Northwest's Salmon Population May Be Running Out of Time
A Washington state report put it bluntly ( ): Because of the devastating ( ) effects of climate change and deteriorating ( ) habitats ( ), several species of salmon in the Pacific Northwest are “on the brink of ( ) extinction ( ).”
Of the 14 species of salmon and steelhead trout in Washington state that have been deemed ( ) endangered ( ) and are protected under the Endangered Species Act, 10 are lagging ( ) recovery goals, and five are considered “in crisis,” according to the 2020 State of Salmon in Watersheds report.
“Time is running out,” said the report, which is produced every other year ( ) by the Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office. “The climate is changing, rivers are warming, habitat is diminishing ( ), and the natural systems that support salmon in the Pacific Northwest need help now more than ever.”
Researchers say recovery efforts — involving state and federal agencies, Native American tribes, local conservation groups and others — have helped slow the decline of some salmon populations. The report found that two species — the Hood Canal summer chum and Snake River fall chinook — were approaching ( ) their recovery goals. It also noted that no new salmon species had been added to the endangered list since 2007.
“We are at least treading water,” said Kaleen Cottingham, director of the Washington state Recreation and Conservation Office. “We have not, however, seen the kind of progress ( ) that we had hoped for.”
With the effects of climate change expected to accelerate ( ), researchers said that more must be done to prevent further population decline and the possible extinction of some species.
Salmon play a vital ( ) role in the environment, economy and culture of the Pacific Northwest. At least 138 species depend on salmon for their food in some way. Salmon support an estimated ( ) 16,000 jobs in the fishing industry, and they are a draw ( ) for tourists.
Before the 20th century, an estimated 10 million to 16 million adult salmon and steelhead trout returned annually to the Columbia River system. The current return of wild fish is 2% of that.
One of the largest factors inhibiting salmon recovery is habitat loss. A growing human population has led to development along the shoreline and the addition of bulkheads, or sea walls, that encroach ( ) on beaches where salmon generally find insects and other food. More pavement ( ) and hard surfaces have contributed to an increase in toxic stormwater runoff ( ) that pollutes Puget Sound.
美國西北部鮭魚 陷瀕臨絕種危機
華盛頓州一篇報告直截了當指出,由於氣候變遷跟棲地劣化的毀滅性影響, 美國西北部有數種鮭魚「瀕臨滅絕」。
華盛頓州休閒與保育辦公室主任Kaleen Cottingham說:「我們至少勉強穩住了情況,但我們沒有看到我們所期望的進展。」
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return loss影響 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
[今日寫啲乜]其實係兩篇文,呢個圖只係下集。上集冇出「今日寫啲乜」。點解?因為月尾多數冇人join,Anyway,兩篇都係周末專題,我會寫啲大課題心法嘢case study.同平時一至五嘅唔同。今次上下集,夾埋8000字。有圖有Excel畀你玩
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1600人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
2004年夏天,兩隻家傳戶曉嘅新股上市,一隻係Domino’s Pizza(DPZ),一隻係Google(GOOGL),你今日坐時光機返去,會買邊隻?
