#葉郎每日讀報 #一週大事版
更高品質的觀影體驗,比如 IMAX」
昨晚的《DC FanDome》直播活動宣示了這一週就是名符其實的 Warner 週。而其中最要緊的重頭戲(不只是 Warner 的,也是全世界電影產業的重頭戲),就是2020暑假檔第一部(嚴格說也是算最後一部)上映的好萊塢大片——《Tenet 天能》。
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在歷經五個月的暫停營業之後美國電影院終於準備重新開門營業,NATO 美國電影院經營者協會也在日前正式發佈了將在全美國電影院實施的防疫措施準則。
他們參考 WHO、美國疾管局以及勞動安全主管機關發佈的各種規定和建議後,美國電影院確定將要求所有員工和觀眾在影廳內及其他公共區域皆須全程配套口罩。此外準則中還規定了相關減少座位數、維持社交距離和提高通風標準等規定。目前已經有超過300家企業所經營的2600個據點(涵蓋30000銀幕數)已經簽署同意採用該標準。
本週在全美2000家電影院上映的獨立製作《Unhinged 超危險駕駛》是疫情後第一部在美國的規模上映的電影,但真正的重頭戲還是兩週後的片廠大片《天能》。延期多次的《天能》預計分階段上映:包含台灣在內許多國際市場將優先在8月26日上映,然後9月3日在美國、9月4日在中國上映。屆時預期美國多數城市的電影院都有機會開門營業,但本週仍未恢復的紐約和洛杉磯電影院是否能趕上兩週後的《天能》將會是美國電影復甦的重要指標。
Christopher Nolan 的《天能》已經成為美國電影院產業的最後一根浮木。全世界的電影院都摩拳擦掌地期待觀眾能為此重返影廳。但上週也同時傳出 Warner 對於電影院提出了63%抽成的嚴苛條件。
過往慣例,發行商的票價抽成約為50%上下,而且會隨著上映週數慢慢調降。但目前傳出 Warner 要求整個上映期間都採63%計算。此外對於單廳電影院要求至少放映四週(正好接10月上映的《Wonder Woman 1984 神力女超人1984》,對多廳式電影院則要求必須在最大廳放映,而且至少放映12週(正好接12月上映的《Dune 沙丘魔堡》),並且電影開始前還會連帶放映多部 Warner 電影預告。
作為今年美國暑假檔僅剩唯一大片,Warner 很明顯想要確保《天能》可以長期佔領電影院藉以盡可能收到最多票房。相較於那些膽子不夠大、只好通通拿去網路上架的片廠,這或許是 Warner 理所當然應得的。有趣的是 Forbes 注意到這個策略幾乎就是1999年的《Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 星戰首部曲:威脅潛伏》的翻版:星戰的發行商 Fox 當年也要求比較高的分帳比例以及更長的放映週數,並加掛了好幾部 Fox 電影的預告片,以便搭上星戰電影的週邊效應。現在就看《天能》能否在2020年複雜的市場狀況中衝出當年星戰電影的票房。
過去並非沒有好萊塢大片先在國際上映之後才在美國上映,但真的很少發生過跳過洛杉磯和紐約這兩大電影票倉的案例。未具名的報導專家告訴 Variety 說《天能》正在面臨盜版的超完美風暴,因為該片備受觀眾期待卻很可能有人根本看不到(比如紐約的電影院沒開門),或是電影院開了門但還沒有膽量去,最終很可能受到盜版的誘引。一週的上映時間落差對於盜版的地下市綽綽有餘,過去光美東、美西的幾小時時差都有盜版做得到見縫插針。而且現在電影院的社交距離更使夾帶錄影設備進去的非法之徒更難被發現。這是電影院體驗的存亡之際,盜版這個陳年反派角色依舊沒打算洗手不幹。
投資銀行 B. Riley FBR 的分析師 Eric Wold 在分析報告中預測:「未來幾週全球的消費者將陸續回到電影院(美國主要連鎖電影院品牌則準備在月底重啟多數營業據點),我們預期消費者將越來越偏好更豪奢、更高品質的觀影體驗,比如 IMAX」。
他的最大證據是上個週末《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》在中國重映,其中594家 IMAX 影廳總計獲得210萬美元票房,佔重映票房超過15%(還使該片在上映19年後衝破10億美元票房關卡)。另外一個證據是 Christopher Nolan 導演的舊作《Inception 全面啟動》在全世界多國重映,其中181個 IMAX 影廳總計獲得64萬美元票房,佔重映總票房的40%之多。
分析師認為消費者在疫情後對於放映體驗的追求,加上未來12~18個月內滿滿的好萊塢大片類型,都會 IMAX 公司成為最大受益者。
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另一個跟 Warner 有關,而且最近已經被問很多次的問題:為什麼他們不乾脆放棄受詛咒的怪獸與牠們的產地?
