Sau đây là 1 số chia sẻ về những gì Huyền nghĩ mình nên chuẩn bị cho từng kỹ năng khi chỉ còn 1 tháng để ôn:
- Thực hành ôn đều cả 3 part (với mục tiêu 6.5+), còn các bạn có mục tiêu 5-5.5, bạn nên dành nhiều sự tập trung hơn vào 2 part đầu.
- Nắm được cách trả lời các dạng câu hỏi quen thuộc
Ví dụ:
Do you like X?
What do you like most about X?
How has X changed in recent years?
- Chuẩn bị các đề tài (ít nhất phải ok các chủ đề thường gặp như: Study/Work, Hometown, Hobbies, …), mỗi đề tài mình chuẩn bị khoảng 3-5 câu hỏi.
Ví dụ: STUDY
Do you work or are you a student?
What do you like most about your study?
Do you prefer to study alone or with others?
- Nắm được cơ bản cách trả lời (mindmap) của 6 chủ đề chính trong Part 2: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/ielts-speaking-part-2-6-topic-chinh/
- Học các kéo dài câu trả lời cho Part 3: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/cach-tra-loi-ielts-speaking-part-3/
Ví dụ: Cấu trúc IT DEPENDS (ON …)
"How do you feel about others borrowing things from you?
Well, I think it DEPENDS ON the things that they want to borrow from me. If they are low-cost objects, like hairpins, pens, small amounts of money, clothes or even books, I will happily lend them out, and sometimes, I may also give them as a gift. However, if it is a pricey product or a large sum of money, I will have to consider carefully and will likely not give it to people who I can’t trust."
- Chuẩn bị sẵn các tình huống “bất ngờ” như: Lỡ mình ko hiểu từ nào trong câu hỏi, …
Ví dụ:
* Nếu mình không hiểu câu hỏi → muốn đề nghị giám khảo giải thích câu hỏi đó → Could you explain that, please?
* Nếu có 1 hay 1 vài từ trong câu hỏi mà mình không hiểu → muốn giám khảo giải thích nghĩa của các từ đó → Could you explain what … means, please?
- Chuẩn bị các mẫu câu nhằm mục đích “câu thời gian” để mình có thêm thời gian nghĩ ý tưởng.
Ví dụ: That’s a difficult question, let me think for a second.
- Hệ thống sườn mẫu (nếu được) cho các dạng bài chính. (Để khi gặp đề “lạ” trong Task 2 chẳng hạn, mình lỡ bị mất kiểm soát về thời gian khi làm bài thì mình có thể áp dụng các câu trong sườn mẫu - để đảm bảo mình làm đủ 3 phần Mở - Thân-Kết.
Ví dụ sườn mẫu cho dạng Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
It is argued that …, whist those with the opposing view believe that …. This essay discusses both sides of this argument and then I will give my own perspective.
On the one hand, …
On the other hand, …
In conclusion, I believe both arguments have their merits. On balance, however, I feel that … because (of) …
- Nhìn lại quyển vở học từ vựng theo chủ đề. (cố gắng hệ thống từ vựng theo các chủ đề chính để mình có thể linh hoạt làm bài thi). Huyền sẽ nói chi tiết hơn về từ vựng ở phần dưới.
- Viết bài và gửi sửa
Bạn có thể tham khảo 4 dịch vụ sửa này nhé: https://ielts-nguyenhuyen.com/sua-bai-ielts-writing-online/
- Phân tích bài mẫu
Trước đó bạn đã ôn để nắm được cách giải từng dạng bài rồi, bây giờ bạn sẽ bắt đầu giải đề. Tài liệu giải đề: https://www.facebook.com/ieltsfocusmode/posts/1697444003777215
Thời gian biểu: Nếu thời gian cho phép bạn hãy giải đề trùng với giờ thi thật (9h-11h sáng: Listening + Reading), tối hoặc hôm sau sẽ phân tích lại các để đã giải -> rút từ (đặc biệt lưu ý tới từ đồng nghĩa/cách paraphase).
Ưu tiên học từ theo cụm, theo chủ đề. Tới giai đoạn này mình nên “tủ” sẵn cho mình từ vựng theo chủ đề chính (để có thể linh hoạt trong Writing và Speaking).
