Casting a spotlight on the importance of maternal health today with my amazing midwife, Miss Jennifer.
When Ella Grace was born, I honestly don’t think I would have survived those first few weeks and months if not for my mama tribe and the kindness and compassion of Jenlia Maternal Services.
If you know some of what I specialize in and teach, you’d be surprised to know that when I gave birth to Ella Grace and for months after, I was paralyzed with indecision.
Shame, guilt, regret, fear, I was convinced I was failing and had failed her. I was afraid I would break her and suddenly overwhelmed by all the little things and what was craziest of all, how much I really knew but just couldn’t get my body and heart and brain to understand that I was capable and more than qualified for motherhood.
Somewhere between my hormones crashing and a heartbreaking birth story, I lost a little part of me.
Having Jennifer and team care of me as Ella Grace and I learned to become was one of the biggest gifts and really was in part, a catalyst for my career working with mamas as a Child & Family Development Specialist.
I couldn’t go back to teaching teachers or little ones after. I knew and had lived through this horror that no one spoke of and it was my life’s work to change it. To empower mamas. To give them tools and set them up for success.
To be their Jennifer in the lonely scary world of motherhood not talked about and to be a safe space to say I got you. Let’s figure this out together. I will stand in the gap with you.
This last weekend, I ran into Miss Jennifer at the airport. It was late and we had both spent the day teaching and speaking. I beamed from ear-to-ear as I saw her, so fiercely proud of what she was still building and what she had built in me.
Look at us now!!!! as I gave her the biggest hug in the world and introduced her to everyone I knew.
There is no shame in asking for help. There is no shame in needing a break or breathing space.
Even the specialist has a specialist.
Even the specialist needs a safe place to fall apart and put back together.
Find your Jennifer.
Share your stories.
Hear us ROAR!
#mywishformoms #maternalhealth