JK Rowling、Johnny Depp、Ezra Miller 接連出事,加上前一集票房和評論都撲空,為什麼 Warner 不考慮直接放棄因為疫情暫時停拍的《Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 3 怪獸與牠們的產地3》?衛報的影評人 Steve Rose 認為整個哈利波特宇宙的資產價值太高,才會使身陷泥濘的 Warner 楔而不捨地繼續搶救《怪獸與牠們的產地3》。不論是正在煩惱疫情後如何找回觀眾的電影院,或是 Warner 剛剛推出的串流服務HBO Max,都迫切需要哈利波特宇宙這樣的指標性內容來吸引觀眾。
上週末《哈利波特:神秘的魔法石》在中國重映的驚人票房就是最好例子。系列電影已經成為好萊塢主要命脈, 所以片廠就算搞砸任何系列電影,也會想辦法一試再試努力救回來(比如:蜘蛛人宇宙的《Venom 猛毒》)。在此同時,未來片廠也會更加小心地在明星上船前做更全面的身家調查,確保明星的麻煩過往、乖張言行不會拖垮這艘大船。
另外一個哈利波特宇宙的特殊現象是:才開台不到三個月的 WarnerMedia 串流品牌 HBO Max 已經把自家的哈利波特系列電影下架,並改授權給日前才開台的同業競爭對手 NBCUniversal 的串流品牌 Peacock 播放6個月。
在此同時,Peacock開台時上架的自家電影《Jurassic Park 侏羅紀公園》系列則在短短17天後下架,又另外授權給 Netflix 播放。
而這種打破以前動輒授權一年慣例的破碎式授權方式,使版權方成為最大受益者,因為他們收到的版權費大大地增加了。比如Warner,或是擁有5000部電影的老片廠 MGM 就再度靠著龐德電影和各種舊片財源滾滾。唯一的例外是已經慢慢變得不太願意購買來自別人的內容授權的 Netflix,以及完全只放 Disney 自家內容的 Disney+。
Netflix 把重心從購買版權轉向自製內容之後,已經努力學會電影院和電視上會出現的萬事萬物。基本上別人桌上有賣什麼菜,Netflix家的廚師就想辦法炒出什麼菜。但唯有一道菜,他們的廚師迄今都還學不會。
Netflix 剛剛宣佈停播才兩年的《Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj 哈桑·明哈吉:愛國者法案》,在這之前 Netflix 製作過的談話節目多半也都在第一季或第二季被腰斬。本來 Netflix 的優勢是尺度比電視更寬,而且觀看時段可以隨觀眾喜好,但這些優勢並沒有替 Netflix 的談話節目找到更多觀眾。
其中一個原因是 Netflix 不像電視台那樣全年無休製作談話節目,觀眾無法養成收視習慣。其二是演算法不斷餵食用戶類似的戲劇節目,讓談話節目很難脫穎而出。其三是如今電視台的談話節目都很會善用 YouTube 等社群平台找到更多觀眾,甚至不排除把完整節目放上去,因為他們追求的是影響力(帶來的廣告費),而 Netflix 的訂閱制商業模式讓他們無法這麼做。
Netflix 勢必會繼續嘗試這道菜的不同做法,但在他們找出自己的成功配方之前,深夜談話節目的美國傳統將繼續在電視台上活下去。
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一場漂亮的仗,開打的時機點非常重要。Facebook、Microsoft 和遊戲開發商 Epic Game 這幾週先後展開對Apple的抗稅運動,偏偏 Apple就在這幾天突破了兩兆美元的市值關卡。很難不讓人把兩個獨立事件連結起來大作文章,認為Apple太大確實是有害的。
《Fortnite 要塞英雄》是新冠病毒肺炎疫情中最奇特的內容產業現象。這款線上遊戲中舉辦過音樂會、舉辦過影展,如今開發商 Epic Game 進一步利用遊戲的聚眾能力來當成散佈抗議言論的集會場。在該公司跟 Apple 和Google 的收費抽成爭議中,Epic 精明地把玩家的反應計算在裡頭。他們率先發佈20%折扣回饋方案,來吸引玩家注意到他們的抗議訴求。緊接著 App 先後被 Apple 和 Goole 下架之後,Epic 隨即在遊戲的派對活動中舉行他們早就拍好的抗議短片首映活動。同一時間登入遊戲的玩家會被引導到首映會的虛擬會場,而且長僅48秒的諷刺短片放映過程中遊戲會暫停無法繼續玩。
Epic 意在確保他們的抗議行動現場能有最多的支持者到場助陣。雖然 Epic 沒有對外公布數字,但先前Travis Scott的線上音樂會曾吸引超過千萬玩家參與。這意謂著 Epic 很可能利用遊戲的虛擬空間完成了一次千萬人同時到場參與的抗爭活動。
包含紐約時報、華盛頓郵報等美國新聞媒體所組成組織Digital Content Next近日寫信給Apple執行長Tim Cook,要求重新談判App Store高達30%的不公平抽成比例。
