It seems we started at the same situation ( not the smoking or alcohol part but the age and psycho...),
The first year is almost down, can't tell or image how I will be and feel when the seven year is coming :) I still eat unhealthy and sleep late sometime, I do my practice again and again, day by day, sometime got lost, and sometime high, I love all the joy and pain, sweet and bitter when I do yoga alone, it will be wonderful if I find the truly inner power and love, be a inspiredyogi someday...
Alexandros Manos開始練瑜伽時是38歲,那是七年前。想練瑜伽是因為前三十八年沒有愛惜身體,抽煙喝酒亂吃東西不運動把身體搞壞了,三十八歲才來亡羊補牢。開始練習後感受到內在的轉變與流動,就再也離不開ashtanga。
“I have discovered that all the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay quietly in their own chamber.” 這是巴斯卡說過的一句話,中文的意思是:「我發現人類會不快樂都源於一個單純的事實:無法安靜地待在自己的房間裡。」