# Amanda 的九月大人課
洞察1:看見「還有半杯水」(We can control more of our happiness than we think.)
洞察2:看穿人生戲碼(Our life circumstance don't matter as much as we think.)
洞察3:練習為快樂努力(You can become Happier but it takes work & daily effort.)
洞察4:慾望會騙人(Your mind is lying to you a lot of the time.)
洞察5:好朋友讓你更快樂(Make time for making social connections.)
洞察6:小付出,大滿足(Helping others makes us happier than we expect.)
洞察7:寫一封感謝的信(Make time for gratitude everyday.)
洞察8:睡飽睡滿,好好運動(Healthy practices matter more than we expect.)
洞察9:你值得擁有自己的時間(Become wealthy in time not in money.)
洞察10:享受當下(Being in the present moment is the happiest way to be.)
同時也有15部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的最新餐酒搭配上線囉!喜歡韓國菜的朋友們有福啦!這集,我請到了我的韓國好朋友 Mina Kim 來為我們示範一道在韓國非常受歡迎,且家家戶戶都會做的家常菜「韓式辣炒豬肉」。 香甜爽辣的韓式辣炒豬肉能搭配葡萄酒嗎?當然可以。趕快來瞧瞧侍酒師Joyce 這...
「more than you意思」的推薦目錄:
more than you意思 在 Yilianboy Facebook 的精選貼文
窮小孩也能搭遊輪 學馬術
與其說驚訝 更多的是不捨和難過
我說要把握時間 活在當下
也說要無愧於心 逐己所愛
喜歡主修樂器的話請繼續享受 努力
「是不是因為學長的職業是牙醫師 收入不錯所以才能追逐自己的興趣?」
在他們的教育和認知中 收入竟優先於興趣
感謝學弟在提問的時候有強調『提問時沒有冒犯的意思』 而不是酸溜溜的質疑
1.我看過很多快樂的人 成功的人 都是追求自己熱愛的事物 發光發熱 同時藉此賺取生活費 因應社會 該職業的社經地位 也許高 也許低 但都是滿足快樂的�.
2.高收入的人不在少數 就以牙醫為例 難道是所有牙醫都有追求自己喜歡的事物嗎?都幸福美滿?身體健康?我想告訴你們的是:我從興趣中找到快樂和滿足 所以分享給你們 若非為了向升學關口的你們分享職業特色 我根本懶得提牙醫這塊 因為那不是我熱衷的事情 應該由熱衷於牙科治療的誰向你們口沫橫飛地說�.
3.錢是我們生活中的一部分 就只是一小部分 不是全部 也不是必要的 我們一定比上不足比下有餘 我個人喜歡往下比 因為更容易讓我感到滿足 往上比的話我可真窮 買不起豪宅 沒有跑車 遊艇 也不能任性地說不上班就不上班 說買奢侈品就買奢侈品
如果我們的水很多 可能可以裝滿大碗公 如果我們的水很少 可以換成一個瘦瘦高高的玻璃杯 也可以有一樣的水位高度 那代表著快樂和滿足的程度 在自己的能力範圍 盡該盡的責任 享受能夠享受的舒適 公寓 大樓 豪宅 別墅 各有合適的住客 然而都是一個安全舒服的家�.
最後要提 如果你的夢想是搭豪華郵輪 除了先攢足船票的錢 也可以應徵船上服務生的工作
又例如我大學的時候沒錢學馬術 我願意刷馬 掃馬廄一個下午 換得半小時的騎乘機會
.�祝各位善良勇敢 不枉此生
First of all, this article is too long for me to translate properly @@
So I will summarize it short and please forgive my grammar mistakes 😅
I was in my alma mater, Kaohsiung Senior High School, to give a speech to the students.
I shared with them my philosophy of life and suggest them follow their hearts, live in the present moment, do not regret.
I told students who majored in music, to keep enjoy in music and to work hard with their beloved musical instrument, but be brave to quit if this was not what they did enjoy in. Maybe they were forced by the society, parents or anything. Now is the most early time to save the rest of theirs youth from such a burden.
I knew they did listen carefully, that’s why they asked me some questions.
Many of them got the same question, which made me astonished and a bit sad,
“Do you think being a dentist with high income is the key enabling you to be engaged in your hobbies?”
Does this question mean they believe one’s income is more important than what one is interested in?
I cared about this question so much for one week after the speech.
And I asked their teacher to pass on to the cute and young, and maybe perplexed, students as following,
1.I’ve seen many people who are happy and successful. They are devoted to what they love and get money for living from it. He or she might be rich or poor, upper class or lower class, depending on the definition of the society, but their contentment and joy cannot be defined�.
