【Demon Slayer - Upper Moon Six】鬼滅之刃-上弦之陸
Daki/墮姬 - Ryu-琉
Gyutaro/妓夫太郎 - Coser小冷-LEI
Photo by 凡子Fanzi
Retouch by 竜-garuda
Studio Ryu's Alley
同時也有30部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,750的網紅Dainghia25,也在其Youtube影片中提到,little nightmares 2 The chase scene - Mono use powers to push the Thin Man you’ll have to turn off the TV to your left in order to attract the Viewers...
six alley 在 Leng Yein Facebook 的最佳貼文
台灣環島15天14夜 (Part 2)
太多照片了。全部照片影片在 姐姐的 Instagram @lengyein 裡面有album
但是太多粉絲問了所以姐姐盡量po fb
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KL MH366 0920am - Taipei 1410pm - 北投湯屋溫泉 Grand View Beitou Resort Private Spa NT3300 90mins - check in Hotel - 西門町 Ximending Night Market - 按摩 兩小時 massage - 一蘭拉麵 Ichiran Ramen - hotel
Taipei - 永和豆漿 Yonghe Soybean Breakfast - 皇池湯屋spa - 士林夜市 Shilin Night Market 洗頭 逛街 - hotel packing
Taipei hotel check out - 西門町豆漿早餐 Ximending - 台北包車 - 宜蘭 Yilan - 馬斯特溫泉湯屋 Yilan Hot Springs Spa 2小時 台幣1000NT - 渭水之丘 Wei-Shi Chiang Memorial Cemetery - 羅東夜市 Luodong Night Market - 花蓮 Hualien - check in hotel - 東大門 Dongdamen Night Market
花莲市区饭店 Hualien Hotel - 太鲁阁牌楼 Taroko Gorge National Park - 长春祠 Eternal Spring ChangChun Shrine - 燕子口 Swallow Grotto - 九曲洞 Tunnel Of Nine Turns - 慈母桥 Cimu Bridge - 天祥 TianXiang - 清水断崖 ChingShui Cliff - 七星潭 QiXingTan Beach - 花莲市区夜市 Dongdamen Night Market - hotel
check out hotel - 花蓮車站 Hualien Station - 台東車站 TaiTung Station - Hotel 放行李 - 試吃 鳳梨釋迦 Atemoya Fruit Tasting - 美濃冰品 Meinong Ice Cream Shop - 初鹿落羽松 落葉 Taxodium Distichum Trees - 鹿野高台 Luye Highlands - 翱翔飛行傘 Taiwan Highest Paragliding - 台東觀光夜市 Taitung Night Market - 知本大爺酒店私人包廂湯屋 Zhiben Hot Springs - hotel
台東 check out hotel - 东海岸 East Coast - 登仙橋猴子 Monkey watching - 東河橋 Old Donghe Bridge - 泰源幽谷 Taiyuan Gorge - 水往上流 Water Running Upward - 大陸小吃部麵檔 - 鹿境 Paradise Of Deer - 夜晚登山 Night buggy ride experience - 墾丁check in Kenting Design Hotel - 墾丁大街夜市 Kenting Night Market - hotel
Design Hotel Floating Breakfast on Pool Experience - 砂島 - 全台灣最南端 鵝鑾鼻燈塔 Eluanbi Lighthouse - 全台灣最南點 - 龍磐公園 - 小海豚海底觀光半潛艇 - 恆春老街 阿婆意麵 - PK玩家賽車場 - 飛靶射擊場 - 戀戀茴香溫泉私人湯屋 - 墾丁恆村夜市 Night Market - hotel
Kenting - 貓鼻頭公園 - 雍窯雞屏東 南州店 - 高雄旗津腳踏車一日遊 - 彩虹教堂 - 旗津燈塔 - 旗津老街 - Port of Kaohshiung 高雄港口 - 夢時代 廣場 - 自強夜市 - check in hotel
高雄大魯閣草衙道 - 飛機場起飛點咖啡館 - 左營蓮池潭龍虎塔 - 春秋閣 - 打狗鐵道故事館 - Banana Pier 棧貳庫KW2 - 駁二藝術特區 - 新崛江夜市 - 六合夜市 - hotel
