Perhaps an epidemic which threatens to decimate humanity should be treated as Well’s story turned around: the “Martian invaders” ruthlessly exploiting and destroying life on earth are we, humanity, ourselves; and after all devices of highly developed primates to defend themselves from us have failed, we are now threatened “by the humblest thing that God, in his wisdom, has put upon this earth,” stupid virus which just blindly reproduce themselves – and mutate (13).
The really difficult thing to accept is the fact that the ongoing epidemic is a result of natural contingency at its purest, that is just happened and hides no deeper meaning. In the larger order of things, we are just a species with no special importance (14).
In the last days, we hear repeatedly that each of us is personally responsible and has to follow the new rules. Media are full of stories about people who misbehaved and put themselves and others in danger, an infected man enters a store and coughs on everyone, that sort of thing. The problem with this is the same as the journalism dealing with the environmental crisis: the media over-emphasize our personal responsibility for the problem, demanding that we pay more attention to recycling and other behavioral issues. Such a focus on individual responsibility, necessary as it is to some degree, functions as ideology the moment it serves to obfuscate the bigger questions of how to change our entire economic and social system. The struggle against coronavirus can only be fought together with the struggle against ideological mystification, and as part of a general ecological struggle (88-89).
There is a key difference between the coronavirus epidemic and the ecological crisis. In the health crisis, it may be true that humans as a whole are “fighting” against – even if they have no interest in us and go their way from throat to throat killing us without meaning to it (111-112).
Materiality, usually conceived as inert substance, should be rethought as a plethora of things that from assemblages of human and nonhuman actors (actants)-humans are but one force in a potentially unbounded network of forces (113).
★ The coronavirus epidemic can be seen as an assemblage of a (potentially) pathogenic viral mechanism, industrialized, agriculture, fast global economic development, cultural habits, exploding internal communication, and so on. The epidemic is a mixture in which natural, economic, and cultural processes are inextricably bound together . . . as humans, we are one among the actants in a complex assemblage; however, it is only and precisely as subjects that we are able to adopt the “inhuman view” from which we are (partially, at least) grasp the assemblage of which we are part” 117).
「who is responsible for environmental issues」的推薦目錄:
who is responsible for environmental issues 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳貼文
美國環保署署長Lisa P. Jackson的影片致詞 - 播放於台美潔淨能源論壇(2011 US-Taiwn Clean Energy Forum)。中英文全文如下:
Hello, this is EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson.
Greetings from Washington D.C. It is my pleasure to help open the U.S.-Taiwan Clean Energy Forum in Taipei and to welcome all of those who share my goal of spurring the development of newer, cleaner sources of energy to help secure our future.
For more than 40 years, we have been able to strengthen health and environmental protections, and expand economic opportunity to billions of people around the globe.
Today our planet faces some of the most severe economic and environmental challenges in decades. Parents across the US and around the world are concerned that the world we leave to our children and grandchildren will be a very different place than the one we know today. We must find ways to address issues like depleting energy resources and a changing climate in ways that maintain the history of improvement for our environment and our economy.
Already, governments are supporting clean energy innovation and implementation, while businesses invest in energy-efficient and sustainable strategies to reduce emissions and cut costs.
No individual country or company is responsible for all of the challenges we face. And no one acting alone will be able to find a solution to challenges that affect our entire planet. That’s why EPA is working to engage local communities, multi-national companies and international partners to take steps that promote a greener, cleaner economy.
Over the past two years, we've partnered with UNEP and automobile companies through the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles. And we've expanded the Renewable Fuels Standard, targeting our government resources toward energy-efficiency that can cut costs and reduce pollution.
We've also expanded our work with the private sector through the Green Power Partnership and Combined Heat and Power Partnership programs -- both of which support cost-effective and innovative clean energy technology. In the US, we're encouraging the adoption of a goal for combined heat and power generation to comprise 20 percent of our energy by 2030.
While significantly cutting emissions, that level of progress could also spark an estimated $234 billion in investments and create nearly 1 million jobs throughout the country. Those potential environmental and economic benefits are not exclusive to the US - and we are encouraged to hear our partners in Asia exploring the implementation of similar strategies.
We are also working to expand innovative solutions like green infrastructure. Green infrastructure techniques have the potential to protect clean water and cut energy consumption, saving money and protecting health and the environment. Smarter, greener planning often costs less than traditional methods, and by fostering healthier communities, they can attract new businesses and increase property values.
40 years of history shows that we can increase economic opportunity and expand environmental protection at the same time. There is no reason we can't continue that history today. By bringing together local and national governments, international institutions, business leaders and civil society, we can seize opportunities for a green, prosperous future for our individual nations, and our entire planet.
大家好,我是美國環保署署長 Lisa P. Jackson。
在過去兩年以來,我們與UNEP和汽車產業透過「潔淨能源與車輛合作夥伴計畫(Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles)合作。我們也拓展了再生能源標準(Renewable Fuels Standard),希冀讓政府的資源能做更符合能源效率的運用,進而降低成本與減少污染。
我們也透過了綠色能源合作夥伴計畫(Green Power Partnership)和熱能與電力綜合合作夥伴計畫(Combined Heat and Power Partnership)來拓展與私部門之間的合作—這兩個計畫的宗旨都在於支持具成本效益與創新的潔淨能源科技發展。在美國,我們正在推動一個目標,希冀能在2030年之前,將熱能與發電所佔能源的比例提升到20%。
40 年的歷史證明了我們可以讓增加商機和促進環保這兩項目標並行不悖。我們沒有理由不能延續這樣的歷史紀錄。透過結合地方和中央政府、國際組織、企業領袖和公民社會的力量,我們將可以掌握契機,為個別國家,乃至於整個地球創造更環保,更繁盛的未來。