When she first told me she likes Kendall Jenner’s smile, I thought to myself...can we pull off a flat smile arc?
Turns out, we can!😆
In this case, patient wanted a smile like Kendall Jenner. I mean c’mon, who doesn’t right? 😂 I love how she understood that each smile are unique in their own beautiful way and she knows what she want!
To achieve this result:
Smile Design • In-Office Whitening • No-Prep Composite Veneers
The crown length ratio is beautiful, however the size & morphology of the tooth can be improved. Shade definitely needs improvement as well so we’ve done in-office dental whitening for her 3 weeks prior composite veneer placement.
8-units composite veneers were then done with injection molding technique with @GC G-aenial Universal Injectable Composite (Shade A1) & Zhermack Clear Silicone template, and minor touch ups with @dental2u composite instruments.
I love the outcome of this case because it challenged me to recreate Kendall’s smile (me and the patient were googling Kendall’s pictures together while discussing how to improve the smile arc 😂). It was so fun towards the end of the appointment and it felt like we’ve completed a group project together.
Happy smiles from both of us!!
#SmileMakeover #Whitening #CompositeVeneers #resin #bonding
#CompositeRestoration #AestheticDentistry #Dentistry #Compositefilling #DirectRestoration #ConservativeDentistry #RestorativeDentistry #Composite #Veneers #InjectableComposite #CompositeInjection #Aesthetic #Dentistry #AestheticDentistry #Smile #Dental #CeramicVeneers #Veneer #Dentist #BiomimeticDentistry #DentalPhotography
@ Subang Dental Specialist Clinic
同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅DABOYWAY - Baby You [Official MV],也在其Youtube影片中提到,ฟังและดาวน์โหลดเพลง ‘Baby You’ จากอัลบั้ม DABOYWAY ได้แล้วที่นี่: https://DABOYWAY.lnk.to/BabyYouID Listen / download ‘Baby You’ from a debut album “D...
「universal pull」的推薦目錄:
universal pull 在 葉郎:異聞筆記 / Dr. Strangenote Facebook 的最佳貼文
#葉郎每日讀報 #一週大事版
—— Patty Jenkins
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這個沙發熱必須搭配另一則新聞服用才容易顯示出意義:市場研究機構 TrendForce 上週發表的報告發現上一季全球電視機的出貨量比去年同期增加12.9%,甚至跟再上一季相比是暴增了38.8%,總數來到6205萬台的歷史新高。分析師特別指出北美疫情難以降溫而更使該市場對電視機的需求變得異常強勁。
市場研究機構 Pivotal Research 上週將 Netflix 的目標價格從每股600美元上調為650元,並在一天內就讓 Netflix 股價大漲 6%。分析師認為 Netflix 正處在人人稱羨的正向循環上頭,因為新的訂戶湧入使他們得以投資更多的新內容,而這些新內容又可以吸引更多新的訂戶。
然而 Netflix 的宮廷裡也不是完全無風無浪。去年底原本已經獲得 Netflix 續訂第四季(也是最後一季)的《GLOW 華麗女子摔角聯盟》節目上週突然被宣佈腰斬。該節目今年初已經開始進行第四季的製作,但沒多久隨即因為疫情而停擺。因為節目情節所需,拍攝過程會有大量近身搏鬥的群戲,是難以在疫情中復工的最主要因素。這是 Netflix 第二波夭折於疫情的節目,上一波同樣原本被續訂又被臨時腰斬的節目包括《The Society 新社會》和《I Am Not Okay With This 這樣不OK》。連串節目被迫喊卡顯示了連 Netflix 都躲不了整個影視產業面臨的節目取消壓力。
《Star Trek: Discovery 星際爭霸戰:發現號》製作人 Alex Kurtzman 日前受訪時就估計未來光劇組中的防疫設備花費就會替每一集的成本增加30~50萬美元之間。原本很有經濟效益的節目很可能就因此變得不敷成本。
值得繼續觀察的是:Netflix 先前一直強調他們內容供應充足,不像其他今年新進場的串流服務會因為停拍而有節目荒的問題。然而各種復工困難加上製作成本暴增的狀況仍然不分平台地平均降落在每個劇組的頭頂上。目前穩坐客廳王座的 Netflix 的內容供應鏈是否能繼續保住這天時、地利各種條件加乘之下的新王朝?
