【解壓玩具推介】想解壓,小朋友界就有Pop it👧🏻👦🏻,咁大人界有咩呢🤧?曾經紅極一時🔥嘅無限啪啪紙機💥新出咗個進化Version🆕!新版可以容許空氣進入🌬️,無論係觸感定Pop感都更像真😳💓!最特別係每㩒出 50 次基本啪啪聲👂🏻,就會觸發一次隨機特別音效🔊,非常過癮😆!香港人壓力咁大,真係要隨身帶備一個,無限啪解解壓啦💁🏻♀️! #你有壓力我有壓力大家都有壓力 #媽媽們一被仔女激親即刻啪兩啪
價格:~HKD 60
#testingmama #創意 #發明 #設計 #玩具 #解壓 #啪啪紙機 #BANDAI
pop it發明 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文
隨時隨地都在pop it
pop it發明 在 Vegan Expression Facebook 的精選貼文
京都│神出鬼沒。純素POP UP CAFE
這天吃完午餐後,Imaginary Cafe 的店主邀請我們去他家坐客,本來以為只是聊聊天,殊不知店主太熱情,給我們「隨便」做了個純素下午茶!他可是花了很多年研究料理的,還做了一個很可愛的食譜本子。最意外的是讓我吃到了他自製的純素乳酪,超級好吃!
Imaginary Cafe 沒有實體店,只有當社區或不同機構舉辦活動時,會以POP UP CAFE的形式出現。可是不用擔心,他們參加的活動還挺多的,可以去臉書查看。
PS 我已過了追星的年紀,但現在起,可以改為追 Imaginary Cafe,去日本前,先窺探一下他們的行蹤 😙
After lunch, the owner of Imaginary Cafe ~想像的民族料理店~ invited us to his home, I thought it's just a simple chatting, but the owner is too enthusiastic that made us a "simple & easy" vegan afternoon tea! He spent many years practicing creative cooking, and made a very cute recipe book to record all his dishes. The most unexpected thing is that I had a chance to try his homemade vegan yogurt, which is super delicious!
Also, I found that the owner enjoys healing people so much. I still remember the day we met in Taitung, Taiwan. At that time, he did a "massage that didn't even touch my body", but I actually felt that my body was healed for somehow. I know it's hard to imagine, try it yourself next time! On that day, I found this pair of clogs in his home, and if you look at it carefully, you will find that there's only one support point, this is another thing he invented for healing people.
Imaginary Cafe does not have a real store. It will appear as a POP UP CAFE only when the community or a different institution holds an event. But don't worry, they have a lot of activities, you can check out their Facebook.
PS I have passed the age of chasing celebrities, but now I can chase Imaginary Cafe instead.
Name: Imaginary Cafe
FB: Imaginary Cafe ~想像的民族料理店~
IG: https://instagram.com/imaginarycafe
pop it發明 在 奇葩「Pop It Pal」擠痘痘玩具爆紅,Facebook評分高達4.6 的推薦與評價
很多人都知道不能擠青春痘或粉刺,這樣做容易感染或損傷皮膚,但人們還是忍不住去擠。因此,一對夫妻BillyandSummerPierce,發明了「PopItPal」玩具, ... ... <看更多>
pop it發明 在 奇葩「Pop It Pal」擠痘痘玩具爆紅,Facebook評分高達4.6 - 壹讀 的推薦與評價
很多人都知道不能擠青春痘或粉刺,這樣做容易感染或損傷皮膚,但人們還是忍不住去擠。因此,一對夫妻Billy and Summer Pierce,發明了「Pop It Pal」 ... ... <看更多>
pop it發明 在 奇葩“Pop It Pal”挤痘痘玩具爆红,Facebook评分高达4.6 - 搜狐 的推薦與評價
很多人都知道不能挤青春痘或粉刺,这样做容易感染或损伤皮肤,但人们还是忍不住去挤。因此,一对夫妻Billy and Summer Pierce,发明了“Pop It Pal”玩具, ... ... <看更多>