咁我個題已經話你知,雖然GOOGL係科企,甚至有人覺得係最geek最nerd嘅科企,今日FAAMG之一,地球上第三大企業,1.6萬億市值。但,居然上市至今回報,要跑輸呢間low tech Pizza公司
上集我差不多只講一樣嘢:return vs total return.股價升幅同總回報。你心諗唔係一樣?哦,仲有派息,但派得幾多?一年半年唔多,但積埋17年就好係嘢。如果你將啲股息再reinvest 落去隻股票,碌雪球利叠利,分別仲大。
DPZ,只計股價升幅同派息(冇再投資),1蚊變34蚊。但dividend reinvestment呢?1蚊變65蚊!爭好遠!亦係因為咁先跑贏GOOGL
咁你話,咁啱因為DPZ升得多,息又派得好。唔好咁屈機。咁簡單啲,標普指數。由2006年4月計起(點解?因為我開始做分析員),計到今日,有幾大分別? 冇reinvest嘅,1蚊變4.3。幾好啦。但有嘅,1蚊變5.1。都真係爭一截的
上集就都係老生常談嘢,stay in market,日子有功,time is your friend。收到股息唔好使咗佢,或者唔好使晒佢,至少點都碌返少少入股市。
然後睇下,GOOGL梗係高科技啦。Big Tech護城河極深,只有佢搶其他人(包括Pizza舖)生意,冇掉轉。唔通DPZ可以搶Big Tech 生意?頂多啲工程師叫幾個Pizza
睇數睇到的,GOOGL 純利率,盈利增長,甚至規模都大過DPZ好多。GOOGL年賺400億,DPZ賣Pizza一年5億已經係神級。
咁但,最Tricky嘅位,點解DPZ回報都係跑贏?頭先講咗Dividend reinvestment ,但仲有其他嘢。其中一樣就係估值。好粗略計,GOOGL 2015年已經100倍市盈率,高科技嘛,但而家得25倍咋!Multiple contraction,估值收縮。相反,DPZ畀人覺得冇增長,當年13倍市盈率,但而家去到30倍,Multiple Expansion.呢度一來一回,加埋股息再投資,就爭一大截了
但再講落去,根本DPZ同GOOGL都係神股,why not both?兩隻都幾十個開。咁亦話你知,你買中呢啲公司,你根本唔怕其他啲嘢total loss,我贏一隻可以輸十隻。一定係think big,好公司可以升到你唔信,但壞公司亦只能跌100%。
而你亂咁止蝕止賺嘅,注定成唔到大事。根本你DPZ而家睇天下無敵,但2006年盈利已經倒退,難免畀人覺得係谷到最靚上市後就收皮。2007 2008生意更加重災區。搞到2012,搞利先返返2005水平。幾多年呀?7年。你有冇咁嘅耐性?把口而家事後梗係羨慕人買到10倍股,但個Q個隻嘢一個月唔升已經問乜事啦。一季盈利唔得就話公司唔掂要沽貨啦。更唔好講,一個金融海嘯打埋嚟,兩隻都一年跌六成啦。
然後講好老土嘅嘢,複利的威利,保險L成日同你講。你見呢啲咩股王,都係講緊一年 廿幾%回報,已經係17年升幾十倍。一來你見到Time is your friend,日子有功。但一年20%易唔易?梗係難啦!極難呀!所以唔該你調整返你啲期望,唔好講埋啲「我唔貪心希望年年穩定20%回報就得」。呢個世界年年穩定嘅回報,係美債,1.5%.或者iBond可以有兩三厘(但買唔得多)。同樣地,出面嗰啲友同你講「目標一年三四成回報」,你信我嘅我就祝君好運。不過人就係鍾意聽大話,自欺欺人。
仲有17年嚟,GOOGL CAGR25%,1蚊變44蚊。DPZ CAGR 22%,1蚊變30蚊。見唔見到爭幾咁遠?呢啲亦係複利的威力,你個回報一年爭少少,拉長咗就爭好遠。
月頭訂最抵!2021比別人知得多。subscribe now(。Ivan Patreon,港美市場評點,專題號外,每日一圖,好文推介。每星期6篇,月費80,半年已1600人訂! 畀年費仲有85折
return loss影響 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的精選貼文
這幾年, 越來越多人投資成長股, 尤其是高速成長股, 是一件很好的事情. 但很多投資人應該只看到高速成長股帶來的漲幅, 卻沒看到另一面.
一位分析師做的研究: 除了dot.com那時候的大跌, 其他時候, 高速成長軟體股的跌幅平均是25-27%.
下圖是截至05/17的跌幅(未包括SPAC). 是-37%.