這些媒體在信中舉了不久前因為國會聽證會而被揭露的差別待遇案例:Apple早在2016年就提供給Amazon特殊待遇,讓Amazon Prime Video只需要繳納15%的蘋果稅給Apple。他們在信中酸溜溜地問道:「我們很想知道我們組織中這些優質數位內容供應商還需要滿足那些條件,才能得到Amazon在Prime Video App上頭得到的特殊待遇。」
此外,部落格寫作工具WordPress創辦人 Matt Mullenweg 也在上週出面指控他們也被 Apple 無理勒索蘋果稅,並且被 Apple 暫停了更新App的權利,直到他們屈服為止才願意恢復權限。
WordPress 是完全免費的寫作工具,用戶不需要付費就會得到一個網址跟3GB 的儲存空間。但 Apple 仍堅持強迫不賣任何產品或服務給用戶的 WordPress 必須設置App內購功能,以便 Apple 可以分得不存在的30%收入。這也顯示 Apple 正近乎偏執地用盡一切方法圍堵所有蘋果稅的漏洞,確保流經他家門口的每一分錢都有依法納貢。
Trump 顧問 Bannon 詐財被捕
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美國總統 Donald Trump 長年倚重的策士、前高級戰略顧問 Steve Bannon 在中國流亡商人郭文貴所有的一艘高級遊艇上被逮捕,理由是他以興建美墨邊境圍牆為由的群眾募資項目當中,有許多款項被懷疑非法使用於他個人開支上。
川普的競選操盤手史提夫班農(Steve Bannon)在勝選後接受好萊塢報導(Hollywood Reporter)專訪時曾說:
「黑暗是好的。狄克錢尼(Dick Cheney)、達斯維達(Darth Vader)、撒旦(Satan),這些都是力量的表徵。當人們越搞不懂這個道理,對我們越有利。因為這時候他們就永遠無可捉摸我們究竟是誰以及我們到底打算做什麼。」
是的,這個右翼政治老狐狸一口氣用上了兩個電影哏:其一是引用星戰電影經典反派角色達斯維達;其二是模仿《華爾街(Wall Street)》中另一個經典反派的經典台詞——「貪婪是好的」。
在淌政治混水之前,班農曾以銀行家身份在好萊塢電影投資圈混過一陣子。他一直告訴別身邊的人說他的人生目標是成為當代的蘭妮萊芬斯坦(Leni Riefenstahl)。萊芬斯坦是希特勒的宣傳愛將,她因為執導1934年納粹黨代表大會的紀錄片《意志的勝利 Triumph des Willens》而同時受到藝術推崇與道德批判。事實上1977年第一部《Star Wars 星際大戰》電影的結尾正是仿自《意志的勝利》中納粹黨衛軍遊行進場的橋段。
但理想和現實總是有落差,班農的藝術能力遠遠看不到萊芬斯坦的車尾燈。好萊塢男星喬治庫隆尼(George Clooney)曾這麼形容班農寫的劇本:
1991年起班農熱衷於改編最血腥的莎劇《泰特斯(Titus Andronicus )》,據說他的構想包含把莎翁的歷史復仇劇背景擴大成為銀河戰爭片,並加上人類與低等外星生物的心靈性愛等等荒腔走板的新點子。班農從來沒有成功賣出這個案子,卻不知怎地想辦法弄到了《揮灑烈愛(Frida)》導演茱莉泰摩(Julie Taymor)後來拍成的《泰特斯》(台灣發行商把片名翻譯成讓人錯愕的「戰士終結者」)的掛名。導演說她一直到電影海報出爐才發現有這號厚臉皮的人物掛在演職員表上說是監製,並強調此君從頭到尾都未參與該片的創意過程。
連續幾部製作擱淺後,班農終於在右翼人士身上找到新的「錢」途:他開始替右翼團體拍攝紀錄片,並在電影中大力吹捧莎拉裴琳(Sarah Palin)和川普等右翼政治人物。這些紀錄片多半沒有廣泛發行,就算發行也票房欠佳,但卻在白人至上主義者之間發揮極大的影響力,成為這個小社群強化信念、不斷茁壯的洗腦工具。班農的半吊子藝術技能居然真的實現了他的願望:真正從電影裡賺錢。
這些聳動的紀錄片讓班農打進白人至上主義者的圈子,不僅很快地接手營運右翼媒體布萊巴特新聞網(Breitbart News Network),更讓班農終於與命定的同夥——川普搭上線。
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Another 50-point game by Allen Iverson wasn't enough for the Philadelphia 76ers.
Iverson became only the seventh player in NBA history to score at least 50 points in consecutive games, but he fouled out with 4.5 seconds left, putting Mehmet Okur on the line for the winning free throws in Utah's 103-101 victory over the 76ers on Monday night.
