⭐️A journal to more focus, meaning and clarity in 2021⭐️��2020 has not been easy to navigate for many of us.��As an artist by nature, trying to stay focused and consistent on all the ideas and thoughts that I’m churning out has never been easy.
During the past few years, after getting frustrated with myself over and over again, I have put in a lot of time and effort to study and develop a system of goal-setting, action mapping and routine building - specifically for people who have problems focusing and prioritising.
By creating this wellness journal, I hope that I can inspire and prompt you to slow down, re-navigate and reset within. As a restful of having gone through complicated/extensive goal setting journal sand given up very shortly, I have intentionally kept this journal uncomplicated and physically light, so we don’t lose focus and can always easily carry it around or come back to review it.��Our wellness journal 2021 consists of:
* for women and creative entrepreneurs who want to realise their goals more effectively
* For people who are seeking more joy and a better balance in life
* NOT for people who are seasoned planners and enjoy more complicated systems and extensive daily/quarterly tracking structures
* Simplified system of goal setting for people who easily lose focus
* Physically light to carry around and review regularly (reviewing goals regularly is very important!! I will explain more as we journey and work on this journal together in the coming months)
* Packed with beautiful images and inspiration quotes, with the 2nd half of the journal being clean lined notepapers for your own journalling and doodling (as Richard Branson says, it’s very important to carry a notebook around with you to write all your thoughts and ideas down in a timely manner)
�All proceeds will be donated to a charity of our choice.
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