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旗下擁有美國第二大和英國第一大連鎖電影院品牌的 Cineworld 執行長 Mooky Greidinger 說當一個多禮拜前 MGM 的窗口打電話告訴他《No Time To Die 007:生死交戰》將延後上映的消息時,她完全無心聽對方解釋:「老實說因為實在來得太令人措手不及,我心裡著急的是等等我得馬上打的三十通電話。」
雖然不是打電話,隨後立即傳出 Greidinger 寫了一封信向英國首相 Boris Johnson 求援,希望爭取延長英國的無薪假紓困方案。英國政府的無薪假紓困方案到這個月將正式落日,下個月起改以就業支持方案代替。新的方案要求受僱者必須至少上到原先工時的三分之一才能拿到補貼,這個新條件會使因無片可放映而斷然停業的 Cineworld 電影院所僱用的員工陷入無補貼可申請的困局。
太平洋的另一端,NATO 美國電影院經營者協會 John Fithian 認為這一切災難都起於某個人:紐約州州長 Andrew Cuomo。他指控全是紐約州政府堅持讓電影院一直維持停業,才造成發行商不敢發行新片。他同時預測如果紐約電影院繼續停業,今年剩下的電影將會全數延期。因為紐約不只是大票倉,也是整個電影文化運作的核心。多數影評人都在紐約活動,如果紐約人沒有電影可以看,就難以形成文化上的聲量讓電影被注意到。
另外一家英國連鎖電影院品牌 Vue(同時在歐洲多國擁有電影院,也是台灣星橋國際影城的母公司)的創辦人 Tim Richards 則怪罪好萊塢片廠完全以美國為中心來思考問題的偏頗判斷,導致全球電影院沒有電影可以演。他指出美國以外的世界各國已經有75%電影院已經恢復營業,並以《Tenet 天能》在英國票房已經有《Interstellar 星際效應》近八、九成來佐證他的觀點。
《Wonder Woman 神力女超人》導演 Patty Jenkins 也在接受路透社專訪時警告:「這將會是一個不可逆的過程,如果我們坐視電影院關門,我們很可能會永久失去電影院」。她以音樂產業曾發生的慘劇為例,說電影產業最終可能會因為失去營利來源而搞垮整個產業。附帶一提,她自己的作品《Wonder Woman 1984 神力女超人1984》已經在疫情中連續三次延後在電影院上映的檔期。
英國 Screen Daily 的影評人 Fionnuala Halligan 則在專欄中強調電影產業鏈的各個部門必須團結起來才能共渡難關,獨善其身已經完全不足夠。她說發行商現在拋棄電影院,明年終究仍需要同一個電影院吸引同一群的觀眾;影展部門也無法袖手旁觀,因為沒有電影這個產品或是沒有放映的通路,影展的存在也沒有意義;而持續讓大家分心的串流大戰也無益於面對眼前的疫情。電影產業的上下游必須共同撐起一把傘來庇護傘底下的每一個部門。
市佔率分居第一和第三的 AMC 和 Cinemark 雖然表示沒有停業打算、會繼續開門迎客,但他們的財務狀況能不能挺過 2021年還是一個大問號。財務報表顯示 AMC 在今年上半年已經雖失了27億美元,Cinemax 也有2.3億的損失。即便他們下半年不退出市場,兩家一起分食這塊突然縮水的小餅,也難以彌補已經發生的鉅額損失。目前兩家的現金都還能撐到明年的某時某刻,但眼前還有另一個巨大挑戰是和房東談判,因為薪水可以不發(無薪假)、食材可以拿去丟掉(玉米?),但無論你今天放不放電影房東都會來收租。
有產業分析師認為房東也有自己的現金壓力,總有一天會對欠租的電影院失去耐性。電影院能不能存活的關鍵可能在於疫苗問世的時間。券商 Wedbush Securities 的分析師 Michael Pachter 說:「如果疫苗是現在開始的一年之後才問世,我想現在檯面上的連鎖電影院經營者可能都會有變數。如果是未來三個月問世,他們就有機會全數撐下去。即便是十個月後疫苗出來,我想房東也許還會願意和連鎖電影院一起坐下來解決問題而不強迫他們搬走。」
金融時報估計停業後的 Cineworld 要撐到明年春天開始有大片替他們帶來收入之時,恐怕還需要3億美元左右的資金挹注。另一方面,全世界最大的連鎖電影院 AMC 目前的負債也有高達55億美元,這數字大約是他們股票市值的八倍。所以接下來會發生什麼事?
