October is a meaningful month as we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness with @esteelauder_sg 🎀
6 amazing brands (@cliniquesg @bobbibrown @origins.sg @esteelauder_sg @jomalonelondon and @lamer) will launch their Pink products and part of the proceeds will go towards funding the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Pink Partners such as @superga_sg, @minormiracles.shop and various others also unite to raise awareness for this campaign.
You can also do your part by sharing a photo on your Instagram feed with the hashtags #TimeToEndBreastCancer and #UnitedinHopeSG. The Estee Lauder Companies will donate S$5 for every in-feed Instagram post featuring both hashtags to support breast disease research at Singapore General Hospital from 1– 31 October 2020!
#unitedinhopesg #timetoendbreastcancer #esteelaudersg #bobbibrownsg #cliniquesg #originssg #clozette #superga #minormiracles