长假期友族同胞放假,我们顶上,接力执行 oncall, 原本以为佳节期间病例会比较少,结果还是忙不过来。👩⚕️👨⚕️👶
政府医院里护士们大部分都是马来同胞,因为 mco 今年不能好好庆祝,所以他们就发挥自己的创意把病房布置一番,感受医院里浓浓的 raya 气氛,也借此庆祝 Nurse Day。
今年的主题依然环绕在抗疫的课题,除了去年有看到的 corona virus 气球,今年他们还多了一个 PPE 战士 😅
~ 急诊室那里就有一个,那天他们移动了位置,半夜下去看诊的时候我差点被吓破胆 🤣
护士们说,希望这个 '战士'就像稻草人一样,可以赶走病毒。大家对这场看不到终点的疫战都很疲惫了,只希望一切可以快点结束。
Oncall 当天接了不少的 case, 很多都是1岁以下的病童来求诊。问病例的时候,发现其实很多人并没有好好地遵守 MCO 😔
出门去拜访就算了,还带上小孩子,有一些还是跨州跨县的我真的不懂到底是怎么办到的 🤷♀️🤷♀️
而且最近的病童年龄越来越低,很多3,4个月大的,一进来就是需要 non-invasive ventilation,让人很担忧。
好不容易结束了4天的连假,明天开工,应该有一大堆 case 等着冲进来了吧?
我只是负责顾待诊病例 ( PUI / SARI) 的病童们,之前2个月每天穿着 PPE 汗流浃背都已经吃不消了。那些前线同僚们还要穿着 PPE 顶着大热天给公众做 swab test, 有的还在斋戒中,他们更辛苦。
很多人说 icu 和病房爆满只是 KKM 吓唬大众的一个幌子,额,不信的话,我们也没法子,总不能说你中一个进来看看呗?
还有一个很好笑的, mco 策略显著不高,居然有人跑去骂卫生部,要求卫生总监下台之类的。大众们不遵守 SOP 为什么要我们医护人员来承担这个骂名呢?
只希望,这一切可以快点过去吧 ~
「non invasive ventilation」的推薦目錄:
non invasive ventilation 在 呼吸治療師の跑跑人蔘 Facebook 的精選貼文
❇️更新:疾管署發佈2019-nCoV 臨床處置臨時指引(2020/2/2第二版)(可下載PDF)
2019-nCoV 臨床處置臨時指引(第一版):
治療疑似或確診 2019-nCoV 病患時
❌避免使用 Nebulizer 等氣霧式治療
⛔️不建議使用非侵襲性呼吸器(NIV, non-invasive ventilation)
non invasive ventilation 在 臨床筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文
The algorithm of treating cardiogenic shock
Acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock: a multidisciplinary practical guidance
Acute heart failure (AHF) causes high burden of mortality, morbidity, and repeated hospitalizations worldwide. This guidance paper describes the tailored treatment approaches of different clinical scenarios of AHF and CS, focusing on the needs of professionals working in intensive care settings. Tissue congestion and hypoperfusion are the two leading mechanisms of end-organ injury and dysfunction, which are associated with worse outcome in AHF. Diagnosis of AHF is based on clinical assessment, measurement of natriuretic peptides, and imaging modalities. Simultaneously, emphasis should be given in rapidly identifying the underlying trigger of AHF and assessing severity of AHF, as well as in recognizing end-organ injuries. Early initiation of effective treatment is associated with superior outcomes. Oxygen, diuretics, and vasodilators are the key therapies for the initial treatment of AHF. In case of respiratory distress, non-invasive ventilation with pressure support should be promptly started. In patients with severe forms of AHF with cardiogenic shock (CS), inotropes are recommended to achieve hemodynamic stability and restore tissue perfusion. In refractory CS, when hemodynamic stabilization is not achieved, the use of mechanical support with assist devices should be considered early, before the development of irreversible end-organ injuries.