關於unicycle的評價, Lee Hsien Loong
Met Mr Yong Thor Sat in Teck Ghee practising on his unicycle, so asked him to show me a trick or two...
Met Mr Yong Thor Sat in Teck Ghee practising on his unicycle, so asked him to show me a trick or two...
一個輪胎的摩托車問世,好炫! This one-wheeled motorcycle makes...
คลิปใหม่ลง 18.00 นะครับ การบ้านเสร็จแล้วรอชมได้เ...
爬山真的很過癮 以前騎單車就是喜歡這種環境 但想到要流好多汗,時間又很長 想著想著就算了 上山像重機...
Uhh...would any of you try this?(°o°;) #VideoOfTh...
我這禮拜在好奇,單輪車可不可以騎環島?!我想知道我大概可以騎多遠。。。結果。。。。 我忘了說。。騎單...
#MyBurnOfTheDay was arms & some back but threw in ...
不是每天都看得到的畫面。騎單輪腳踏車通勤。 Not a scene you see everyday...