【一天分享一首歌之第237天】〈Miss Sarajevo〉/ 帕華洛帝+U2
1993年,當U2正在進行ZooTV巡迴演唱會,美國記者Bill Carter連絡上他們,告知了塞拉耶佛(波士尼亞首都)被戰火蹂躪的情形,當地災民已經跟外界斷絕聯繫一年半,整個西方世界都不清楚他們的慘況。於是那段期間,U2多次在演唱會上以衛星連線的方式讓塞拉耶佛居民「上電視」對外發聲,然後Bono自掏腰包資助Carter拍了一部紀錄片,並為該片寫了一首歌,就是〈塞拉耶佛小姐〉。
那之後,歌曲收錄在1995年的專輯,這首是Bono寫來跟帕華洛帝一起唱的(更精確地說,是帕帕老爹已經再三央求恐嚇Bono寫一首歌給他唱,很久了),而那年在帕華洛帝固定於義大利舉辦的慈善演唱會上,Bono、Edge上台與他一起首演了〈Miss Sarajevo〉,珍貴的影片在這裡:
最後是2005年7月21日,U2在米蘭舉辦演唱會,那之前不久(7月7日)倫敦剛剛發生了地鐵爆炸案(還記得《生死接觸》嗎?)造成56人死亡、七百多人受傷。演唱會當天又發生了第二波攻擊,於是當晚,Bono把〈Miss Sarajevo〉獻給倫敦的受害者,開唱之前他說:We don't become a monster in order to defeat the monster。
"Miss Sarajevo"
Is there a time for keeping a distance
A time to turn your eyes away
Is there a time for keeping your head down
For getting on with your day
Is there a time for kohl and lipstick
A time for cutting hair
Is there a time for high street shopping
To find the right dress to wear
Here she comes
Heads turn around
Here she comes
To take her crown
Is there a time to walk for cover
A time for kiss and tell
Is there a time for different colors
Different names you find it hard to spell
Is there a time for first communion
A time for east 17
Is there a time to turn the mecca
Is there a time to be a beauty queen
Here she comes
Beauty plays the crown
Here she comes
Surreal in her crown
Dici che il fiume
trova la via al mare
E come il fiume
giungerai a me
Oltre i confini
e le terre assetate
Dici che come fiume
come fiume
L'amore giunger
E non so pi pregare
E nell'amore non so pi sperare
E quell'amore non so pi aspettare
[English translation:]
You say that the river
finds the way to the sea
And as the river
you'll come to me
Beyond the borders
and the thirsty lands
You say that as river
As river
Love will come
And I cannot pray anymore
And I cannot hope in love anymore
And I cannot wait for love anymore
Is there a time for tying ribbons
A time for Christmas trees
Is there a time for laying tables
When the night is set to freeze