🔎第一階段: 準備作品集、履歷
🔺Part 2.景觀設計師準備作品集的5個小建議
特別是應屆畢業生, 如果一個作品集裡,透過各種不同的設計案,展現你能操從大到小的尺度、規劃、設計到 細部大樣、符合英國法規與環境的景觀工程與植栽設計,甚至是環境影響評估報告。即使能呈現的環節深淺不一,但已顯示出你完整的景觀專業訓練。
1️⃣ ’’表達你的想法’’和’’圖面漂不漂亮’’一樣重要
有時候會因為投履歷的策略不同,而需要不同的作品集,像如果是需要海投公司,廣泛性的呈現各種尺度、技能的作品技能會比較吃香; 但如果是投特定領域的公司,作品都呼應某個領域就是很好的策略(他們會覺得你就是那個對的人)。
最好吸引人的案子一定都放前面,在英國投履歷的話也可以把英國的案子放前面一點 ,或是由你自己想講的''故事''脈絡決定順序。
除了案子的屬性分類外,若是學校作業,建議加上”academic work”,以和真實工作經 驗的案子有區隔。另外整份作品集裡要兼顧全面性,展現自己能操作的各種尺度、工 作階段和嫻熟的軟體與手繪技巧等。
🔎 STAGE 1: Preparation of Portfolio, CV
🔺Part 2- 5 tips for preparing your design portfolio
The most crucial aspect that needs to be displayed in your portfolio isn’t about showing how great your design is, but to showcase your diverse range of skills and abilities to be employed. In short, your portfolio isn’t about what you want to show, but what your employer wants to see.
In particular, fresh graduates should demonstrate competency through exhibiting design projects that display a broad spectrum of skills and thinking such as: Scale (large to small), project stages (planning to detailed design), proficiency to design and plan in line with British regulations, environmental engineering, planting design and even environmental impact assessment reports. Even if the depths of each project presented is different, it should adequately show your good grasp on the landscape professional training you have had.
1️⃣ Content and Visual Aesthetics are equally important!
Apart from all forms of graphical expressions, what are your thoughts as a landscape architect? After all, landscape architects are neither 3D renderers nor graphic designers/illustrators. What are the responsibilities and ambitions of a landscape architect? Is it just about the diagram looking nice? Can the diagram and simple concise text explain your project’s context, ethos, purpose and storyline logically? Remember, every diagram and word has to earn its worth on the page.
2️⃣ Tailoring your Portfolio to suit different needs.
If your objective is to mass apply for a job, a portfolio that presents a wide range of work, depths, skillset would suit better. However, if you are applying for a specific company or a job with a specific skillset, tailoring your portfolio to respond to the needs of the employer would be a better strategy (They will think that you are the right person for the job)
3️⃣ Strategizing the display order of your works.
Organize the most attractive projects to the front of your portfolio. If you are applying a job in the UK, you can put projects that are based in the UK at the front OR you can organize the flow of the works according to the narrative you wish to express.
4️⃣ Diversify & categorize your portfolio.
Other than diversifying your selection of works, it is recommended that you tag school work as “academic work” to distinguish between professional practice and university work.
Also, your portfolio should be comprehensive and showcase the competency of your abilities such as proficiency in handling different project stages, software and sketching skills or even photography!
5️⃣ Portfolio’s File & Layout size
Most companies will state the maximum file size (commonly 10-15mb) or limit the number of pages of the portfolio. The intention is for applicants to objectively focus and effectively present key points that will allow your application to be memorable. Having a portfolio that is an archive of your work history will leave no impression.
software design architect 在 AppWorks Facebook 的最佳貼文
Want to learn more about the AI cohort at AppWorks Accelerator? Come to our Open House for AI Founders: Computer Vision in Action event next Friday! One of our speakers will be Lotus Chen, President of oToBrite. Get tickets below.
