I can’t believe my little girl Khadeeja has started Prep school. Her elder sister pulak Maryam, already in Year 3. Both of them were so excited last night, packed up their school bag and get ready for today. Pagi tadi pulak, both of them siap marah Abi sebab Abi memerut and lambat nak gerak ke sekolah. Alahai, diorang tak tahu ke Abi diorang ni the pocket rocket man? Skali pecut je, ZZzzaaassss.. dah sampai kt sekolah hehe.
Anyway, it was an incredibly emotional and happy experience of dropping your kids on their first day at school and i hope both of them will become numero uno in what ever they do.
I Love You 3000
#daddydaughter #daughter #babygirl #school #preppy #nomorekindergarten #firstdayatschool #backatschool @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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KD @amnakhadeeja_ first Taekwando lesson. KD ni perwatakan die lembut skit compare to kakak die. Tapi she still insists to join Taekwando class sebab die nak haiyakkk macam kakak katenye. Setiap kali bawak KD pegi tengok kakak nye training, die mesti try to copy taeguk and any other exercise yang diorang buat. Abi harap by doing Taekwando ni akan build more of her self confidence mostly bila die dah nak start sekolah tak lama lagi ni. And abi harap KD akan chopping kick kat mane-mane budak nakal yang cuba kacau KD dekat sekolah nanti haha.
I love you KD.
#daddydaughter #daughter #babygirl #school #preppy #nomorekindergarten
#teamazizul #azizulawang
nomorekindergarten 在 Azizulhasni Awang Facebook 的最佳貼文
Khadeeja had her prep transition at her becoming school this morning. Starting school is a really big milestone for us as parents. Can't believe my little girl was so brave and didn't cry at all when her teacher picked and brought her to class. Due to Covid19, all parents can’t send straight to the classroom. We just watched Khadeeja from far. Glad she had an awesome day with her new teacher and friends. Abi will always pray for u my lil girl ❤️.
#daddydaughter #daughter #babygirl #school #preppy #nomorekindergarten @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia