tapestry中文 在 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum Facebook 的最佳解答
雅集的規模可大可小,有精緻美味的佳餚,也會有吟詩、鼓琴、對弈、觀畫、品茗助興,更不用說宴會上即席揮毫和題詠了!天下第一行書〈蘭亭序〉即蘊生自東晉癸丑年(353) 暮春三月的一場盛會呢!策展人為大家呈現不同時空的雅集圖,歡迎大家也來感受這份風雅!
附圖是【宋 緙絲 謝安賭墅圖】
【Xie An Betting His Villa】Anonymous, Song dynasty (960-1279)
This hanging scroll tapestry takes the famous Battle of Feishui in 383 AD as its background. It records the story of how a prominent figure, Xie An, in the face of a major attack by enemy forces, retained his composure at a time of crisis while playing a game of Go. The painting shows two people in a luxurious and lofty place playing Go, the corner of a building appearing in the distance to hint at the vast expanse of the villa in which the story takes place. The figure in black, Xie Xuan, is placing a board piece as Xie An, wearing wooden footwear, appears about to win the game as news of victory comes from the front lines.
#以文會友—#雅集圖特展(2019/10/05 ~ 12/25)
陳列室:北部院區 第一展覽區 202,210,212
Friends Through Culture: A Special Exhibition of Paintings on Elegant Gatherings (05 OCT ~ 25 DEC 2019)
Gallery: 202,210,212 (Northern Branch) Exhibition Area I
English: https://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh108/ElegantGatherings/en/page-1.html
tapestry中文 在 東講西讀 Facebook 的最佳解答
Financial Times:
//中國的統戰工作遠遠不止於影響澳、紐政府。 澳洲國立大學國家安全學院院長Rory Medcalf說:“中國共產黨正試圖壓制世界各國僑民的異見。” “它使用一套方法來實現其目標:政治捐款,控制中文媒體,動員社區和學生群體去從事中共代理甚至參與領事官員的強制性活動“。//
金融時報日前報導, 西方各國開始更為警惕"外國勢力中國"。內文提到,中共在各國的統戰活動,比俄羅斯更具長遠目光,也更傾向同化他國社會;中國所用的統戰策略,香港與台灣大概不會感到陌生。
在中國日漸被視為具威脅力的sharp power之際,值得重溫新加坡學者朋友早前的文章——這篇文章,談在新加坡加強以國家為本位的中國國情教育之必要, 以應對愈來愈複雜且緊張的新中關係, 也為防止新加坡在中國壓力之下"芬蘭化"。
Commentary: The growing importance of China studies with Singapore characteristics
West grows wary of China’s influence game
“Chinese operations are much more subtle, less targeted and more about long-term influence-building than Russian operations,” says Christopher Johnson, the former head of the China desk at the Central Intelligence Agency and now a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
“But as we start to realise that China intends to socialise us rather than become more like us, the debate in the west has taken on a harder edge and people are asking whether 40 years of engagement might have been a sham.”
"Politicians from both sides of the aisle have been reticent to question how Jian Yang managed to have such a successful political career while keeping his military intelligence background secret. In contrast to Australia, New Zealand’s politicians and business elite appear much less willing to openly criticise any of Beijing’s actions out of fear of offending a big trading partner.
But China’s United Front work goes far beyond influencing antipodean governments. “The Chinese Communist party is seeking to suppress dissent among its diaspora in countries around the world,” says Rory Medcalf, head of the national security college at Australian National University. “It uses a tapestry of methods to achieve its goals: political donations, control of Chinese language media, mobilising community and student groups; and engaging in coercive activities that involve CCP proxies and even consular officials.”
Along with the carrots of economic engagement and market access, Beijing also uses sticks. Foreign journalists, politicians, businesspeople and academics regarded as “unfriendly” to China are refused visas to visit the country, attacked by state media and paid online trolls and sometimes targeted by Chinese hackers. The families of Chinese students and recent emigrants are often threatened by state security agents back in China if they are seen as stepping out of line while abroad.
One of the Chinese billionaires who allegedly provided donations to Mr Dastyari is Huang Xiangmo, founder of a property development company in Shenzhen who moved to Sydney with his family in 2011. Until recently he was chairman of the Australian Council for the Peaceful Reunification of China, a United Front-backed organisation.
As well as donating to politics, Mr Huang helped fund a China-focused think-tank at University of Technology Sydney, which has Bob Carr, a former Australian foreign minister, as its director. Mr Huang eventually resigned as chairman of the Australian-China Relations Institute’s advisory board when some academics questioned whether it was becoming a mouthpiece for Chinese propaganda."
tapestry中文 在 【桌遊菜鳥】【桌遊開箱】Tapestry(文明繪卷)繁體中文版開 ... 的推薦與評價
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