一如先前的其他媒體報導,金融時報也預測未來串流會取代電影院成為主要發行管道,某些中大型規模電影也許還有機會上電影院放映個幾週並隨即上架串流,但過去長達數個月的空窗期肯定會絕跡。問題在於負債累累(而且最近都借了成本超高的資金)的現有電影院經營者怎麼找台階下?Disney、Warner、Universal 或 Netflix 到底會不會伸出援手收購?報導中某個和片廠有關係的人士給了一個極為殘忍的答案:
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《Tenet 天能》的美國票房欠佳引發的骨牌效應,繼續讓更多電影工業的上下游應聲倒地。
繼《Black Widow 黑寡婦》延期、《007:生死交戰》延期以及連帶使英國第一大、美國第二大連鎖電影院 Cineworld / Regal 宣佈全面停業之後,上週又傳出年底的《Dune 沙丘》將大幅延後到明年10月。此外曾因男主角確診而延誤拍攝的《The Batman 蝙蝠俠》則讓出明年10月檔期,直接延後至後年年3月。
在此同時,將替 MGM 發行《007:生死交戰》的Universal,為了把明年4月的檔期讓給該片,也把自家的《F9 玩命關頭9》再往後微調2個月,延至6月上映。
《天能》這堂課讓 Warner 和其他好萊塢片廠學會用時間換取機會。然而英國影評人 Guy Lodge 也在近日的衛報專欄指出:時間並不是無限的資源。也許等某一天每家片廠都終於覺得可以放心發行電影的時候,這世界上可能已經沒有電影院了。
在上一波檔期大風吹時被獨留在檔期表上、沒有延後上映的 Pixar 動畫《Soul 靈魂急轉彎》上週終於確定將在美國直接上架串流服務 Disney+,不過在電影院仍正常營業的市場將維持電影院發行。這是今年第二部受到疫情影響的 Pixar 電影。年初的《Onward 1/2的魔法》也在上映後不久隨即打破空窗期上架 Disney+。不同的是,《靈魂急轉彎》在美國市場將直接跳過電影院發行,連放映幾天的機會都沒有。此外,和早先也在多國直接上架 Disney+ 的《Mulan 花木蘭》不同的是,Disney+ 的既有訂戶將可免費觀賞,而不用額外付出費用。
《靈魂急轉彎》已經是接下來2020年僅存的好萊塢大片,如果連電影院體驗的聖盃騎士 Christopher Nolan的《天能》都挺不住振興電影院的大業,讓一部 Pixar 動畫片來承擔這個重則會更不合理。而且適合闔家觀賞的親子電影向來在網路隨選市場非常吃香,上網賣顯得名正言順。
問題在於 Disney 為什麼不再設付費門檻?為什麼不敢複製《花木蘭》模式?