1 cách để nhớ từ vựng lâu và rất hiệu quả (ít nhất đối với Huyền) là tập hợp từ thành mindmap hoặc bảng (table) theo ý tưởng. Ví dụ:
Khi học từ vựng về Crime, Huyền sẽ học dựa theo mindmap ý tưởng: NGUYÊN NHÂN - GIẢI PHÁP
Từ đó Huyền sẽ học được các từ vựng về các loại tội phạm, nguyên nhân gây ra các tội đó, hình phạt, … như:
Các loại tội phạm:
▪minor crimes such as shoplifting or pickpocketing: các tội nhẹ như ăn trộm vặt tại các cửa hàng hay móc túi
▪serious crimes such as robbery or murder: các tội nặng như cướp hay giết người
Hình phạt
▪to receive the death penalty: nhận án tử hình
▪to receive prison sentences/to be sent to prison: nhận án tù/ bị bỏ tù
▪life imprisonment: tù chung thân
▪to impose stricter/more severe punishments on…: áp đặt những hình phạt nặng nề hơn lên…
Trên đây là 1 vài chia sẻ về những gì mình nên chuẩn bị khi chỉ còn có 1 tháng để ôn thi IELTS. Huyền mong rằng những chia sẻ trên hữu ích với page mình nhé.
P/s: Huyền sắp hoàn thành khóa học IELTS Writing chuyên sâu cho mục tiêu 6.5-7 rồi, hẹn page mình khoảng đầu tháng 6 nhé <3
Yêu page nhiều 🥰
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅MONGABONG,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Here's a day in my life, workout edition! As hectic as life gets, I'm always trying to balance between being healthy and rewarding myself. In this vid...
「work life balance opinion」的推薦目錄:
work life balance opinion 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的精選貼文
[Taking minutes, wasting hours]人人都憎開會,但點解人人都開會?
好,新年,之前講過open office (http://bit.ly/2SsKy2N)呀,hot desk(http://bit.ly/2SxYAjy)呀之類嘅虛妄,咩revere mentorship (http://bit.ly/2SsKtfv)嘅弱智。繼續我嘅反社會理論:開會浪費時間!(預告:下次講啲乜鬼team building,特別係歐蹦嗰啲)
其實我懷疑呢個已經唔係反社會,人人都contrarian咁你同佢地相反仲係咪contrarian?企業(或任何團體)開會浪費時間,真係人人皆知。連你老細,甚至啲CEO都係咁講。但:我唔覺會少開咗。更仆街嘅係啲濕鳩高層聽啲白痴HR搵出面啲MBA天才乾收銀(咁撚醒唔自己搞間公司?),將啲乜鬼軟件開發嘅AGILE (雅居樂?)原則帶返嚟,然後就個個星期開會甚至日日講進度。傻的嗎?不如15分鐘填一次time sheet 丫。
不過作為中層員工,我其實唔多介意開會的。因為開親會我就會好有靈感寫文,我好多文都係在會之中諗,甚至寫完的。仲有可以whatsapp 溝女呀,搵下機票去日本呀,清理電話啲舊相呀等等(所以啲mobile version/app 做得差嘅真係死全家)。
經濟學人啲友真係出口成文,開兩個鐘會(四五個鐘我都開過!)等同普羅米修斯等獵鷹嚟啄自己個肝咁心情。仲好快話你知,1957年C. Northcote Parkinson已經講Parkinson’s law,「議題涉及嘅金錢,同會議上用嘅時間成反比」,即係買卷廁紙講講半個鐘,做幾億投資就三分鐘講完。文章作者(唔係我)發揚光大,提出另一推論,適用於任何十個人以上嘅會:八成人士嘅八成時間,係浪費晒嘅。正如亞馬遜嘅光頭佬CEO 講過 ”兩批法則” – 任何會議,如果兩個pizza唔夠分,就係太多心嘅。潛台詞即係十個八個人。鬼佬大食,同埋人地啲pizza有良心(或落地獄),唔係一陣風。
同樣道理,八成以上嘅會(我懷疑係十成),決定會係河馬(HIPPO)做—誰是HIPPO?HIghest Paid Person’s Opinion,與會人士中最高人工嗰個就一槌定音—留意,唔係最高級嗰個—唔同部門可能啲職級不能直接相比,但人工永遠有得比。所以人工畀梯圖重要,真係英雄所見略同,我上篇文都咁講。
眾嘍囉都唔笨,大家都知道最後都係HIPPO,高人工嘅話事,講咁多只會影響你嘅work-life balance,講完都冇人理,阻住散會,講嚟把撚。所以另一定律:超過一半人唔會講嘢,而至少一半人會玩電話。
其實如何避免開會時間?都係老生常談啦,大家要prep會。應該一早發agenda啦,人人應該預備啦,唔好離題啦 – 但大家都知,老細自己都唔會!而AOB呢part 往往就係老細借題發揮,上至發表佢早近在WeChat睇到乜撚偉大故事,下至講佢最近發現有啲同事點點點。老細要離題,邊個夠膽阻佢?
