關於image scale的評價, Michelle Phan
Beauty is everywhere. Spread the Love gorgeous ♥ ∞ Dear Ones - Can we talk about something? Fo...
Beauty is everywhere. Spread the Love gorgeous ♥ ∞ Dear Ones - Can we talk about something? Fo...
#大錯特錯的言論催生比較容易吃全餐 最新一期的NEJM新英格蘭醫學雜誌(2018.08.09) 比較了低風險第一胎的孕婦 (6106個產婦) 兩種處置方式 #滿39週催生(n=3062) VS ...
Hong Kong Independence? …all you need to know about recent Hong Kong in 15 minutes ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄...
嚮十幾年前,我睇過一本當時好 hit 的書 叫 "窮爸爸、富爸爸" 當中佢帶出好多的論點 以我當時大學二年級左右的 IQ 覺得好有道理,但十幾年之後就覺得當中伏味濃郁 當中有好多個論點,講...
One year ago today, Cecil the Lion was hunted by an American Trophy Hunter in Hwange National Park,...
ลองเข้าไปติดตามภาคภาษาอังกฤษได้ที่นี่นะครับ Thaksin Shinawatra in Private Discussion World Policy...