成長股很受到投資人的青睞, 也很容易變成動能股. 當動能失去的時候, 就像重力加速度一樣, 跌速跟跌幅會很快很大.
投資成長股, 尤其是高速成長股, 對我來說, 要不就是佛系, 要不就是練盤感&操作. 可以看適合自己的方法&投資的目標是甚麼(而其實成長股經過去年的大漲幅, 大跌前的估值也已經很高了).
"Discipline trumps conviction." (紀律勝過信念)
"I learned that you may be right, but if enough people believe you're wrong the markets can really hurt you." --BlackRock bond chief Rick Rieder
至於成長股還能不能買呢? 可以參考下面這兩段:
While tech stocks have taken the biggest hit from rising inflation concerns, some investors see the recent retreat as an opportunity to buy fast-growing companies.
“Within tech, there are still some companies that look very cheap,” said Jane Shoemake, client portfolio manager at Janus Henderson Investors. “If you believe in the longer-term trends supporting these companies, you should be buying.”
🌻FTCH, FVRR, PINS, PYPL, ROKU電話會議內容已整理好. 可到部落格那邊去看:
之前先錄了一段影片, 解釋我是怎麼做財報內容&電話會議內容整理的:
🎯上次有提, 九月份會來做年報財報的導讀. 現在台灣的疫情那麼嚴重, 我有考慮在這個周末來進行, 這樣有興趣的讀者可以利用宅在家的時間來學習. Anyway. 如果決定提早做的話, 我週四會將訊息貼在這邊.
Markets are likely to be volatile until additional economic data provides a clearer picture, said Seema Shah, chief strategist at Principal Global Advisors. “I don’t think we could know anything really about which way inflation is going to go until September, but the market is unable to wait that long.”
“[Cryptocurrency] is no longer an asterisk for the general market,” Ms. Krosby said. “It seems like it’s becoming very much part of the general market, and questions whether or not the selloff in bitcoin is representative of concerns over risk-on risk-off over the larger market.”
🌻營運分析: 如何看一家公司在疫情後有沒有失去競爭力?
The bounceback was largely to be expected after a dismal comparable quarter last year, when stores had to close due to Covid-19 restrictions. A comparison to pre-pandemic numbers yields a more sober outlook: Measured against the same quarter in 2019, Kohl’s net sales declined 4.2%, while comparable sales at Macy’s fell 10.5%.
One positive surprise was a turn to profitability for the two department store giants; analysts polled by FactSet had expected a net loss from both. But that was partly thanks to factors outside of the retailers’ control: Port congestion has led to less inventory across the apparel industry, leading to more full-priced selling. Inventory declined 25% at Kohl’s compared with a year earlier and fell 14% at Macy’s.
Kohl’s shares fell 10% after it reported Thursday, and Macy’s is down around 5% since reporting earlier in the week. Yet they are both trading at prices higher than pre-pandemic levels.
That seems hard to justify. The truth is that department stores were losing customers before and during the pandemic, and will probably continue to do so after it. While Kohl’s and Macy’s sales remain below pre-pandemic levels, off-price and big-box retailers have seen their apparel sales increase. At TJX’s Marmaxx division, which houses T.J. Maxx and Marshalls, sales in the quarter ended May 1 were up 14.4% compared with the same period in 2019. Target’s apparel sales grew 29% over the comparable period.
🌻通膨. The magic number 4.
Mackintosh 表示,經濟復甦提高通膨也有利股市,聯準會 (Fed) 在這個階段也很樂意忽略通膨,因為經濟成長正是政府想要的。但當通膨進一步上升,壓縮到股票報酬率時, 4% 通膨率將成為關鍵點。
據統計自 1957 年標普 500 指數創立以來,美國曾有 9 次通膨率高於 4%,這其中的 8 次,股市在 3 個月後下跌。只有 2005 年突破 4% 又隨即回落,因而未影響大盤。
Pictures: from; It's always a pleasant surprise when animal friends visited. This time, three in a low.