☺️❤️I love a good coffee in the morning and a good herbal tea at night. These specialty coffee and tea bags from My Little Coffee and Miss Kedisi are insanely satisfying. I discovered them during Weekend Wardrobe and instantly fell in love with their products. Great job! 👏🏻
小妹喜歡早上來一杯咖啡,晚上來一杯花茶。今次在 #週末衣櫥 擺檔發現新大陸! 這些自家製的咖啡和花茶實在太捧了!
咖啡來自 My Little Coffee ,他們製作了超多不同的口,有花果香的,而我就喜歡這個苦苦的「深深深」。
花茶來自 Miss Kedisi 。我超喜歡這個加了黑杞子和甜菊葉的菊花茶,清清甜甜的,喝了很舒壓。