最近有很多法人舉辦科技方面的會議, 會在會議中訪問上市公司的高層. 可以到Seeking Alpha上面看一下訪問內容.
--DA Davidson’s 19th Annual & Software Internet Conference on September 9th
--Citi’s 2020 Global Technology Conference on September 10th
--Deutsche Bank Technology Conference on September 14
--Jefferies Virtual Software Conference on September 15
我快快地看了兩份(Docusign(DOCU)還有Crowdstrike(CRWD)), 也把重點劃了出來(並沒有翻譯成中文就是, 也沒有濃縮.) 有興趣的可以到部落格那邊的個股專屬標籤去找檔案.
DOCU: CEO有提到TAM, 市佔, 競爭環境, 國際發展.
CRWD: CFO專訪. 可以看競爭對手的狀態, 還有他們的業務模式. 感覺起來他們未來會切入OKTA這些公司的市場(做identity的.)
執行副總裁兼行銷和傳播長卡瑞爾(Brie Carere)表示,大型包裹、傢俱與高價位電子商品的配送到府業務量增加。她也說,超過65歲的消費者「終於上網」並且「從電子商務角度來看,我不認為(疫情結束後)這些購買行為會恢復到以往的狀態」。
以上文字來源: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8F%97%E6%83%A0%E6%96%BC%E7%96%AB%E6%83%85%E5%AE%85%E7%B6%93%E6%BF%9F-%E8%81%AF%E9%82%A6%E5%BF%AB%E9%81%9E%E7%8D%B2%E5%88%A9%E9%A3%86%E5%8D%87-084745880.html
以下是財報內容中, 值得注意的幾段. 可以看到, 電商有加速發展, 而消費者本來花在服務業上的費用, 有轉移到物品(goods)的現象.
"The second and perhaps more profound trend is the acceleration of ecommerce. Pre-COVID, we projected that the U.S. domestic market would hit a 100 million packages per day by calendar year 2026. We now project that the U.S. domestic parcel market will hit this mark by calendar year 2023 pulling volume projections forward by three years from the previous expectation."
"Ecommerce fueled substantially by this pandemic is driving the extraordinary growth. In fact 96% of the U.S. growth is expected to come from ecommerce. While ecommerce as a percentage of total retail has declined from its apex in April, it remains elevated. Ecommerce as a percentage of total retail for Q2 calendar year 2020 is estimated at 21% compared to 15% in Q2 calendar year 2019."
"In the U.S., spending that would normally have gone into services has shifted towards goods with goods spending boosted further by pent-up demand. Retail sales are growing again year-over-year and ecommerce is building at holiday levels and of course, more to come on that in a moment. The service sector is severely impacted by the pandemic and higher employment rates continues to weigh on growth."
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅夏榮慶Jimmy,也在其Youtube影片中提到,| 聲明 | 這支影片內容來自網路 包括新聞稿及專訪文章 並由一位Adobe前員工個人觀察心得 不代表Adobe官方立場 ~~~ Adobe股價2012年底收盤38.13 在2017年底收盤175.24 2018年5月漲到240美元 從Adobe發布Creative Cloud這五年多漲了快6...
software as a service中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文
這篇是講矽谷投資人, 是如何在一堆的新秀中, 挑選可以投資的創新公司.
我也認為, 研究個股, 尤其是科技相關類股, 除了要看它有沒有先行者優勢(first mover advantage), 也需要注意公司有沒有自己的生態系統, 以及它在更大的生態圈/供應鏈中扮演了甚麼角色.
生態系統。 YouTube 從內容生產者、分發渠道到內容的託管、保存,建立起了一整套生態系統。類似的,蘋果的 App Store 也有自己的生態。
產品領導者。像 Salesforce,Workday 和 ServiceNow 這樣的雲服務提供商,搭建了一套完整的解決方案,而且創新速度夠快,產品功能完善,成為其細分行業的領導者,當然也算是一種護城河。
渠道。尤其是對於 to B 產品來說,能不能在一個企業內部流通,既是一個挑戰,也是一種優勢
原文寫的比較仔細, 轉貼在下方: https://news.greylock.com/what-do-i-look-for-in-a-pitch-866355bddb3
We love to talk about “network effects” in Silicon Valley, but many believe that starts and end with the social, viral growth of Facebook. But network effects can build many kinds of moats that defend them against copycats and price erosion.
I don’t describe every kind of moat here (e.g., regulatory) and many great companies will have new types of moats — ones yet to be invented. No moat is absolute or permanent or I’d be out of a job! Still, having a thesis on your defensibility is essential, even at the Series A.
--Tech. We continue to believe in new and better fundamental technology as a moat — not so much patents or legal protection, but products that are hard to build well or take advantage of a fundamentally new approach. In extreme cases, a technology advantage that translates into a customer benefit can turn into a standard — an effective monopoly — as in the case of Intel. In most cases, even a great technology moat only gets you far enough to become a market leader, buying you the right to work closely with customers and enabling you to define the market.
--Ecosystem moats come in many flavors — from becoming the default hosting site for user-generated video content (YouTube), to the rapid, developer-driven free adoption of container technologies and growth of associated tooling (Docker), to the developers that now make >$20B a year through the Apple app store.
--Networks. Social networks are now pretty well-understood. Marketplaces and on-demand businesses reach a liquidity point (even a local one) and build mindshare with consumers that becomes hard to displace. Often, marketplaces have some advantaged acquisition strategy for at least one side (demand or supply) — they’ve built a community, offered a compelling new service, have organic or viral spread.
