What’s one thing that comes to your mind when you think of Aaron? “His sweet smile” says Papa.
You always smile so cheekily! It’s like you have something up your sleeves. You would take a piece of tissue to clean the table. After 3 wipes, run to the bin and come back to proudly tell us “Throw”! We will tell you “Cannot waste! Yeye beat!” The playful you will beat your hand to show us how yeye would lightly slap your hand if he’s home.
Aaron is 18 months old! That’s 1 and a half years of you, my dearest sonshine. You still prefer to call me Mimi which is music to my ears! You can baby-call me “mimi” for as long as you like because I know that I will miss that baby you very soon. You are still speaking mostly 1 syllabus words and some new favorite words include, mei mei, kor kor, there, nice, car, bus, throw, bang, yes, no, piggy, bubbles, egg, bread and please! Bao bao is still ba ba now. You take instructions well, better on things that interest you - like making coffee with papa and we tell you “Want to cycle?” You will run to your shoe rack, take your helmet! You love car rides and the vehicles on the road. You will look out of the windows and very excitedly exclaim “Mimi mimi!”! I don’t even have to turn to know that you are pointing at the vehicle in front of us. You will only stop calling mimi after I have acknowledged you by saying “Oh yes, is that the bus, Aaron!” You will do a slow nod, with eyes closed and say mmm!
You are still unadventurous with food, extremely particular with appearance of food. You refused red bean pancake because it’s reddish black. Your favorite food are snacks and eggs - any way we prepare, you love it! Snack reward system hasn’t worked on you - to you, no means no.
You have 8 upper teeth and 8 lower teeth, which is 3 more lower teeth from last month! You are growing way too fast, my love. It’s such a dilemma, loving to see you meet milestones yet wanting you to grow up slow. Sigh… nonetheless, I’m enjoying all the time I have with you before we start you at preschool in January 2022, when you’re 2 years old. Happy 18 months old, Aaron boy. I love you so so much! Swipe to see a smiling 8m old Aaron!