wooden plank 關於wooden plank的評價, 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol <3 俐媽英文教室:蘭嶼逹悟族拼板船篇 有機會一定要去領略蘭嶼的美! canoe (n.) 獨木舟 typical (a.) 典型的 propel (v.) 驅動前進(pro-: forwa... 2013-10-14 22:14:19 有 254 人說讚
wooden plank wooden plank ✨Feel the fear, and do it anyway. Let your courage ✨Feel the fear, and do it anyway. Let your courage... 2017-10-18 22:27:20 有 78 人說讚
wooden plank wooden plank Video, , October 4, 2017 Blooper alert! Banging my forehead on the wooden p... 2017-10-05 07:10:51 有 77 人說讚
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wooden plank wooden plank 🇭🇰Snake. The large wooden plank that writes 蛇王林 ( 🇭🇰Snake. The large wooden plank that writes 蛇王林 (... 2017-07-05 00:32:42 有 5 人說讚