高雄包車往台南 - 大魚的祝福 - 安平古堡 - 安平老街 - 安平樹屋 - 藍色圖文創園區 - 赤崁樓 - 台南美術館 - 神農街 - 武聖夜市 - 台南火車站 - 嘉義check in hotel - 嘉義 文化街夜市 - hotel
嘉義 一日遊 - 阿里山 - 嘉義火車站 - 台中 - check in 台中hotel - 忠孝夜市 - 一中夜市
台中 - 南投日月潭水社碼頭 - 玄光寺碼頭 - 伊達邵碼頭 - 老英格蘭庄園 - 小瑞士花園 - 清境農場 - 青青草原 - 天空步道 - 音樂城堡 - 紙箱王 - hotel - 逢甲夜市
台中 道禾六藝文化館 / 刑務所演武場 Natural Way Six Arts Cultural Center - 小蝸牛市集 Lole Market - 動漫彩繪巷 Painted Animation Alley - 龍貓車站 Totoro Bus Stop - 日光溫泉 - hotel - 一忠夜市 - 旱溪夜市 - hotel
台中 - 南投合歡山 - 牛肉麵 - 彩虹眷村- 宫原眼科 - 台中輕快鐵 - 台北市 - check in hotel - 西門町 - 士林夜市 - 北投私人湯屋溫泉♨️ - hotel packing
Check out hotel - 蛋黃哥餐廳 - 桃園國際機場 Taipei MH367 1510pm - KL 2005pm - home
six alley 在 Leng Yein Facebook 的最佳解答
台灣環島15天14夜 (Part 1)
太多照片了。全部照片影片在 姐姐的 Instagram @lengyein 裡面有album
但是太多粉絲問了所以姐姐盡量po fb
要帶家人旅行的粉絲們記得下載 @kkdaymy app
每張ticket/每個tour/每個活動都分開 寫一次code 就可以一直扣。LENGYEIN 折扣碼可以重用 讓你們省錢遊玩過多地方 Yay
Worldwide traveling download @kkdaymy app
Discount Code: LENGYEIN
KL MH366 0920am - Taipei 1410pm - 北投湯屋溫泉 Grand View Beitou Resort Private Spa NT3300 90mins - check in Hotel - 西門町 Ximending Night Market - 按摩 兩小時 massage - 一蘭拉麵 Ichiran Ramen - hotel
Taipei - 永和豆漿 Yonghe Soybean Breakfast - 皇池湯屋spa - 士林夜市 Shilin Night Market 洗頭 逛街 - hotel packing
Taipei hotel check out - 西門町豆漿早餐 Ximending - 台北包車 - 宜蘭 Yilan - 馬斯特溫泉湯屋 Yilan Hot Springs Spa 2小時 台幣1000NT - 渭水之丘 Wei-Shi Chiang Memorial Cemetery - 羅東夜市 Luodong Night Market - 花蓮 Hualien - check in hotel - 東大門 Dongdamen Night Market
花莲市区饭店 Hualien Hotel - 太鲁阁牌楼 Taroko Gorge National Park - 长春祠 Eternal Spring ChangChun Shrine - 燕子口 Swallow Grotto - 九曲洞 Tunnel Of Nine Turns - 慈母桥 Cimu Bridge - 天祥 TianXiang - 清水断崖 ChingShui Cliff - 七星潭 QiXingTan Beach - 花莲市区夜市 Dongdamen Night Market - hotel
check out hotel - 花蓮車站 Hualien Station - 台東車站 TaiTung Station - Hotel 放行李 - 試吃 鳳梨釋迦 Atemoya Fruit Tasting - 美濃冰品 Meinong Ice Cream Shop - 初鹿落羽松 落葉 Taxodium Distichum Trees - 鹿野高台 Luye Highlands - 翱翔飛行傘 Taiwan Highest Paragliding - 台東觀光夜市 Taitung Night Market - 知本大爺酒店私人包廂湯屋 Zhiben Hot Springs - hotel
台東 check out hotel - 东海岸 East Coast - 登仙橋猴子 Monkey watching - 東河橋 Old Donghe Bridge - 泰源幽谷 Taiyuan Gorge - 水往上流 Water Running Upward - 大陸小吃部麵檔 - 鹿境 Paradise Of Deer - 夜晚登山 Night buggy ride experience - 墾丁check in Kenting Design Hotel - 墾丁大街夜市 Kenting Night Market - hotel
Design Hotel Floating Breakfast on Pool Experience - 砂島 - 全台灣最南端 鵝鑾鼻燈塔 Eluanbi Lighthouse - 全台灣最南點 - 龍磐公園 - 小海豚海底觀光半潛艇 - 恆春老街 阿婆意麵 - PK玩家賽車場 - 飛靶射擊場 - 戀戀茴香溫泉私人湯屋 - 墾丁恆村夜市 Night Market - hotel
