關於proficiency的評價, Arwind Kumar
People who are bashing the girl who scored straight As for SPM just because she wore makeup and spo...
People who are bashing the girl who scored straight As for SPM just because she wore makeup and spo...
【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 資訊工程學系韓哈斯】 Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021 Inte...
People who are bashing the girl who scored straight As for SPM just because she wore makeup and spo...
People who are bashing the girl who scored straight As for SPM just because she wore makeup and spo...
世界上沒有特異性 100% 的檢驗 #sars #lab 新冠肺炎是一個全新的疾病,因此有一些是事實,有一些是假設的。 特異性是一個「雞生蛋、蛋生雞」的問題,因為 PCR 本身就是確診新冠肺炎的金標...
People who are bashing the girl who scored straight As for SPM just because she wore makeup and spo...
學習外語的路上,總是不少人必問我這個問題:「你好厲害啊,一定是有出國留學吧!?」 我沒有「很厲害」,我只是比多數的人更清楚,自己想要什麼。 #打破留學迷思感覺會連載到系列10 #預告下一篇寫W...
「世界為我開啟,讓你帶我遊歷」 ...
學習外語的路上,總是不少人必問我這個問題:「你好厲害啊,一定是有出國留學吧!?」 我沒有「很厲害...