Applications are now open for AppWorks Accelerator #18! Apply here: http://bit.ly/2qeEURT
Introducing: Lotus Chen
陳學群為 oToBrite Electronics 車用輔助系統公司的總經理。曾任 ASUS 的 CTO,領導 Zen UI 及雲端軟體開發等團隊。他曾在軟體產品規劃、開發、技術行銷、業務開發及銷售等領域擁有超過 35 年的經驗。他在 DEC 電腦、Apple II、MSDOS、微軟 Windows、嵌入式系統設計、掌上電腦、Windows 手機、Android 作業系統移轉至大數據、雲端運算及 AI 人工智慧的過程,擁有豐富的經驗。
Lotus 在 2000 年時創辦友笙資訊 (IA Style, Inc),兼任董事長及總經理,公司在 2003 年時被 HTC 收購後,他在 2004~2013 年擔任 HTC 的副總經理,領導將近 2000 人的軟體工程師團隊,開發全套軟體工具 (full software stack),並開發了 HTC Sense 這個最客製化的 Android 使用者介面。
Lotus 於 1989 年時創辦了友立資訊 (Ulead Systems),帶領團隊於 90 年代初期在 Windows 系統下開發出第一個真實色彩照片的處理軟體 PhotoStyler,並開發早期網路圖片工具,像是 Smart JPEG Saver 跟 GIF Animator。他和 Google 一起合作開發了首支 Android 手機,包含了 HTC Dream 跟 Sapphire。他也是軟體規劃的架構師 (Architect),為 ASUS 手機、平板電腦、智慧型手錶和物聯網產品提供使用者經驗。
他在 ADAS 有開發多媒體創作工具、電話、網路、大數據分析、雲端計算及 AI 人工計畫等多元的經驗,除此之外,也是 VisualOn, Inc 顧問委員會的成員之一。畢業自交通大學資訊工程碩士。
Lotus serves as President of oToBrite Electronics – an ADAS company. He served as the Chief Technology Officer of ASUS Computer, he leads the ZenUI mobile and cloud software development efforts. Mr. Chen has over 35 years' of experience in software product planning, development, technical marketing, business development and sales. He has wide experience in the software transition phases from DEC computers, Apple II, MSDOS, MS Windows, Internet, Embedded system design, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, Android, and the move toward Big Data, Cloud computing and AI.
He founded the IA Style, Inc. in 2000 and also served as its Chairman and President. IA Style was acquired by HTC in late 2003. He also served as a Vice President of HTC Corporation from April, 2004 to Feb., 2013, where he lead a team close to 2,000 software engineers to develop the full software stack from BSP, framework, and the holistic HTC Sense - the first fully customized Android user experience, power HTC phone. He founded Ulead Systems in 1989, lead the team to develop the first true color photo imaging processing software PhotoStyler under Windows platform in early 90'. He lead the team and the efforts to develop the early day of Internet imaging tools including Smart JPEG Saver and GIF Animator. He worked with Google to develop the first few Android phones include the HTC Dream and Sapphire. He is an Architect of the software initiatives to deliver the user experience for ASUS mobile phone, tablet, smart watch, and IoT products.
He has extensive experience in developing multimedia authoring tools, telephony, Internet, Big Data analytics, Cloud computing and AI for ADAS. He serves as the Chairman of Ulead Systems, Inc. He serves as a Member of Advisory Board of VisualOn, Inc. Mr. Chen holds Master in Computer Engineering from National Chiao Tung University.
software design architect 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文
【喬的回顧系列: 各種 #職業 整理】
accountant 會計
auditor 審計員
budgeter 預算編算者
buyer 採購員
cashier 收銀員/出納人員
real estate agent 房地產經紀人
salesperson 銷售員
public relations 公關
human resource manager人力資源管理者
bond trader 證券交易員
project manager 專案管理人
businessman 男商人
businesswoman 女商人
sales representative 銷售代表
sales account representative 客戶代表
sales engineer 銷售工程師
telesales 電話銷售員
distributor 經銷商
financial analyst 財務分析員
accounting assistant 會計助理
cost accounting manager 成本經理
cost account specialist 成本管理員