IndieWire 的分析認為不管《花木蘭》模式成不成功,Disney理所當然不會選擇像競爭對手 Universal 那樣繼續把PVOD的餅做大。因為PVOD是串流的直接競爭產品,而 Disney 自己已經在串流上花了數十億美元的投資,沒有必要搬石頭來砸自己的腳。
Disney 的另外一個算盤則對準了聖誕節檔的主要對手:Universal 的《Croods: A New Age 古魯家族2》。雖然該片目前還留在檔期表上,估計 Universal 遲早也會宣佈直接上架 PVOD。
成本超過1.5億美元的《靈魂急轉彎》將成為 Disney+ 的聖誕節主打強檔(或是當成慶祝 Disney+ 一週年的生日禮物),扮演青黃不接的內容荒之後的救援投手。而《古魯家族2》如果比照先前《Trolls World Tour 魔髮精靈唱遊世界》的定價19.99美元可以看48小時,將會在整個聖誕節假期中被6.99美元可以看一整個月海量節目加《靈魂急轉彎》的 Disney+ 給狠狠壓制在地。
巧妙的是,正好也快滿一週歲的 Apple TV+ 近日突然決定再送出大禮,在11月、12月和明年1月各致贈4.99美元點數(正好等於月租費)給一年前被送免費一年份 Apple TV+ 的 Apple 用戶,讓這些用戶約滿之後將可以延畢三個月。這個時間點似乎不是巧合,正好留住這些客戶直到聖誕長假之後。
所以 Apple 是打算防止他們在聖誕連假轉台去 Disney+ 看 Pixar 的《靈魂急轉彎》或是 Universal 的《古魯家族2》嗎?還是 Apple TV+ 終於製作出重量級節目準備在這三個月征服家家戶戶的客廳,說服他們付費續訂?
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Cineworld Chief Asks U.K. Government to Reinstate Furlough as Staff Seek Clarity on Pay(https://bit.ly/3lw9hy9)
Odeon to open weekends-only at some cinemas(https://bbc.in/2SuPXF0)
As movies slip and Regal shuts doors again, many theaters may not survive the maelstrom(https://bit.ly/3diB8it)
Why Hollywood studios pulled the plug on cinemas(https://on.ft.com/33ItFpI)
Patty Jenkins Warns Theater Shutdowns ‘Will Not Be a Reversible Process(https://bit.ly/2FjTEu1)
Dune delayed to October 1st, 2021(https://bit.ly/2I2SCnh)
‘GLOW’ Season 4 Canceled Due to COVID-19 Pandemic(https://bit.ly/34rJKPv)
Making Sense of TV's Wave of "Un-Renewals"(https://bit.ly/33Qcnae)
'It’s crazy good': Covid boom leaves UK furniture firms sitting pretty(https://bit.ly/3dkc22k)
Is Pixar's Soul Free On Disney+?(https://bit.ly/34GrLVz)
Apple is extending some Apple TV+ subs through February 2021 for free(https://tcrn.ch/3iL7xPq)
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universal pull 在 臺南 TODAY Facebook 的精選貼文
Power Saving has a skimmer - casually " closed " Electric Light, computer; air conditioning " tune " 1 c," change " energy saving save the electric wheel ;" pull off the standby plug; Air Conditioning Filter time " Clear ", universal energy saving ± 1
universal pull 在 DABOYWAY - Baby You [Official MV] Youtube 的評價
ฟังและดาวน์โหลดเพลง ‘Baby You’ จากอัลบั้ม DABOYWAY ได้แล้วที่นี่: https://DABOYWAY.lnk.to/BabyYouID
Listen / download ‘Baby You’ from a debut album “DABOYWAY”: https://DABOYWAY.lnk.to/BabyYouID
o Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daboywayofficial
o Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daboyway
o Twitter: https://twitter.com/daboyway100
o Joox: http://bit.ly/JooxDABOYWAY
o Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyDABOYWAY
o Apple Music: http://bit.ly/AppleDABOYWAY
Song: Baby You
Written by: Daboyway, Richard Craker, Alexander Sypsomos
Produced by: Richard Craker
MV Directed by: GAGS
Pre Chorus:
Oh baby you
You looking at me like a come up
You think I’m sexy cause I got my ones up you want what you want love you want drugs girl
Oh baby you
You looking at me like a come up
You think I’m sexy cause I got my ones up you want what you want love you want drugs girl
Verse 1:
And she bad like a motherfucker (so bad)
And she bad for a motherfucker (so bad)
Got me running like a motherfucker (ok)
Got me ducking like a motherfucker
She be floating round the bands floating floating round the bands
Floating round the bands She be floating round the bands
She ain't got a man she said she model in Japan
She fakin for the gram with your bottle in her hand
She’s a cold blooded killer tho
And she pull up everywhere you go
Caught a vibe and it let me know