企管專家話可以提議大家之前可以匿名畀意見:我就從來唔信呢套的!匿乜撚嘢名?邊個IP send會唔知?我真係寫句大字「屌你老母全公司都知Sandy同老細上床先上到位啦」Sandy係咪照在個會度讀?就算公司唔用電郵用問卷,我都係當落晒焊,睇到邊個部門邊個填的。因為我記得啲HR定Admin派嗰時都有睇住邊個派!
另一提議就係:重要嘢講先,無聊嘢講最尾。聽落好似幾合理。頭先都講過,Parkinson’s law「議題涉及嘅金錢,同會議上用嘅時間成反比」,就係因為人有惰性,先易後難,最難搞最大件事嘅多數最尾先討論—正如你去飲都係咁,點難食嘅乳豬都係畀人掃晒的,我冇一次見到會有剩,但幾好食嘅炒飯都唔會食得晒。重要議題先講,應該係好嘅—但,老細成日遲到嘛!
文章作者仲提到話,而家科技先進,message group可以取代好多傳統會議功能:我就有啲保留了。你要知道,往往搵唔返邊個講過乜,又有啲撚樣鍾意錄音,仲有有時有啲仆街傳啲同工作無關的東西,好混亂的。
Perhaps because they are aware of the futility of their input, fewer than half of the people in a large office meeting will bother to speak and at least half of the attendees will at some point check their phones
work life balance opinion 在 CM Leung Facebook 的最讚貼文
WPPA memeber of the months- One of the famous wedding photographer interview ( Nick Ghionis ) www.wppa.com.hk
Member of the Month – Nick Ghionis @ X Sight
( www.xsight.com.au )
MORE PHOTO AND INTERVIEW : www.wppa.com.hk
1. XSiGHT is one of the most famous leading brands in the photography industry and it already has its studios and galleries in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin, California (USA) and also London (UK)… Can you please give us a brief concept about do these studios work closely together or independently while all can maintain such a high level of quality that is absolutely amazing in terms of both business and artistry sense.
Nick: From the beginning the idea behind XSiGHT was to create a BRAND that will represent the best image making in the world. The business model we have attract photographers who are at the top of their game and aspire to be a part of a select group of individuals that will not only compliment the brand but also cement XSiGHT’s position as leaders in the industry.
All our studios work independently of each other with the common goal of creating stunning images and offering excellent customer service.
We put in place a proven business model that all studios would adhere to, but the freedom to create and be artistic in your own right is what makes XSiGHT unique.
2. You are the owner of XSiGHT Melbourne and how you can keep a balance role as you are the boss and photographer at the same time, which seem to be quite difficult to run a successfully business like yours… Do you mind to let us know how many staffs do you have and what is the distribution of their work? Does the scope meet your expectation?
Nick: XSiGHT Melbourne and the XSiGHT brand is owned and run by my wife Sharifa and I. We have surrounded ourselves with a team that can only be described as the best in the business so the day to day running of our Melbourne studio occurs with ease.
Without a great team, it is impossible.
We have two portrait photographers and two wedding photographers, a studio manager (also a photographer), a customer relations officer, two in house digital artists as well as our Creative Director and Photographer Rocco Ancora. Each person has specific roles to help the business run smoothly but most important is client liaison.
All this is overseen by Sharifa Ghionis while I get on with working on the business.
3. For the past years, how you position XSiGHT Melbourne in the market? Did you have a clear target set from the beginning?
Nick: When it comes to marketing our business, we recognize it’s not a once off event, it has a beginning a middle but never an end. There is not one key that opens the door, rather there are many aspects to marketing to ensure that clients are drawn to you on a regular basis. We have consistent strategies in place to make sure this happens and always keep an eye on market trends so as to keep up with changes in client expectations.
4. How you come to the idea of XMENTOR? Any specific marketing plan of it?
Nick: The XMENTORS came about when Rocco Ancora joined the XSiGHT family as Creative Director. As speakers and educators, Rocco, Sharifa and I decided to create a brand where we can draw on each other’s strengths and include different aspects to the photography business from digital workflow to management and business. The brand XMENTORS is all encompassing, making our workshops unique, as we offer photographers content that transcends more than just taking pretty pictures.
5. From your point of view, is marketing plan very important in running an artistry business? Can you share with us your way to figure out your marketing plan as it is very common for artistes that most of them are idealistic and will shift to the “art” side more then forget about the money matter spontaneously… Any advise or suggestions to photographers who just entered the industry and thinking about to set up their own business; and also to those photographers who are already running their own company?
