【解讀「碳」轉型之道】最近大家經常會聽到「淨零排放」(Net-zero Emission)、「碳中和」(Carbon Neutral)同「碳密度」(Carbon Intensity)等關鍵詞,究竟佢哋各自代表咩意思?對投資者又有乜意義呢?Click入去為你一一講解,仲會介紹市面上有邊啲低碳投資工具!
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substainableinvesting 在 香港經濟日報 hket.com Facebook 的精選貼文
【積極提升ESG話語權】ESG呢三個英文字母好簡單,但係要就住呢3大元素展開投資研究,其實係一個相當複雜嘅過程,而且絕對唔係紙上談兵!一啲有影響力嘅機構投資者,會履行「積極擁有權」(Active Ownership),主動出擊同企業管理層對話溝通,建議企業作出能夠提升ESG表現嘅相應改變同決策,確保以可持續發展嘅方式營運,Click入去為你一一講解!
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substainableinvesting 在 What is sustainable investing? - Themes - BlackRock 的相關結果
Sustainable Investing is the practice of analysing a company's environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, as well as assessing its opportunities and ... ... <看更多>
substainableinvesting 在 Sustainable Investing - Investopedia 的相關結果
Sustainable investing directs investment capital to companies that seek to combat climate change, environmental destruction, while promoting corporate ... ... <看更多>
substainableinvesting 在 What is Sustainable Investing? | CFA Institute 的相關結果
Sustainable investing balances traditional investing with environmental, social, and governance-related (ESG) insights to improve long-term outcomes. ... <看更多>