2. There are a lot of people with high income. Take dentists as an example, is every dentist looking for what he loves? Or happy? Healthy? I find my happiness from my hobbies, that’s why I share this with you. Dentistry should be shared by some dentist who are enthusiastic about dentistry, not me. I shared my occupation to you only because you are facing the college entrance timing.�.
3. Money is a part of our lives, a little part of our lives. Not the whole life, and not necessary either. We are richer than many people, and at the same time, poorer than many people. I would rather compare myself with those poorer than me, because that makes me feel better, and feeling is the most important thing for a person. When I compare myself with those rich men, I am nothing, I can’t afford a villa, a personal airplane, a yacht.
If we have a lot of water, we can fill a big pot. If we have little water, we can fill a thin glass and reach the same height of water level, which represents the degree of contentment.
Make clear who we are, and take our responsibility, and enjoy what we deserve.
There are different people for different places, apartments, condominium, mansion, villa, however, the common point of them are being a nice and safe cozy home.
If you want to get on a cruise ship, you can earn enough money for the ticket or get the job as a waiter on the ship.
When I couldn’t afford the fee for equestrian class, I worked in the stable and took care of the horses for an afternoon to get the chance to ride the horse for half an hour
May you kind and brave, enjoy the life with no regret
more than you意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文
同學來看一下Presentality分析李光耀 (新加坡開國最主要的領導人)與人民溝通的方式和他選擇使用的口音。
📌 不知為何,幾天前我的 Youtube 突然推薦了前新加坡總理李光耀 (Lee Kuan Yew) 接受西方媒體採訪的影片。
我知道很多名人說李光耀是他們最敬佩的領導人之一,但我從來沒看過他說話的影片, 我就決定來看看他是否真的很會溝通。
📌 如果這是你第一次聽他說話,你第一個注意到的,很可能是他的英文有多流利。畢竟人家可是在英國劍橋大學受教育的,英文根本就是母語。
I would like to see a great deal more CAUTION, a more SELECTIVE EXERCISE of your enormous range of weapons you’ve got, and more BRAINS AND FEET — preferably Vietnamese brains and feet — rather than more power and GADGETRY.
他回答這個問題的時候當然要小心,不能過度批評美國政府,所以他選的字,也符合了這位記者想要表達的 “restraint” (克制)
•Caution — 會比 “Should use power more carefully” 要來的更溫和 (你可以自己唸出來看看,連 caution 的字本身都比較柔和)。
•Selective — 他不告訴美國怎麼使用武力,只是說 be selective,就是要選擇性的使用。
•Brains and feet, rather than gadgetry — 這邊也很巧妙,把當地的人,用 brains and feet 來代表,更能強調他們的長處,比 “local people” 更能夠有說服力。而且他選擇 gadgetry — 就是 fancy tools 的意思,但其實就是武器,但如果他說武器就太直白了,說成 “fancy tools” 又可以強調這個的短處,讓人覺得沒錯,brains and feet 確實比較好。
I would like…
… to see a great deal more caution…
… a more selective exercise of…
enormous range of weapons you’ve got, and uh…
more brains and feet…
停頓加上強調字眼的力道有多強大,我們看接下來這段就知道了,這也是我整個訪談中最喜歡的一段之一,在影片中的 17分25秒左右開始。
You MUST demonstrate, and which…
I’ve really come here to understand better…
is whether YOU…
as a PEOPLE…
have got that resolution (註:不是解決的意思喔,是決心)…
that stamina, that perseverance, AND…
most important of all…
infinite patience, AND…
the capacity to hold back…
your desire to settle this quickly and get it over with, because this is a very different kind of war…
The other side is not in uniform. You are.
我相信看上面的一段,就可以感受到他說話的力道,但還是推薦大家去看影片。這段話他 deliver 出去的方式,實在太好了。
尤其是說到 “infinite patience” 的時候,他整個把音拉的超級長,似乎想要讓很長很長的音,來讓聽眾感受到那個 “infinite”。
Note: 這是另一個演講技巧:就是讓你的音調、語氣、音量等等,來傳達字面上的意思。沈重的訊息,就用低沈緩慢的方式來說。要強調時間很長或過的很慢,就把字句的音本身拉長等等。
📌 Speaking the Audience’s Language
如上面提到,李光耀上面對西方媒體說話的用字,都是比較有學問的,完全展示他的知識水平。畢竟東方人到了西方,不能被看貶。如果他說的是 highly-educated English,西方聽眾會比較覺得 ah he’s on our level!
I am not given to making sense out of life — or coming up with some grand narrative on it — other than to measure it by what you think you want to do in life.