audit manager 審計管理人
audit executive 審計專員
statistician 統計員
foreign exchange 外匯交易
settlement officer 清算人員
senior relationship manager 客戶經理
purchasing director 採購總監
purchasing manager 採購經理
purchasing specialist 採購員
international trade manager 外貿經理
domestic trade specialist 國內貿易人員
consultant 諮詢; 顧問
professional trainer 專業培訓師
layer 律師
judge 法官
legal 法務
counsel 法律顧問
corporate counsel 法務經理
legal assistant 法務助理
intellectual property specialist 智慧財產權專員
astronaut 太空人
auto mechanic 汽車技工
blacksmith 鐵匠
carpenter 木匠
computer programmer 程式設計者
engineer 工程師
software engineer 軟體工程師
web designer 網頁設計師
chemist 化學家
physicist 物理學家
cobbler 製鞋匠
construction worker 建築工人
mathematician 數學家
repairman 修理工人
electrician 電工
statistician 統計員
surveyor 測量技師
technician 技術人員
R&D = research and development 研發
scientist 科學家
data scientist 資料科學家
system analyst 系統分析員
system engineer 系統工程師
database engineer 資料庫工程師
database administrator 資料庫管理員
multimedia engineer多媒體工程師
game development engineer 遊戲開發工程師
system manger 系統管理員
web producer 網站策劃
information security engineer 資訊安全工程師
technical support manager 技術支援管理者
civil engineer 土木工程師
dentist 牙醫
doctor 醫生
pharmacist 藥劑師
nurse 護士
vet = veterinarian 獸醫
optician 配鏡師
ophthalmologist 眼科醫師
surgeon 外科醫生
plastic surgeon 整形醫師
psychologist 心理醫生
dietitian 營養師
medical assistant 護理人員
marketing assistant 市場助理
market analyst 市場分析
product manager 產品管理員
cook 廚師
chef 廚師
baker 烘焙師
butcher 屠夫; 肉商
professor 教授
associate professor 副教授
assistant professor 助理教授
lecturer 講師
teacher 老師
tutor 家教
teaching assistant 助教
actor 演員
actress 女演員
architect 建築師
artist 藝術家
barber 理髮師(男)
cartoonist 漫畫家
clown 小丑
cowboy 牛仔
dancer 舞者
choreographist 編舞家
detective 偵探
designer 設計師
fashion designer 時尚設計師
model 模特兒
hairdresser 理髮師; 美容師
magician 魔術師
tailor 裁縫師
entertainer 藝人
movie star 電影明星
photographer 攝影師
movie director 電影導演
producer 製作人
musician 音樂家
pianist 鋼琴家
composer 編曲家
painter 畫家
singer 歌手
sculptor 雕刻家
cutter 裁剪師
ballerina 芭雷舞星
recording = sounds specialist 音效師
dubbing specialist 配音員
makeup artist 化妝師
image designer 造型師
graphic artist 平面設計
3D design 3D設計
display design 陳列設計
exhibition design 展覽設計
boxer 拳擊手
baseball player 棒球選手
basketball player 籃球選手
firefighter 消防員
life guard 救生員
athlete 運動員
hockey player 曲棍球選手
racer 賽跑選手
anchor 新聞主播
announcer 廣播員
reporter 記者
journalist 新聞記者
representative 地勤人員
attendant 服務員
flight attendant 空服員
cabin crew 機艙工作人員
bin man 清潔工
broker 經紀人
bus driver 公車司機
clerk 電源
customs officer 海關人員
*customs 海關
desk clerk 接待員
driver 司機
dustman 清潔工
gas station attendant 加油工
librarian 圖書管理員
receptionist 接待員
bartender 酒保
barmaid 女酒侍
monk 和尚
nun 尼姑
foreign minister 外交部長
gardener 園丁
geologist 地質學家
guard 警衛
guide 導遊
housekeeper 管家
housewife 家庭主婦
editor 編輯
interpreter 口譯員
translator 翻譯員
masseur 按摩師(男)
masseuse 按摩師(女)
miner 礦工
traffic warden 交通管理員
writer 作家
xylophonist 木琴演奏家
zookeeper 動物園管理員
office staff 上班族
priest 牧師
typist 打字員
pilot 飛行員
planner 策劃員
operator 接線員
personnel 職員
president 總統; 總裁
vice president 副總統; 副總裁
tour guide 導遊
welder 焊接工
bodyguard 保鑣
builder 建築工人
civil servant 公職人員
diplomat 外交官
director 主管
company director 公司董事階層
insurance actuary 保險公司理賠員
agent 專員
jeweler 珠寶商
mayor 市長
plumber 水管工
police officer 警官
politician 政治家
porter 搬運工
postal clerk 郵政人員
postman 郵差
printer 印刷工人
prison officer 監獄警察
secretary 秘書
philosopher 哲學家
archaeologist 考古學家
biologist 生物學家
intern 實習生