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同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,100的網紅Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,浦燒鰻魚玉子燒 Umaki (Eel Filled Omelette) Ingredients: Eggs - 4 pcs Kabayaki eel - 1 pcs Scallions (Chopped) - 1 Stalk Dashi stock - 2 Tbsp Mirin - 1 Tbsp...
「paper cut香港」的推薦目錄:
- 關於paper cut香港 在 Lmm玩具部屋 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於paper cut香港 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於paper cut香港 在 吳濬彥 Wu Jun Yen Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於paper cut香港 在 Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於paper cut香港 在 ClumsyCynthia 黃可樂 Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於paper cut香港 在 Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
paper cut香港 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文
[ Contrarian嘅嘢]買8個字,一個字都唔中!都有啲難度!都唔止第一次了。有冇人計下機會率幾多(我理應識計,但唔想用腦了)?
1. 又,不如我Patreon每期公開我買乜冧把?咁你可以買少8個,大大提升中獎機會(同上,到底提升幾多?應該好顯著的)
2. 又,認真,不如有機會寫下「提高買六合彩中獎機會方法」。但主要內容係:買多幾張。真架!哈佛教授都係咁講!(https://bityl.co/5Rz1)。好似出Paper添呀!CNBC仲要 Click bait:Mega Millions is up to $970 million—there’s one way to up the odds of winning, according to a Harvard statistics professor
3. 又,醒多你一樣嘢,就真係的,Contrarian.唔好買1-31號。最好避埋35,40,38之類。呢個同提升中獎機會無關,但,可以避免好似《黑心鬼》咁,頭獎幾百注中。真係好多人好似《富貴迫人》咁,拎屋企人生日去買,或者就咁買8,18。你中到頭獎,用咗幾十世嘅運氣,仲同其他人分?會吐血的。
4. 呀同埋,相當具爭議,你可以唔同意,我好多朋友都唔同意—但,我係永世唔會同人夾錢買六合彩的,成班同事圍威喂嗰啲仲煩,我亦都discourage人地(但不能阻止啦)同事咁做。你大約估到點解。理由兩個,第一,睇返上面一段。買六合彩當然望中頭獎,中咗都改變唔到生活嘅不如唔好買,訂我Patreon算—至少我肯定改善到生活! 第二,真係中咗,咁冇買嘅同事(除咗我)又點諗呢?第三,都講過了,走數。固然有人話唔會,亦都見到有例子真係啲人無私共享。所以係返返去你個人嘅問題,對「人」呢樣嘢點睇。
5. 我嘛?”Trust everyone” "But always cut the cards."。即係,Trust no one.本質上我係唔信任「人」呢樣嘢,同朋友唔友無關,OCamp又好 咩添標定又好,嗰啲咩Trust Fall(come one,當年我百四磅咋)之類,免得過的話我死都唔玩—我做乜撚嘢要將我下半身(你冇睇錯)幸福交畀關唔撚識嘅人?
6. 「冇團隊精神」當然係我嘅問題。但明顯地經過二十年冇改善,係惡化咗。而因為我畀人炒咗,卒之唔使再講呢啲大話。雖然識我耐嘅都知,我抗拒一切嘅群體活動。幾個一齊打機還好,成添人就免,亦同我技術無乜咩關係。
7. Daniel Day Lewis嘅There will be blood我在戲院睇咗三次(年青真好),入面佢講嘅嘢:I hate most people. There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking. I want to earn enough money that I can get away from everyone.
8. 「咁你又搞Facebook Page又搞Patreon?」係!人生就係充滿矛盾!Oedipus嘛!我就係Anti Social 嘅 Social media influencer (臨時演員都係演員,冇影響力都係influencer),沙文嘅港女,悲觀嘅樂觀者,外向嘅introvert,貪錢嘅文青,有文化嘅金融從業員。
9. 又,每年都仲係有人講邊個投注站風水好 點買先易中,香港嘅STEM啦喎,算吧啦。
10. 正經講,嗰時在Warwick讀Stochastic Calculus(一講英文即時好似好勁),呀老鬼都有用prove by contradiction,試過整到一啲「必定會輸嘅投資方法」—咁你話,必定會輸有乜咁出奇?奇呀,因為,你將佢reverse咗,咪會變咗「必定贏嘅方法」!而至少在理論框架入面,多數操作都可以兩邊做
11. 順手一講,如果冇咗萬惡仆街嘅沽空,我都唔知你一大堆Derivative點Price,絶大多數你見到嘅Derivative pricing 都assume有得沽空,冇得沽空,天下大亂
12. 咁你話,「韓仔禁沽空禁咗成年喎」。冇錯,所以,世界上有乜畀韓仔炒股票更危險?就係韓仔炒Derivative.陶傑話齋,唏,華克山莊都唔畀韓仔入去啦。
13. 呀同埋,理論上我都脫咗貧(北韓好多小朋友冇飯開的)。但,都係照買六合彩的。一來過癮,二來都真係諗住中呀!趙國雄都抽iBond啦!
