Too true sadly. Its from the culture of fear first -“dont do that or its Neraka!” / “you will burn in hell if you do this etc”.. since small too many of us have been brainwashed about the fear of Allah rather than the and closeness. Thats why so many people stray and run from religion..when it is incorrectly communicated. 😳😬 I used to run too ..from what i thought were ‘rules’ forced upon me by ‘religion’....rather than what i realized later (once i became less fearful)-.. are actually logical life and health guidelines to follow.I have No problem with that anymore because i see what these guidelines really are..and they help me love myself and loved ones more..😊
When you realize the compassion and love that has been given and is still given to you and us all..then you will feel peace and closeness to God and yourself.
If you dont have love for God and live in fear of him then you may end up fearing life, death, aging and you wont be able to love yourself..❤️😌Ultimately..Theres nothing to fear. Only to Gain. 😊
Young children need to be taught love and mercy rather than fire and brimstone, so they can grow and fall in love with life and themselves and lead fulfilling healthy lives. Thats the responsibility of adults. ❤️💪🏻👌🏻
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