銀河修理員 mv 在 Dear Jane - 銀河修理員Galactic Repairman 完整劇場版 的影片資訊
//Sometimes all you need is just a repairman, not a fancy hero. Let me fix the world for you. // ...
//Sometimes all you need is just a repairman, not a fancy hero. Let me fix the world for you. // ...
陳樂與程嘉藍 03/ 你信唔信吖? MV 主演: 柯煒林、阿冰 @Pomato 小薯茄 #DearJane #銀河修理員 ————— //Sometimes all you need is jus...
陳樂與程嘉藍 02/ I mean... MV 主演: 柯煒林、阿冰 @Pomato 小薯茄 #DearJane #銀河修理員 ————— //Sometimes all you need is ...
今次一齊直擊Dear Jane包裝 #銀河修理員 MV小物!原來呢個MV小物係有特別意思㗎!希望大家鍾意我哋呢一份心意? btw, 大家估吓,我哋邊個玩吹波膠最叻? ------- #DearJane...
陳樂與程嘉藍 01/ 你做咩跟住我? MV 主演: 柯煒林、阿冰 @Pomato 小薯茄 #DearJane #銀河修理員 ————— //Sometimes all you need is ju...
大家係咪Loop咗 @Dear Jane 嘅《銀河修理員》好多次呢?係 @阿冰- PingpingNg 第一次拍MV啊!阿冰今次拍MV都不忘拍返條Vlog俾大家睇下佢呢個難忘嘅經歷!?大家立即去片!!...
-?SUNNY EGG CHANNEL‧ 太陽蛋頻道 ? 最近大熱每天都LOOP 的DEAR JANE 銀河修理員 Galactic Repairman 太喜歡了 還有WYMAN 填的詞 隨心試...
//Sometimes all you need is just a repairman, not a fancy hero. Let me fix the world for you. // ...