14. 即係,大家都理解如果收入唔高,一年儲得兩皮嘢嘅(realistic啦?),咁你仲話講10%回報,真係蛇都死,你會覺得先2000蚊,都未夠我去次日本。所以本小一定係想追大回報,理唔理性都好,必然發生。
15. 但到我問啲小朋友有冇買六合彩?又冇喎。咁,你成日想發達,都要去買張Good Damn ticket的。雖然研究做過,在美國你過馬路去投注站畀車撞死嘅機會,點都大過你中頭獎。但香港應唔係,況且,你可以online買。
16. 我的確見唔少成日話坐東航唔安全嘅人,照樣過馬路買六合彩。好危險的。你明啦,要隻成飛機炒落嚟,其實好難。
2021比別人知得多。subscribe now。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1300人訂!(https://bityl.co/4Y0h)。年費仲有85折
paper cut香港 在 吳濬彥 Wu Jun Yen Facebook 的精選貼文
《監獄中的監獄》(Please scroll for English version)
還柙首天,我被送到去年六月才步出的荔枝角收押所,然後進行不陌生的入冊程序 —— 見長官、換囚衣和領取個人用品等。本來我已對這些程序諷刺地感到熟悉,但到了下午四時左右,當我跟林朗彥相繼完成初到荔枝角收柙所的各項程序並呆坐於指模房一角等侯指示時,保安組職員突然將我帶往收押所醫院。我本來以為在獄中見醫生是基於程序需要,結果卻被帶到收押所醫院走廊盡頭的單人囚室,那刻我才深知不妙,也成了惡夢真正的開端。
The prison inside prison
After my immediate remand on November 23, I had intended to send letters from the prison to update you my latest situation in jail after my remand on November 23. But owing to the sudden solitary confinement that night, it turned out that I was unable to do so. Although I have been in prison three times, being held in the prison isolation unit is far beyond my expectation. It took me a lot of time and energy to calm myself down and reorganise my thoughts.
On the first day of remand in Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre, I went through the registration procedures—meeting with officers, changing into prison clothes and obtaining daily necessities. The procedures are very familiar as I was released from here in June. At about 4 pm, Ivan Lam and I completed all procedures and waiting for further instructions in the fingerprinting room, officers from the security team suddenly took me to the hospital in the Centre. While I thought it was a normal procedure to see doctor, I was taken to a single cell at the end of the hospital corridor. At that moment, I knew it was the beginning of the nightmare.
After arriving the single cell, the correctional officer told me that I needed to wait for a senior officer to explain the situation and said, "You should be here for a while." During waiting for the senior officer, I felt very disturbed and kept wondering why they moved me to solitary confinement. In the end, the senior provided a highly unexpected reason—there were "foreign objects" in my stomach, the officer said, they could be drugs, rings or gold and silver objects. Therefore, I needed to be in solitary confinement for several days until they found out what the "foreign objects" were.
I have taken X-rays for a few times, but nothing happened before, I was completely confused about the X-rays result. I have never had anything to do with drugs, and all food I had before remand were normal food. Moreover, under the current policy, the prison administration does not allow inmates to see their X-rays, so there is no way to verify the results.
As the officers suspected I possess drugs in my body, the treatment was even worse than normal solitary confinement. Generally speaking, persons in remand can spend their time in the activity room with three to forty other inmates in the daytime and return to their five-personal cell at night. However, what happened to me was, apart from visiting by my friends and relatives and taking a shower, I basically could not leave the single cell. I was even not allowed to have one hour of outdoor activity. Since the isolation was based on the presumption of possession of drugs, correctional officers would check my blood pressure and oxygen saturation every four hours even at midnight. The light in the cell was also kept turning on 24 hours a day, so I needed to use my face mask as the blindfold to barely put myself to sleep.
The most difficult thing was that since the original intent of the entire confinement was to let persons excrete drugs from their body, so I could not use the toilet in the cell, and the tap did not have water to prevent people from flushing drugs away. Instead, officers would provide a plastic plate. But because of the lack of replacement of the toilet plate, I could only use the washbasin to urinate. After the I excreted in the plate, I needed to inform the officer to come to the cell and check the excrement for any foreign objects such as pills or drugs. When the process was completed, the officers would ask me to sign an "isolated observation" form. I still remembered the uncomfortable feeling when I saw the form clearly stated "suspected possession of drugs in the inmate's body" every time I signed the paper.
To my understanding, such solitary confinement generally lasts three to five days, and today is the second day of formal solitary confinement. I hope that when this letter is sent and published, the isolation is ended. Before I could adapt the fact that I was already in prison, I was sent to solitary confinement and all activities and communication were cut off. It was indeed difficult to endure, and I am sorry that I have not yet provided any analysis of the politics and social environment. But I know that there are still many other Hong Kong protesters who are facing lawsuits or are in jail like me. I hope you can continue to do as much as you can to let them know they are not alone. Monday (November 30) is the day when 12 Hongkongers were arrested and sent to Mainland China for 100 days, I urge everyone to continue to pay attention to them.