Nick: Many people have a romantic notion of what a photographer is. We consider ourselves artists and get annoyed when business gets in the way of our creativity. Unfortunately this is where many fail in business.
When it comes down to it, we are selling a product. Regardless of the product, a business plan needs to be put in place that takes into account all aspects of photography. You need to calculate ALL expenses: overheads, printing, retouching, production, your time etc in order to make informed decisions and grow your business and profit margin. You need to be a business person in photography rather than a photographer in business.
6, When was the 1st time you had your very first shot? In what circumstances? Was it an amazing one? Then immediate fell in love with “shooting”?
Nick: I first picked up a camera at the age of 21 whilst on holiday in Fiji. Unlike today’s digital world where you are able to see in an instant what you are photographing, I used the camera merely as a tool to document my holiday. It wasn’t until I developed the film that I realise that I might have a talent for this. I actually enjoyed the process of taking photos and instinctively was able to get consistent results without really knowing what I was doing. I thought to myself “..imagine if I actually knew what I was doing, rather than putting it on auto.” That’s when the journey began. I devoured every magazine and book I could get my hands on.
As my passion grew so did my expenses. I built three darkrooms and enjoyed printing my own B&W prints. Like many who enjoyed the fine art of printing, my hero was Ansel Adams. I remember going to an exhibition of his and marvelled at the tonal range and depth that he was able to get in his images.
I would work 3 to 4 jobs to make money and pay for my new addiction. It wasn’t long before I purchased a 5×4 Linhof Master Technica and my 500cm Hasselblad with lenses and backs.
7. Do you remember what was your first set of equipment as a professional photographer? How’s their performance? Good?
Nick: My first camera was a Pentax MG and I grew out of that quickly as I was unable to put it on Manual. I then bought myself an Olympus OM1 which I loved and still have to this day.
8.When and how you have started as a wedding photographer? And how’s this first shoot led you to the way you are now?
Nick: Every weekend for 2 years I assisted other photographers with no pay, just so I could learn, but was too scared to do a wedding on my own. It wasn’t until 1989 that a friend asked me to photograph her wedding. Naturally I declined and thought nothing of it until 2 weeks prior to her wedding when she asked me what plan I had for her big day?! It was too late for her to find another photographer so I found myself shooting my first wedding! At the end of the day, I went home and vomited from stress and exhaustion. I remember paying a premium to get the negatives earlier because I couldn’t handle the anxious wait. When I got the results back I was pleasantly surprised. They were beautiful and it gave me the confidence to do more weddings.
After freelancing for a couple of studios and offering B&W printing services to them, I continued to work from home while persuing other ventures and business opportunities. It wasn’t until I joined XSiGHT that I truly forged ahead with my career. Focusing all my energy into being the best I can be. While I continued to serve our clients and exceed their expectations, my only motivation was to grow the business and remain at the top of our game. However the face of our company for many years was my brother Jerry Ghionis, an amazing photographer, and in my opinion one of the best wedding photographers in the world. It was only until he left the company that I had to make a conscious decision to step into the spot light and stear the company into its next phase. Amongst many initiatives that were put in place, one of them was to participate into the world of awards. Something that initially I was reluctant to do, but felt was necessary to continue the momentum of being an award winning studio, something that Jerry was already doing for our Brand.
9. Which is your best shot? And why?
Nick: With thousands of images taken, when asked which one is your favourite, it is hard to choose. But one photograph that I have dear to my heart is “ The Prayer “ This photograph was taken in the Greek Island of Rhodes, one of my favourite destination weddings. It was taken at the wedding of George and Fiona, who after their wedding decided that it was time they too realised their dream of running a photography studio. They now run XSiGHT Darwin, a thriving business in the north of Australia. At the time this image won 1st Place in the Wedding category at WPPI, it was a proud moment for me, not just for the fact that it won 1st place, but it did so without the over photoshop images that was prevalent in competitions and to a degree still is.
10.Any advice or suggestion could be given to photographers, especially for those fresh photographers?
Nick: I consider myself a purist when it comes to photography I implore all photographers whether you are starting out now or seasoned photographers artistry begins in the camera.
11.What is your motto in your life?
Nick: Many people ask me, what is your mantra? What do you stand for? I think living your life with respect and integrity is what I aspire to do every day.
work life balance opinion 在 MONGABONG Youtube 的精選貼文
Here's a day in my life, workout edition! As hectic as life gets, I'm always trying to balance between being healthy and rewarding myself. In this video, I brought you guys around my full day of working out, feasting and meetings in my Lululemon gear! Hope you guys got some inspiration to stay healthy and fit! Hope you guys are doing well ?