She was trouble she’s the devil had to let her go
Oh baby you
You looking at me like a come up
You think I’m sexy cause I got my ones up you want what you want love you want drugs girl
Verse 2:
Her soul she a icy bitch
And she like me cause my icy drip
Yo she frigid
Her heart the winter blizzard
She a work of art
She looking like she play the part
Looking like desert cinemax its after dark
Not a good idea to start she camaflouged her heart
Get lost up in the sauce she'll have you out here looking crazy and that shits retarded
Pre Chorus:
She be floating round the bands
floating floating round the bands
Floating round the bands
She be floating round the bands
She ain't got a man she said she model in Japan
She fakin for the gram with your bottle in her hand
Oh baby you
You looking at me like a come up
You think I’m sexy cause I got my ones up you want what you want love you want drugs girl
Oh baby you
You looking at me like a come up
You think I’m sexy cause I got my ones up you want what you want love you want drugs girl
She’s a cold blooded killer tho
And she pull up everywhere you go
Caught a vibe and it let me know
She was trouble she’s the devil had to let her go
Oh baby you
You looking at me like a come up
You think I’m sexy cause I got my ones up you want what you want love you want drugs girl
Oh baby you
You looking at me like a come up
You think I’m sexy cause I got my ones up you want what you want love you want drugs girl
#DABOYWAY #BabyYou #DefJamThailand
Music video by DABOYWAY performing Baby You. © 2020 Universal Music (Thailand) Ltd
universal pull 在 Jessica Vu Youtube 的最讚貼文
Whenever spring comes around, I start to switch to natural glam, no makeup makeup looks - so here’s one to get the season started! Thank you VDL for partnering with me for this video, check out the Perfect Lasting Foundation here: http://bit.ly/jessica_vdl + use code “JESSICA20” for 20% off!
✧ IG: http://www.instagram.com/jessyluxe
✧ SNAPCHAT: https://www.snapchat.com/add/luxejessy
✧ SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/jessyluxe
✧ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/luxejessy
Can you tell it's almost spring? I can definitely tell here in LA, as the butterflies begin to migrate ?
My little sister just started her spring break, so...here's the perfect beginner-friendly vacation/everyday makeup look! It's so easy, I think anybody can do it. Sometimes less really is more (´。• ω •。`) I definitely feel that way around this time of year. Is it something in the air? I don't know why, but I always go super glam in the summertime and fall and then revert to natural looks for winter and spring...hmmm ╮( ̄ω ̄;)╭
Anyhow, I noticed the Instagram model look has changed from super glam to a more natural glam over this past year (ft. full bushy brows, faux freckles, fluttery lashes, and a natural base) and I kind of love it. I definitely pull a lot of my inspiration for makeup from Instagram so I've been digging this look lately. Sometimes I don't even wear falsies...who am I... (→_→)
? Spring in literature usually symbolizes rebirth and renewal. So if this year hasn't been going as great as you had hoped, take this time to take a step back, reanalyze, and set new goals (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ I've started spring cleaning and tbh...there's nothing more therapeutic than decluttering. It also feels great to know some items will be more useful finding a new home.
Hope you're all doing well!
♡ ??
