《Mama College 營養學》
有好多研究顯示低脂肪嘅 diet 反而會令大家更加肥。好多食物寫住係低脂但係其實都會係高糖,所以大家注意。
高脂肪嘅 diet 反而會令到我哋有飽肚感,提高新陳代謝,所以燃燒卡路里其實仲快㗎!
大家一定要攝取適量嘅脂肪,尤其是係多元不飽和脂肪 Polyunsaturated Fat.
多元不飽和脂肪都有分omega 3 and omega 6.
記住,omega 3 (DHA & EPA) 係重要過 omega 6 好多。
其實係想吸取多啲 omega 3, 大家可以食魚,海鮮,蛋,肉類,合桃,亞麻籽,藻類食物。當然最好揀啲有機嘅或者唔會加左任何抗生素,荷爾蒙,化學物質嘅天然食物啦。
至於 omega 6 經常都會係一啲植物油或者零食可以搵得到。呢類型嘅食物就應該少食啲啦。
《Mama College Nutrition》
T/F. We lose weight by avoiding fats and oil?
Many studies have indicated that a low fat diet actually would increase people's weight. A lot of low fat food are actually high in refined sugar, which is even worst.
A diet rich in the fat make us feel full, increase metabolism, reduce sugar cravings and make us burn calories faster.
We should all consume a reasonable amount of fat, especially polyunsaturated fat.
2 types of Polyunsaturated fat - Omega 3, and omega 6. We want more omega 3 (DHA & EPA) more than omega 6. Omega 3 is anti-inflammatory, the good stuff. Omega 6 is inflammatory. We want to aim for a ratio of 1:1.
So if you are buying oil supplements, be sure to look at the ratio and purchase a quality product closest to 1:1 ratio.
We can obtain omega 3 from natural whole foods like fatty fish, seafood, eggs, grass-fed meat, flaxseeds, algae, and walnuts.
Omega 6 are usually found in junk food, refined oil.
When using oil at home, try to replace soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil with coconut oil, olive oil or even organic butter. It's much healthy for you.
Hope you find this useful!
#oilandfat #好脂肪 #壞脂肪 #油
#omega3 #omega6
#polyunsaturatedfat #多元不飽和脂肪
Mama College 張嘉兒
polyunsaturatedfat 在 Saturated Fat, Polyunsaturated Fat and Coronary Heart Disease 的推薦與評價
Steven Hamley is currently studying for his PhD via a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Physiology at Deakin University in Melbourne. ... <看更多>