【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 084】寵物幫助你免疫力
Pets are an inseparable part of our world and our families. Pet companionship can help improve psychological wellbeing, and according to studies, pets can also help with human immunity. Study from Mount Sinai Hospital analyzed data from over 3 million people, found a 24 percent reduction in risk of death within 10 years for dog owners. Benefits of owning a pet include: Dogs produce more immunoglobulin when stroked. An antibody in their saliva, which fights antigens. Next, pets can also help people respond better to stress, and this in turn boosts the immune system. Last, microbes on pets have strong connection to the microbes in people’s bodies. Some researches have shown that pet microbes can directly influence the health and immunity of people.
原討論文章: https://www.15mins.today/blog/ep-966-keeping-pets-can-boost-your-immunity
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psychological 例句 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的精選貼文
【#精選詞彙單元 Vocab 074】火星任務模擬
A study funded by NASA is putting people in a domeshaped building on a Hawaii volcano for eight months that mimicks a stay on the surface of Mars. This simulation is to examine how well people can work and live together, entirely separated from civilization. The 2030 Mars mission with astronauts will consist of a six-month journey to Mars, then 500 days of stay, and another six-month return trip. NASA does not intend to put people on this mission without understanding the psychological consequences. A mock Mars mission of 520 days showed the people developed sleep disorders and became less productive. The six crew members selected are able to email with a 20minute delay, check their bank accounts, and browse limited websites. Crew members will perform a variety of work that mimics astronauts, including excursions in spacesuits.
原文討論: https://www.15mins.today/blog/ep-918-living-in-hawaii-aiming-for-mars
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psychological 例句 在 EN English Facebook 的最佳解答
Others observed that "the psychological quality of the people of the Celestial Empire is so delicate, a tiny bit of teasing and they fall to pieces," and "the Chinese have such fragile self-esteems, they simply cannot abide by any viewpoint other than what the Communist Party gives them."
be foaming at the mouth:形容詞,非常憤怒,氣得火冒三丈。例句:Josh was foaming at the mouth about Lisa’s comments on his new book.(莉莎對喬許新書的評論令他大為光火。)
an elephant in the room:成語,指明顯存在卻被大家避談或不願承認的重要問題或棘手狀況。例句:The escalating ethnic tension in this country is the elephant in the room that the government avoids talking about.(這個國家族裔緊張升高是明顯的問題,政府卻避而不談。)
owing to:介係詞片語,由於。例句:Owing to the heavy rain, our trip was canceled.(由於下大雨,我們的旅遊取消了。)