"I had a hot hand and Coach (Jim O'Brien) called my number," Iverson said. "That's with anybody, though. If a guy's going well, you milk it. You just keep running the same play over and over until they stop it."
Iverson followed up his 54-point game in Milwaukee with 51 this time, becoming the first Sixers player to score 50 in back-to-back games and the first Philadelphia player to accomplish the feat since Wilt Chamberlain for the Warriors in 1962.
The last NBA player to score 50 points in consecutive games was Antawn Jamison in December 2000 with the Golden State Warriors. Iverson joined Rick Barry, Elgin Baylor, Chamberlain, Bernard King, Michael Jordan and Jamison as the only players to accomplish the feat.
Iverson scored 21 in the third quarter to help the Sixers overcome a 16-point halftime deficit, only to watch the comeback fall short from the bench. After Okur hit his foul shots, a running layup attempt by Willie Green clanged off the back of the rim, and the Jazz snapped a seven-game road losing streak and a three-game skid overall.
Okur finished with 20 points and Carlos Boozer led Utah with 28 as four Jazz players finished in double figures.
After blowing their big halftime lead, the Jazz used a 15-4 run in the fourth quarter keyed by Boozer and Carlos Arroyo, who finished with 11 assists.
"We started feeling sorry for ourselves a little bit in the second half," Jazz coach Jerry Sloan said. "But fortunately they stuck together and a couple guys made real hard, hustle plays."
Iverson hit a running layup and Kyle Korver, who had 16 points, drained his fifth 3-pointer to tie it at 101 in the final minute.
Iverson single-handedly turned around a game that, for the first half, was sloppy.
Trailing 57-41 at halftime, the Sixers scored 38 points in the third quarter using runs of 16-6 and 20-10 to erase Utah's lead in less than 12 minutes.
Iverson scored on a variety of shots, hitting 3-pointers, off-balance drives and a reverse left-handed layup that brought the crowd to its feet. He went 18-for-31 from the field, including 4-of-6 from 3-point range, and 11-of-17 from the line. He also had six assists.