Finally, I want to be frank that, in the face of uncertainties, I just feel uneasy and anxious. However, as I said when I stepped into the dock in the courtroom, "Hang in everyone, I know the situation that the people outside face will be more difficult. Keep fighting." I will also learn to turn the pains and sufferings I encountered in prison into the power that drives my growth. I know it will never be easy, but I will try my best.
paper cut香港 在 Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel Youtube 的最讚貼文
浦燒鰻魚玉子燒 Umaki (Eel Filled Omelette)
Eggs - 4 pcs
Kabayaki eel - 1 pcs
Scallions (Chopped) - 1 Stalk
Dashi stock - 2 Tbsp
Mirin - 1 Tbsp
Sugar - 2 tsp
Salt - 1/4 tsp
Dried bonito flakes - A Few
Kabayaki sauce - A Few
YouTube: @Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel
IG: https://instagram.com/foodblogchriswong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyPrivateKitchen.Chriswong/
我的C家廚房!Bon Appétit
@Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel
1. Cut the Kabayaki eel into half.
2. Whisk the eggs with dashi stock, mirin, sugar and salt. Sieve the egg to make it smooth.
3. Heat up a tamagoyaki pan and make sure it's very hot. Apply some oil on it.
4. Add 1/4 of the eggs into the pan. Put half of the eel on the egg and cook until the egg is half way to solidify.
5. Flip the eel and egg towards the handle side. Apply some oil on the pan then push it to another end of the pan.
6. Apply some oil on the pan and add 1/4 of egg.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until eggs are being used up.
8. Use parchment paper to wrap the umaki. Rest for 3 minutes to shape the roll.
9. Lay another half of the eel on the umaki. Apply a small amount of kabayaki sauce on it.
10. Put the dried bonito flakes and chopped scallions on the top.
味醂............................1 湯匙
1. 雞蛋打發成雞蛋液,加入鰹魚高湯、味醂、糖和鹽拌勻,然後用濾網過篩。
2. 熱油鍋下蛋液,加入1/2份浦汁鰻魚以小火煎至半凝固(約七分熟),從鍋邊把蛋向內捲起,然後把蛋捲向外推至尾端。
3. 從新塗上適量油,然後在蛋卷旁邊加入蛋液(重複以上步驟直至用完所有蛋液)。
4. 完成後之玉子燒可用烘焙紙/壽司竹蓆捲包裹著待3分鐘,使玉子燒定型。
5. 將另外1/2份浦汁鰻魚放在玉子燒上面,最後塗上適量鰻魚汁,加入鰹魚片和蔥花,然後切件便可。

paper cut香港 在 ClumsyCynthia 黃可樂 Youtube 的精選貼文
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» Drawing Instagram: https://bit.ly/2xrpUY2
» Facebook: https://bit.ly/3bv7tQQ
» Second channel: https://bit.ly/2QPFNyj
» My Podcast: "Oh fudge!" https://linktr.ee/clumsycynthia
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▼ 你可能會想知道... | You Might Be Curious…
» 咖啡機:Delonghi EC685.BK (自SOGO購入)
» 果汁機:Vitantonio (自HKTVMall購入)
» 睡衣:Uniqlo or Juuneedu http://juuneedu.com/ / 韓國代購 gn_korea or puc_korea
» 婚姻平權banner:from 禁獵女巫 on Pinkoi - https://bit.ly/353Ns3W
▼ What I use 拍攝相關
» 相機: Canon M50 or GoPro Hero 8
» 剪輯軟體: Final Cut Pro X
» 付費音樂網站: Artlist - http://bit.ly/2ky4ked (this is an affiliated link, 大家可以多獲得2個月的訂閱!)
» Ending Music: Eric Reprid, Basement - https://thmatc.co/?l=15C8AAFF
» LOGO設計:writehanded2.0 - https://bit.ly/2wLIObQ
» Music used:
▼ Disclaimer:
**This video is sponsored by Snapask
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paper cut香港 在 Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
[Healthy Snacks] Seaweed Rice Crisps
Vietnamese Rice Paper -------- A Few
Toasted Seaweed --------------- A Few
YouTube:@Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel
IG: https://instagram.com/foodblogchriswong
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MyPrivateKitchen.Chriswong/
我的C家廚房!Bon Appétit
@Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel
1. Cut the Vietnamese rice paper into the size you want.
2. Moist the Vietnamese rice paper with water.
3. Align the toasted seaweed on the Vietnamese rice paper.
4. Allow to air dry.
5. Deep fry until crisp.
[韓國小食]【韓式紫菜脆片】 Seaweed Rice Crisps
1. 將越南米紙用剪刀裁成合適大小備用。
2. 用水把越南米紙沾濕,然後粘上即食紫菜,風乾後放進油鍋炸脆便可。(可隨個人喜好加入喜歡的調味粉,如芥末粉、蒜粉、松露粉等。)