Its been a long long day.. even if you dont get physically exhausted your brains needs to zone out and just rest too.. a good book in hand , soothing turn down music and some alone quite time... shhhhhhh ... nite people time to tune off...
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travaler 在 Mellow ME Facebook 的最佳貼文
เตรียมเปิดดู ไข่มุก พริกไทย ในรายการ Piano Travaler ทางช่อง ททบ 5 เลยวันนี้ 9:25
#mellowme #ไข่มุกพริกไทย #pianotraveler
travaler 在 鹿途中旅遊書店 Facebook 的最讚貼文
相信我們也可以做更多實際的事情去幫助他們 :)
除了為尼泊爾祈禱,遠方的我們可以做更多實際的事去幫助尼泊爾的朋友。相信不少人也很想到當地做義工幫忙,但先將黃金救援72小時留給專業團隊吧。暫時捐款是最有效的方法。不只解人們的燃眉之急,修復其實是個漫長的過程; 劫後重生,希望大家繼續留意尼泊爾的消息,繼續提供不同方面的幫助。
捐出$ 200 港幣或以上的朋友,我會寄出的尼泊爾明信片一張,作為小小心意。請將你的姓名地址,捐款機構,以及捐款收據以私信形式傳到這個專頁給我。 而捐出$500或以上的朋友,我會寄出明信片尼泊爾手工紙造月曆,手造小錢包或當地的手工藝品。這些都曾是他們的心意和手藝,想不到有天,他們再用這些傳承將善意回報自己身上。感謝各位。
Expect praying for our beloved Nepal, we can definitely do more to help. Here are some useful and trustable organizations for helping victims in Nepal earthquake with donations. I will send out Nepal postcards for friends who donate HKD 200 or more. And for those who donate more than HKD 500, I will include postcard and also small handicrafts from Nepalese. Please inbox me: your name & address, receipt copy which include organization and amount donated.
1. 李慧琪 ,正身在尼泊爾的港人,《擁抱印度》作者 。她是 Edventure Nepal 的義工,曾多次帶義工團到訪尼泊爾。也是本人合著<良業遊民>的被訪旅人之一,大家可以信賴。 「 由於很多國際救援機構會集中在主要城市救災,一些災情未明的小村落就待救援,而Pink經常到村落做義工,因而了解地形和需要對象。收到各地朋友的捐款後她會為偏遠村落的在民添置禦寒衣物和食物。」
For those who wants to help Nepal, My friend Pink Lee is now in Nepal and she is raising funds for those victims in earthquake. She is an active volunteer for Edventure Nepal
that you can trust and rely on. Please show your support by donating to her and I am sure your donation can help directly to the people in need, especially to those in the villages. Besides Hong Kong Red Cross or other reliable charity group, there is another way for you to help the victims in Nepal.
Thank you very much!!! Namaste!!!
For HK donors: HSBC 5560015173 Lee Wai Ki
For international donors: Paypal acct is [email protected].
God bless Nepal.
*為了方便Pink 計算善款,請大家捐錢後將收據、名字和捐款數字傳給她。
Pink 的面書和聯絡:
2. Global Giving has created a Nepal Earthquake Relief Fund to immediately help both local Nepalese nonprofits and international aid organizations. Supporters can donate online or text GIVE NEPAL to 80088 to donate $10.…/nepal-earthquake-relief-
Karuna-Shechen, founded by Matthieu Ricard in 2000, provides health care, education, and social services for the under-served people of India, Nepal, and Tibet.
4 Save the Children is working to protect vulnerable children and provide relief to families.…/N…/apps/ka/sd/donor.asp
5. Concern Worldwide is working to provide those in need in Nepal with emergency supplies for shelter, cooking and hygiene. You can specify which of these supplies you want to help provide, when you make your online donation.…/Donation2;jsessionid=F467ADA16…
6. 未來之村:由香港人林黎明博士(Christie)創辦的「未來之村」,位於尼泊爾中部,多年來有不少來自香港及台灣的旅人到當地探訪或擔任義工。「未來之村」位置非常接近今次地震震央,地震過後「未來之村」整座房子倒塌,附近村屋亦全數倒塌;近日村民面對天雨和餘震,情況非常困難。Christie 公開呼籲捐款支援當地村民,協助他們度過難關。
Future Village found by Hong Kong travaler and Dr Christie Lai. the above is her message and donations info.
7. CNN 提供的更多捐款機構資料
more donations info from CNN:…/nepal-earthquake-how-to…/index.html