01,早排見好多人話 TVB 仲停留響獎門人年代,又大讚 ViuTV 有朝氣。另一邊廂,亦見有啲朋友話,其實 TVB 又好, 之前嘅 100毛又好,甚至 ViuTV 又好,其實都係一樣咁低俗,唔明有乜好嘈?
02,我自己就好耐無睇呢幾個台,所以唔識評論。不過,TVB vs ViuTV 之爭,令我諗起 Neil Postman 嘅 Amusing Ourselves to Death ;今個月頭請大家提名「想睇但又未睇嘅書」,其中一本係就係呢本經典著作。
03,1985年呢本書初版時, Postman 話:We were keeping our eye on 1984. When the year came and the prophecy didn’t, thoughtful Americans sang softly in praise of themselves. The roots of liberal democracy had held… But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell’s dark vision, there was another - slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
04,而我手上嘅版本,已係廿周年嘅再版,即係 2005 年;但就算係呢本再版,亦都已經係十五年前嘅作品。究三十五年前係咩世界?1985年,個人電腦仍然係小眾趣味,Mac 得一歲,Steve Jobs 係個好臭串嘅死靚仔。當時嘅世界,仍然未有 24小時直播時聞;疲勞轟炸式新聞,一直要到1991年海灣戰爭時,先至幅 CNN 發揚光大。USA Today,當其時雖然只係得三年貨仔,但已經成為美國第三大報。即係話,我用 1985 年嘅作品去評論 2021 年嘅 TVB 大戰 ViuTV;大家又會唔會即時諗起「九品芝麻官」嘅呢一幕?⋯⋯