↳ ᴇ ʏ ᴇ s
- mac dazzleshadow liquid (“blinking brilliant”) http://bit.ly/2HrQoMu
- benefit cosmetics brow contour pro (“03 brown - medium”) http://bit.ly/2ud6GAl
- milk makeup long wear gel eyeliner (“ceo”) http://bit.ly/2CL53yX
- benefit cosmetics BADgal BANG! volumizing mascara http://bit.ly/2E8kqTh
- velour luxe faux mink false lashes (“friends whisp benefits”) http://bit.ly/2HFzYiT
↳ ғ ᴀ ᴄ ᴇ
- vdl perfect-lasting foundation (“v03”) http://bit.ly/jessica_vdl
- kevyn aucoin the sculpting contour powder (“medium”) http://bit.ly/2AlxyCc
- il makiage mineral baked bronzer (“wannabe”) http://bit.ly/2TcSBx4
- thebalm mary lou-manizer highlighter http://bit.ly/2EzV27r
- benefit cosmetics brow contour pro (“03 brown - medium”) http://bit.ly/2ud6GAl
↳ ʟ ɪ ᴘ s
- nyx professional makeup slim lip pencil (“natural”) http://bit.ly/2R62oEb
- anastasia beverly hills pro pencil (“base 1”) http://bit.ly/2CX1s1V
- buxom full-on plumping lip cream (“white russian”) http://bit.ly/2u9XRaw
- fenty beauty gloss bomb universal lip luminizer (“fenty glow”) http://bit.ly/2HCjY1j
↳ ᴛ ᴏ ᴏ ʟ s
- real techniques miracle body complexion sponge http://bit.ly/2zFLWDS
- luxie tapered blending brush http://bit.ly/2TR76bg
- shiseido eyelash curler http://bit.ly/2PcbYrP
- real techniques flawless base set (“contour brush”) http://bit.ly/2TBRKah
- luxie tapered blending brush (229) http://bit.ly/2TR76bg
- too faced mr. right perfect powder brush http://bit.ly/2zxsHNp
- sigma high cheekbone highlighter brush (F03) http://bit.ly/2GPQWMK
↳ ᴡ ᴇ ᴀ ʀ ɪ ɴ ɢ
« yesstyle code “JESSICA10” »
- gold taimi hoop earrings http://bit.ly/2Y0Ju6h
- camera: canon eos rebel t6i dslr https://amzn.to/2PcG1Mk
- lens: ef-s 18-55mm is stm kit lens https://amzn.to/2P7wAxx
- lighting: westcott softbox 16 x 40” https://bhpho.to/2DRNMoV
- mic: rode videomic pro https://amzn.to/2P8jgJo
- editing program: final cut pro x 10.4.1
- VALNTN - Mona Lisa https://thmatc.co/?l=A9A9897D
?business email: jessica@rare.global
ғᴛᴄ: sᴘᴏɴsᴏʀᴇᴅ ʙʏ ᴠᴅʟ. ?
universal pull 在 BOOM HUI Youtube 的最讚貼文
以上是 5 套我在中国广州时穿的 5 套偏舒适的春装搭配。
广州正好是春天,气温在8-18 度左右,正是穿外套的好天气!
希望你们会喜欢 ! :)
Here are 5 outfits of me during my business trip to Guang Zhou, China which are way more comfortable.
It's Spring there and the temperature is around 8-18 celsius.
Totally my beloved weather because I can style in layered & not cold as winter ! hah
Hope you guys like this lookbook ! :*
✦ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bhui94
✦ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Boom-Hui-137023923452048/
Top : Ralph Laurent
Jacket / Bottom : Uniqlo
Shoes : Taobao
Belt / Socks : Brands Outlets
Top : Universal Traveller
Jacket : Taobao
Bottom : Uniqlo
Shoes : Forever 21
Belt : Brands Outlets
Dress / Glasses / Boots : Taobao
Socks : Brands Outlets
Top : Pull & Bear
Bottom / Net / Shoes : Taobao
Hat : H&M
Top : Uniqlo
Bottom : Filanto
Jacket : Boutique at Sunway Pyramid
Shoes : Taobao
Glasses : Brands Outlets
Hope this video inspired you ! :)
** This is not a sponsor video.