Send out your arrows, and rout them. Stretch out your hand from above, rescue me, and deliver me out of great waters, out of the hands of foreigners;” (Psalms 144:5-7 WEB)
David painted such a grand depiction of Yahweh coming down to rescue him.
This is the image Israel had of the Messiah—that when he appeared, he would come in great glory and majesty to save Israel from her enemies immediately.
However, Yahweh did come down, just not in the way that Israel expected.
Yahweh the Son laid aside His divine glory and took on the form of a man, being born as a baby on earth quietly like the bread of heaven (manna) falling gently upon the dew when everyone was still asleep.
His method of rescuing Israel wasn’t dramatic like fire, lightning and arrows. It was to shed His blood and die as the Lamb of God hanging upon a tree.
No wonder Israel has such a hard time believing that Jesus is their Messiah. He did not manifest in the way they were expecting for so many years.
They have such trouble reconciling the descriptions of the Messiah both as a suffering servant in Isaiah 53 and the Messiah as a conquering king in other parts of Old Testament scriptures.
Therefore, they concluded that there must be two different Messiahs. They call one Moshiach Ben Joseph (The Messiah who is Joseph’s son) and Moshiach Ben David (The Messiah who is David’s son).
This is not true of course—there is only one Messiah, who appears in the world at two separate times.
The first time Jesus appeared, He came to deal with the issue of sin by offering Himself as the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world.
In His “Second Coming” in the future, also called “the Day of Christ” and “the Day of Yahweh”, Jesus will fit David’s depiction of Yahweh as a mighty warrior. Jesus will return on the clouds to rescue Israel from the Antichrist and his wicked armies, just as Jerusalem is about to be conquered and destroyed.
The conquering King of kings will be dressed in royal robes dipped in blood, riding upon a white horse. The sword proceeding from His mouth will easily slay all His enemies, and their blood will run like rivers in Bozrah.
The battle at Armageddon will usher in a millennium of unprecedented peace and prosperity on earth.
We are so close to the time whereby the prophecies in the Book of Revelation will turn into historical facts.
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