Check out this link for more Lululemon gear ?
↳ Wunder Train Cropped Long Sleeve (Black)
↳ Align Jogger Crop (Grey Sage)
↳ Wunder Train Long-Line Bra (White)
↳ Wunder Train High-Rise Tight 25" (Urbantricity Multi)
↳ Everlux™ and Mesh Cropped Tank (Dark Terracotta): https://bit.ly/3eLv8kW
↳ Wunder Train High-Rise Short 6" (Black)
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup liquid of choice (water, milk up to you)
Toppings: almond butter, raw almonds, cranberries, granola
- Single-leg lunges, 8 kg each x 2 - 16 reps
- Romanian deadlifts , 9kg each x 2 - 15 reps
- Goblet squat, 10kg, 15 reps
- Shoulder press 3kg each, 15 reps
- Rhomboid rows, 2 kg each, 15 reps
Repeat 4 sets
► Instagram: http://instagram.com/mongabong
► TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@mongabong
► Snapchat: @mongabong
► Blog: www.mongabong.com
► Email: hello@mongabong.com
Hello! My name is Mong Chin and I'm from sunny Singapore. I am 1.63m and I am Singaporean Chinese. I speak English, Mandarin and am currently learning Korean in my free time. I love all things beauty and fashion, and I also like to share my life here. I hope you guys enjoy watching my videos!
This video is in collaboration with Lululemon. I do not make any money out of any purchases and all opinion are my own.

work life balance opinion 在 Antariksha Phadnis Youtube 的最讚貼文
Today's video is divided into two parts. In the first portion of the video I am sharing some of the new products I have recently purchased.
In the second portion of the video, I am answering all of your questions.
Timestamps of some parts of the video:
Q & A Answers start from 8:50
Managing YouTube : 9:25
Food Faves : 11:50
My Pastimes : 12:30
Inspiration & Motivation : 13:40
Eyeshadows for Dusky Skin : 15:32
Day-to-day Life : 17:20
Skincare Holy grails : 17:59
Work life Balance : 19:45
Education & Profession : 20:24
Makeup Training : 21:05
YouTube & Blog Goals : 22:18
Makeup Brand Never tried : 25:23
New Year Resolutions 25:57
Why I Chose YouTube 26:33
Live Videos 26:50
Being Dark skinned 27:38
Fairness Rant
Watch some other related videos:
Jouer Best of Deep Lip Creme
Thank you so much for watching this video.
Don't forget to hit like and SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more such videos.
My latest 5 Videos ?
- Colourpop X KathleenLights Dream Collection
- You Made Me Buy It
- Best of Makeup 2017 | Lip Products
- Best of Makeup 2017 | Eye Products
- Best of Makeup 2017 | Face Products
My Blogs ?
Follow Me on Social Media ?
Facebook :- InfiniteReflectionsByAntariksha (url)
Pinterest :- antarikshadas
Instagram :- antarikshadas
Twitter :- AntarikshaPhadnis@PatternedPapers
Makeup Worn:
- Milani Prime Perfection Face Primer
- L.A. Girl PRO Coverage Foundation Tan
- Smashbox Studio Skin 24 Hr Concealer Medium-Dark
- Makeup For Ever Pro Finish Powder 127
- Kat Von D Saint and Sinner Palette
- theBalm Mad Lash Mascara
- NYX Retractable Eyeliner Deep Purple
- Maybelline Hyper Sharp Liner
- L.A. Girl Slim Shady Brow Pencil Black
- Laura Mercier Powder Foundation 18 as bronzer
- Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed Opal
- Tarte Blush Bazaar Palette
- Ofra Liquid Lipstick Manhattan
For Business enquires/Collabs, please drop me an email at
[email protected]
Disclaimer : All opinions expressed are solely mine. I can give you a guideline about the products but It's best to try it out yourself and form your own opinion. All the visual contents of this video are solely mine, please request for permission if you want to use them. This is not a sponsored video.

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Anything underlining this can only be a step in the right direction. Topics. Work-life balance · Opinion · Working from home · Work & careers ... ... <看更多>
work life balance opinion 在 How to Improve Your Work-Life Balance Today - Business ... 的相關結果
1. Accept that there is no 'perfect' work-life balance. · 2. Find a job that you love. · 3. Prioritize your health. · 4. Don't be afraid to unplug. · 5. Take a ... ... <看更多>
work life balance opinion 在 What is your opinion on work-life balance? What is the biggest ... 的相關結果
This is my personal opinion and According to me the work life balance will not get hurted because of extreme work pressure in the office or so much of ... ... <看更多>