"He puts up 50 points two nights in a row and he's still looking for us," Korver said. "A lot of guys are capable of putting up 50 points back-to-back nights, but they (think), this is my show. He wasn't like that. It's pretty amazing."
The teams combined for 30 fouls and 27 turnovers in the first 24 minutes, and the game was marred by five technical fouls, including an ugly altercation early in the third quarter.
Philadelphia's Corliss Williamson was ejected with 6:26 to play in the third after being assessed with a technical foul for grabbing Utah's Matt Harpring by the nape of his neck after the two were battling for position under the basket.
Williamson held onto Harpring for a few seconds before shoving him into the crowd. It was his second technical foul of the game.
Game notes
Sloan is 27-15 against Philadelphia. ... Utah players have already missed 86 games due to injury. ... Kenny Thomas missed his second straight game for Philadelphia with a back strain. John Salmons missed his second straight with bronchitis. ... Philadelphia embarks on a three-week, eight-game road trip Wednesday, starting in Indiana.

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After their big man was thrown out, the
Philadelphia 76ers made a big comeback with their little guys.
Center Dikembe Mutombo's ejection early in the third quarter
spurred the 76ers, who rallied from a 20-point deficit behind
guards Allen Iverson and Eric Snow for a 104-96 victory over the
New York Knicks.
Iverson scored 35 points and Snow added 23 for the Sixers, who
won their fourth straight game and showed some of the grit they
displayed last season, when they reached the NBA Finals.
"It's extra special (to win) when you have to fight and
struggle," Iverson said. "We were able to keep fighting through
it. I know last year's team is dead and stinkin', but we took
something from last year's team (in this game)."
"I've had this team for five years and they try," Sixers coach
Larry Brown said. "They might not always play right and they
might not always play good, but they try."
The 7-2 Mutombo, a four-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year,
was ejected in the first minute of the third quarter for a
second flagrant foul. The ensuing free throws by Kurt Thomas
gave the Knicks a 65-45 lead.
That's when Iverson, Snow and the rest of the Sixers came alive,
particularly on the defensive end. Their pressure changed the
tempo of the game, and the momentum shortly thereafter.
"When he got ejected, everybody just stepped up their game,"
Iverson said.
"We said, `What are we gonna do?'" Snow said. "'Are we gonna
lay down? Or are we gonna pick up the intensity?'"
The 6-3 Snow set the tone, going chest-to-chest with Allan
Houston off the ensuing inbounds pass. He limited him to 1-of-9
shooting in the second half after Houston had torched the Sixers
for five 3-pointers and 18 points in the first half.
Snow collected four steals as did Iverson, the league leader in
that category. The 6-foot superstar used his quickness to
contest nearly every pass and make things difficult for the
Knicks to get into their offense.
During the third-quarter rally, Iverson dove to break up an
inbounds pass, scrambled to his feet to get the ball and dunked,
stunning the sellout crowd at Madison Square Garden.
"They have great quickness," admitted Knicks coach Don Chaney,
whose team blew another double-digit lead. "They get into guys.
That's what happened. I thought they really got into us."
The defense allowed the Sixers to put together bursts of 11-0
and 10-0 that pulled them into a 70-70 tie with 1:56 remaining
in the third quarter. Less than a minute later, Snow made a
steal and passed to Iverson, who drove and dished to Derrick
Coleman for a layup and a 74-72 lead.
There were six lead changes in the fourth quarter, the last on
two free throws by Matt Harpring that gave the Sixers a 91-90
edge with 3:50 to play. Iverson and Snow took over from there,
combining for 11 of Philadelphia's last 13 points.
"Allen and Eric, I don't think guards can play better than
that," Brown said.
Iverson, who made 12-of-28 shots and 11-of-11 free throws, sank
two from the line for a 93-90 lead with 3:22 remaining. On the
next trip, he found Snow for a jumper with 2:19 left.
Othella Harrington put home Houston's airball, but again Iverson
found Snow for a driving three-point play and a 98-92 advantage
with 1:30 to go. Snow made 10-of-17 shots and fell two points
shy of his career high matched Friday night vs. Indiana.
"I'm feeling pretty good and I'm looking for the shot," Snow
said. "I'm trying to create or create shots for other people.
I've been told to be more aggressive, but it's still situations
in games."