Kenting - 貓鼻頭公園 - 雍窯雞屏東 南州店 - 高雄旗津腳踏車一日遊 - 彩虹教堂 - 旗津燈塔 - 旗津老街 - Port of Kaohshiung 高雄港口 - 夢時代 廣場 - 自強夜市 - check in hotel
高雄大魯閣草衙道 - 飛機場起飛點咖啡館 - 左營蓮池潭龍虎塔 - 春秋閣 - 打狗鐵道故事館 - Banana Pier 棧貳庫KW2 - 駁二藝術特區 - 新崛江夜市 - 六合夜市 - hotel
高雄包車往台南 - 大魚的祝福 - 安平古堡 - 安平老街 - 安平樹屋 - 藍色圖文創園區 - 赤崁樓 - 台南美術館 - 神農街 - 武聖夜市 - 台南火車站 - 嘉義check in hotel - 嘉義 文化街夜市 - hotel
嘉義 一日遊 - 阿里山 - 嘉義火車站 - 台中 - check in 台中hotel - 忠孝夜市 - 一中夜市
台中 - 南投日月潭水社碼頭 - 玄光寺碼頭 - 伊達邵碼頭 - 老英格蘭庄園 - 小瑞士花園 - 清境農場 - 青青草原 - 天空步道 - 音樂城堡 - 紙箱王 - hotel - 逢甲夜市
台中 道禾六藝文化館 / 刑務所演武場 Natural Way Six Arts Cultural Center - 小蝸牛市集 Lole Market - 動漫彩繪巷 Painted Animation Alley - 龍貓車站 Totoro Bus Stop - 日光溫泉 - hotel - 一忠夜市 - 旱溪夜市 - hotel
台中 - 南投合歡山 - 牛肉麵 - 彩虹眷村- 宫原眼科 - 台中輕快鐵 - 台北市 - check in hotel - 西門町 - 士林夜市 - 北投私人湯屋溫泉♨️ - hotel packing
Check out hotel - 蛋黃哥餐廳 - 桃園國際機場 Taipei MH367 1510pm - KL 2005pm - home
six alley 在 Dainghia25 Youtube 的精選貼文
little nightmares 2 The chase scene - Mono use powers to push the Thin Man
you’ll have to turn off the TV to your left in order to attract the Viewers to the one on the right. Once they leave, turn on the TV to the left and interact with it. However, this will attract the entire group behind you, so be ready to run. The chase scene will have you zig-zagging through the store, but at the end you’ll find a TV to jump through.
Once you’re on the other side, head right and into a room with another TV. This time around, Six will appear, so head up to the screen and grab onto her to try and pull her out. Unfortunately, the Thin Man will appear again and grab her. He’ll then pop out of the screen and come after you.
Run for the door and use the axe on the floor to break it open. Once you’re through, climb up the panels on the right and drop down into the next area. Crouch under the pipes and climb the panels on the right into the hole.
You’re under the floorboards now, so move quietly. The Thin Man will reappear above you, so avoid holes in the floor as he’s walking by. Once you’re on the other side, head through the hole and you’ll drop down into a hallway.
Grab the stool nearby and push it under the window on the right. Be quick, though, because the Thin Man is coming towards you from down the hallway. Once you’re by the window, pull off the plank and run through. You’ll go sliding down the awning and down a train, but be ready to grab onto the platform or else you’ll fall.