他不是寫 “I don’t try to make sense of life”,而是 “I am not given to making sense out of life”。他還在後面加個 “grand narrative”。滿文學的。
I hope to tell you what merger means, why it’s good for all of us, why it’s coming, and why some people are deliberately creating trouble and difficulty…
📌 完整文章請參考Presentality! Learn from their experience and expertise!
📌 我以前一直認為,反正新加坡不算個民主,李光耀完全掌權,當然可以照他自己的意思去做事情。但看完這些影片,讀了一些分析,發現我想錯了。
新加坡這麼小的地方,沒什麼資源,周圍環繞著這麼多的勢力,不但有東南亞的大國們,也有外來的勢力:美國、英國、澳洲、日本等等… 他是如何在這麼複雜的歷史背景下,不只持續掌權,生存,而且還打造今天的新加坡?
It’s not just about speaking. It’s about speaking to achieve your goals.
•accent 口音,腔調
•pronunciation 發音
•enunciate 清楚地念(字);清晰地發(音)
•intonation (尤指對話語意義有影響的)語調,聲調
•intelligibility 可解度,清晰度,可懂度,明瞭度,可理解性
more than you意思 在 酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE Youtube 的最讚貼文
各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的最新餐酒搭配上線囉!喜歡韓國菜的朋友們有福啦!這集,我請到了我的韓國好朋友 Mina Kim 來為我們示範一道在韓國非常受歡迎,且家家戶戶都會做的家常菜「韓式辣炒豬肉」。
香甜爽辣的韓式辣炒豬肉能搭配葡萄酒嗎?當然可以。趕快來瞧瞧侍酒師Joyce 這回推薦了哪些葡萄酒做餐搭吧!
想要找更多、更精采有趣的餐酒搭配請至 酒意思 Sip with Joyce 網站: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
IG: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/
酒意思Sip with Joyce’s newest food and wine pairing video is now up on YouTube!!!
In this video, my long time friend Mina Kim will show you how to make a staple Korean dish, Jeyuk Bokkeum (Spicy Pork Bulgogi). That is probably enjoyed more frequently than Beef Bulgogi in South Korea.
Can wine go with the spicy and sweet Jeyuk Bokkeum? Of course. I will give my wine recommendation in the video.
If you like the video, please give it a like and subscribe to my channel 酒意思Sip with Joyce. Thank you so much! ❤️🙏❤️
Looking for more food and wine pairing ideas, please visit 酒意思(Joyisi) Sip with Joyce
Website: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
Instagram: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/
more than you意思 在 English Island英語島 Youtube 的最佳貼文
About Chatterbox Island English Podcast:
Have you ever heard a sentence that goes along the lines like, "That person is cancelled."? Why does it really mean to "cancel" someone?
In this episode, we're gonna talk about the original meaning of "cancelling someone," the consequences of cancel culture, and whether it does more harm than good.
Listen to our podcast on:
Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z
Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68
Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy
KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ
SoundOn - https://bit.ly/381LLp8
Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish
RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7
Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7
YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT
Chatterbox Island English Podcast full playlist - https://reurl.cc/mn3LzY
Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/
Music Credits🎵:
Waiting by Ghostrifter Official https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-of...
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/l-waiting
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/8jYhareobTA
more than you意思 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳貼文
· Bingo news podcast(全英文緩速錄製)
· 高效率線上課程(文法解析 + 發音教學,持續更新累積)
1 【work 辦公室】-- 名詞(不可數、通常不加 the)
I have to go to work today.
go to work 去上班、開始工作
I should get to work on the presentation now.
go to the office
leave for work
2 【work 與 office 比比看】-- 都是名詞(定冠詞、可數與否)
Work 職場;工作的地方 — 抽象 — 不可數、也不用 the 指定
Office 辦公室 — 具體、世界上也有無數間辦公室 — 可數,必須用 the 指定自己那間辦公室
work 當辦公室時,到底要不要加 s 跟定冠詞呢?你就想 work 這個字,最基礎的意思就是工作,工作當時是越少越好啊,所以不要再加 the 跟 s 了 XD
3 【get off work 下班】-- 動詞片語
What time do you get off work? I can pick you up.
get off
leave work
leave the office
4 【out of work 失業】 - 形容詞片語
He’s been out of work for more than a year.
get off work vs. out of work
這時候,記得賓狗說,下班很開心,所以手指會比個 ok,哇好像 get “off” work 中的 off 啊,所以 get off work 是開心的「下班」,out of work 則是難過的失業
do not have a job
lose one’s job
5 【work 到底可不可數】
The museum has many works by Taiwanese painters.
You can take this work home.
1 work 辦公室(不可數、不用 the)
2 office 也是辦公室(可數、可加 the)
3 get off work 下班
4 out of work 失業
5 work 只有當作品的時候可數