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關於badliar歌詞的評價, Mr.生活扉頁

I'm a bad liar, bad liar💔 在婚姻中經歷失敗,Dan 和前妻 Aja 共譜動人新曲 Bad Liar,在歌詞中彼此承認問題,面對感情早已逝去的事實,並告訴大家,其實離了婚後,...

關於liar歌詞的評價, 每天為你讀一首詩

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《Superpowers》第21屆 DigiCon6 ASIA 主題曲 久違了嘅英文快歌!今次仲加埋日文😆 由日本TBS電視台主辦嘅「第21屆 DigiCon6 ASIA 」動畫創作比賽,今年頒獎典禮係首次於香港舉行,由香港數碼娛樂協會協辦及創意香港贊助。感謝你哋嘅信任,將創作主題曲嘅任務交咗俾我哋,除咗有機會可以唱日文歌詞之外,仲可以用我哋嘅電影式搖滾為眾多地區天馬行空嘅作品片段配樂! 曲:Van Chan 詞:Van Chan / Kitamura Kyoichi 編:Nowhere Boys 監:Nowhere Boys / 謝國維 I read about a man who built his own armor Then came a boy who was bitten by a spider How cool it is to be a god who summons thunder But I’m just the most Ordinary Joe If I told you all my desires How I wish I had superpowers Would you laugh and call me a liar But I guess the truth is I don’t know what it’s like to be a hero 夢を忘れた世界は儚い (If dreams are forgotten, our world will slowly collapse) If I tell you right now 今から (From now on) This is our last chance Would you take it anyway No matter where you’re from it’s time to come together Stand up and shout don’t just hide in your own corner Every step we take will get us little closer Now it’s time to show Now it’s time to go Rise together all you warriors Find and use your own superpowers Please can someone ignite my fire Someone just like you ‘cause (Repeat chorus) On and on we’ll keep dreaming on Can’t go back in time 一緒に築いていく未来 (Together we build our future) (Repeat chorus) TBS NEWS HKDEA 香港數碼娛樂協會 #Superpowers #NowhereBoyshk #TBS #HKDEA #CreateHK #DigiCon6 #animation #desgin #award #HK #HongKong

《Superpowers》第21屆 DigiCon6 ASIA 主題曲 久違了嘅英文快歌!今次...