Once you’re in the train, keep heading right. Unfortunately, the Thin Man will reappear and a chase scene will ensue. Keep running through the trains until you reach a lever. Then, pull it to separate your train car from where he is.
Once you’re back on your feet, you’ll notice Six’s glitching remains on the left. Keep following her. She’ll lead you up and into an alley that leads to stairs. Take them up and you’ll see a ladder, then take that up. This will lead you back to the streets.
The Thin Man will appear again, and now it’s time to fight him. He’ll approach you with his hand out, and Mono will do the same. You’ll have to handle this like how you would the TV's, by "tuning" the frequency to keep him back. Mono will use his powers to push the Thin Man back until he's defeated.
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six alley 在 ぱらかるた(paracarta) Youtube 的最佳貼文
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six alley 在 pennyccw Youtube 的最讚貼文
- It's not often a team misses three alley-oops in one quarter and still wins by 26 points. It's even rarer for the Washington Wizards to start 0-5.
That hasn't happened since they were the Baltimore Bullets.
The Denver Nuggets treated the Verizon Center as their own personal playground Friday night, breaking a three-game losing streak with a 118-92 victory that provided comic relief for the winners and showers of boos for the losers.
"We scored 118; we threw away 20," Denver coach George Karl said. "We play a style where I know we're going to have mistakes, but sometimes we make the mistakes and don't make the defense make the plays. It will be interesting the film we'll put together -- maybe we'll put it to Abbott and Costello."
Carmelo Anthony scored 32 points, including 12 consecutive Denver points in the third quarter. Marcus Camby added 13 points, 12 rebounds and seven assists for the Nuggets, who shot 51 percent and rebounded from a 119-93 pounding Wednesday night at Boston.
"We lost three straight -- and this was the game we really needed," Anthony said. "We needed to get our confidence back, get our swagger back."
The Wizards fell to 0-5 for the first time since 1966, when their home was up the road in Baltimore. The third quarter has to rank among the most embarrassing 12 minutes of basketball since the team moved to the nation's capital: Coach Eddie Jordan, who pronounced his team's mind-set as "fine" before the game, watched his team miss 7 of 10 shots, commit 12 turnovers and get outscored 33-11 in the quarter.
"We just weren't disciplined. We didn't stay organized. We didn't rebound. We didn't share the ball. We didn't execute," Jordan said. "It's one of the most disappointing games I've been involved in."
Gilbert Arenas, still laboring on a surgically repaired left knee that was drained for a second time on Wednesday, finished with 18 points on 5-for-13 shooting. He made 2 of 8 3-pointers and is 5-for-32 from 3-point range on the season. He remained in the trainer's room long after the game and was not available for comment, needing treatment after playing 42 minutes on Thursday in New Jersey and 37 minutes on Friday.
"Back-to-back's going to be difficult for him right now," Jordan said.
Caron Butler scored 14 of his 21 points in the first quarter for the Wizards, while Antawn Jamison (6-for-17) and DeShawn Stevenson (0-for-6) continued to struggle from the field. Washington shot 38 percent, only a slight improvement over their NBA-worst 36.4 percent entering the game.
"We need to get our act in order, and we have to find a way to get a win, period," Jamison said. "Not only get a win, but find a way to get this thing rolling because it's not rolling at all. You can see it. When you're out there, you're experiencing it."
The Nuggets had won their first two and lost their next three, but they were in the mood to have fun Friday. They attempted six alley-oops, missing all three in the second quarter but making three others, including a poetry-in-motion twisting reverse slam by J.R. Smith on a feed from Allen Iverson in the fourth quarter.
Smith finished with 16 points and Iverson had 15 points and eight assists, but Anthony had the best run. The Baltimore native's 12 straight points in the third quarter all came on jump shots, including a pair of 3-pointers, as part of a 14-4 spurt that gave the Nuggets an 80-58 lead. Anthony went 3-for-13 against the Celtics, but he was 14-for-24 Friday night.
"'Melo led us tonight. He caught fire," Iverson said. "We just rode his coattails all the way in."