南美洲開箱文 (5) 異次元空間裡的維亞多勒羅沙
First time in South America (5) Underground tunnel to the cross
鹽之教堂(Catedral de Sal)是波哥大附近一個知名景點。這裡原本是個地下鹽礦,停產之後經過改造,變成一座獨樹一格的地下教堂,同時也是多數信仰天主教的哥倫比亞人的朝聖地。
但整座教堂的精彩之處並不僅在於此。從洞口一路走到主堂,得經過約500公尺長的地道,這段地道被設計者轉化為擁有14個站點的「維亞多勒羅沙」(拉丁文:Via Dolorosa)——根據天主教傳統,耶穌從受審到被釘十字架的那段路程被稱為「維亞多勒羅沙」,又稱苦路,路上標記著14個地點,對應到耶穌走過時發生的14個事件。
Catedral de Sal is probably the most known attraction near Bogota. Originally an underground salt mine, it was later converted to an underground cathedral. The main sanctuary was a massive cave carved out of the rock: 600ft below surface, 90ft height and 360ft long. Unlike other cathedrals, you won't see many statues and icons here. Instead, the man-carved rock surface was exposed directly. In the front, a giant cross was also carved out of the rock, and is illuminated with hidden lights.
But there's more here. Along the 1600ft-long tunnel into the sanctuary, the designer put 14 stops of Via Dolorosa (the road that Jesus walked to the cross in Jerusalem). The scene at each stop was presented with light, rock and a simply cross in an abstract manner -- for example, at the 3 falls of Jesus, the fall was represented by a crack in the rock, and the size of the crack increases each time.
Most visitors are impressed by the unique experience in the underground space, as well as the delicate design of the light. As for me, however, what I like most is how the designer used the long passage and the 14 stops to force you to slow down, to pause and meditate at each stop, and finally arrive at the cross and the sanctuary in a different mood.
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