AloGives 現在提供了很多的免費線上瑜伽課程給兒童跟學校的孩子們。如果你覺得它很有價值,就一起分享它吧。(網址在下面)
I was 33 years old when I first practiced yoga. And now I've become a braver, calmer and happier person. I wish I could have practiced yoga way earlier.
AloGives now is providing free on-line yoga classes for children and school kids. Share it if you think it is valuable.
Aloyoga Introducing: #AloGives, our nonprofit foundation dedicated to bringing yoga & mindfulness to kids. Starting today, we are bringing 2 million schoolkids free, 5-minute videos designed to introduce the mental & physical skills that are part of social and emotional learning. Teachers and parents can find them all on ALOGIVES.COM ✨
Children today face more pressure than ever before, and childhood anxiety & depression are at an all-time high. We at Alo wanted to create a way for teachers & parents to find amazing classroom-friendly videos teaching kids the mind-calming, focus-building, positivity-boosting benefits that we all get from yoga & meditation! 🙏
How old were YOU when you first started yoga? Imagine if you were in elementary school. Let’s change the trajectory of future leaders’ lives by lowering the age when people are introduced to yoga & meditation — by sharing this groundbreaking approach of teaching millions of kids in school to find their center through movement and breath. ✨
This program is changing the curriculum in public schools and we need your help to spread the word!
Join us by posting a pic on Instagram with #AloGives showing the age when you first practiced yoga or meditation (by writing it on your hand🖐!). If you’ve never tried but want to start, write “today” on your hand! Tell people about ALOGIVES.COM in the post, and invite people to tag teachers and parents they know to spread the word. You can also tag 5 friends and invite them to post too to help get the message out! ❤️
#yogi #yoga #aloyoga