--Product leaders. In the enterprise, cloud pioneers like Salesforce, Workday and ServiceNow built complete, core workflow solutions with a new architecture. Their faster-innovating products, (at that time novel) SaaS consumption model, and dominant go-to-market machines have made them category leaders. Each is now expanding their initial moats to become platforms for other applications and workflows.
--Distribution represents a new generation of user-adopted SaaS products. End-user engagement within organizations is often a weak spot for enterprise software incumbents. Deploying software is a challenge for most organizations, and consumers who are using more software in their own lives expect better choice and usability. Simplicity and quality of design has become a moat, especially when coupled with product features that encourage adoption within an organization, or new layers of value for incremental users within an organization. Is it better for me if my team also uses a tool? What about my manager?
Capturing a unique dataset is also emerging as a moat in the age of AI-powered products. If your workflow product or MVP is useful on its own, and you can use it to collect unique data, you can then learn from that data to build a better and smarter product, improving the user experience — driving a new virtuous cycle.
software as a service中文 在 半路出家軟體工程師在矽谷 Facebook 的精選貼文
加入火箭般的台灣新創公司- 區塊鏈 & 交易所 軟體工程師職缺推薦
轉眼間,2018 年已經是最後一個月了,每年年底總是自我反省的時光,我在一月的時候寫下:2018 新年感觸及今年目標 ,希望今年達成的目標是:
1. 讀 10 本好書
2. 精進我前端的技術,使用我學習到的技能來做有興趣的 side projects
3. 個別花至少 20 小時來學習 Machine learning、 blockchain
4. 至少寫 5 篇中文部落格、5 篇英文部落格文章
有些目標沒有達成,但是我也完成了一些沒有寫下的目標,2018 年大致來說,還是蠻有收穫的一年。
而我其中完成的目標是要花至少 20 小時來研究 blockchain 區塊鏈,各種加密貨幣在 2018 算是個動盪的一年,今年的高點,到目前來說是震盪跌幅蠻大的。 但是加密貨幣的區塊鏈技術的方向及發展則是穩定前進,雖然這個新興的行業還沒有發展到顛覆現有的產業模式的時候,但我覺得未來的發展仍是充滿想像及機會的。
今天趁機用簡短篇幅,介紹兩間台灣新創公司 Amis 及 MaiCoin , 我認識前 Facebook 員工的台灣人強者同事,去年九月毅然決然離開 Facebook,回台灣投身新創圈, 先後在 Amis 及 MaiCoin 擔任技術骨幹,他回台灣一年寫的幣圈一年文章,可以說是完美的總結區塊鏈及加密貨幣的夢想及目標。 公司內有許多和他一樣美國回去的強者,公司今年發展的很好,我最近得知他們要招人,想分享給部落格的讀者們,我知道我的部落格有許多在台灣的強者軟體工程師,如果你因為一些原因想出國工作而還沒實現,或者想回台灣工作了,我覺得這是個很好的經驗體驗美式公司文化及做事方法,當然還有就是搭上起飛的火箭體驗和公司一起成長及拿到很有競爭力的薪水。以下是兩個公司的簡短介紹及職缺連結:
Amis 是一個實作及研究區塊鏈應用的軟體科技公司,目前產品主要有以下幾大方向:
區塊鏈服務 (Blockchain-as-a-Service, BaaS)
職缺: AMIS Blockchain/Backend Engineer
MaiCoin (maicoin.com) 是台灣具領導地位的金融科技公司,致力於建立完善的數位資產服務平台,以及開發破壞式的創新應用。我們提供優化的數位資產投資服務、數位貨幣支付業務、數位資產交易所,也從事巨量數據分析,協助數位貨幣產業在更安全的環境下萌芽發展。
職缺: Software Engineer
身為軟體工程師,你將會與跨國團隊合作,需負責實作、維護、測試網站前、後端程式,解決安全性漏洞,調整 Javascript,資料庫,各元件效能,及擴充性問題,你也有機會直接面對一般或企業客戶,幫助他們解決使用或整合上的問題。
For disclosure,我幫忙宣傳並沒有得到任何好處,今天看到這個消息想要分享給半路出家部落格的讀者們,及幫朋友宣傳在台灣找到好的軟體工程師。我了解許多人會在過年後才考慮轉換工作,但是面試也是需要時間的,心動的話,早些申請卡位吧!
software as a service中文 在 夏榮慶Jimmy Youtube 的精選貼文
| 聲明 |
從Adobe發布Creative Cloud這五年多漲了快6倍
碰到Mobile移動裝置時代,如何轉為雲端概念公司Cloud company
| 參考資料 |
● Adobe財務長麥肯錫專訪- https://goo.gl/qL6eMM
● Adobe CC 訂閱人數預估- https://goo.gl/3iM99W
● 程天縱 美日中電子產業的變革- https://goo.gl/DXLVMJ
● Mo Vibez X Creepa - DR777 of Majestic Color
● Link - https://youtu.be/aglY_eFY4I8
| 訂閱頻道 |
https://goo.gl/NZzSgM 只要有新影片上架,你就會收到通知,立刻可以觀賞內容。
| FB | https://www.facebook.com/jimmyh519/ 我在FB會介紹Adobe軟體使用技巧、設計精采案例
| 好學校 |【Photoshop最重要的基本課】 https://hahow.in/cr/jhsiapscc